>All this delusional Sup Forumstard damage control
>All this delusional Sup Forumstard damage control
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Hey friend that has never posted on Sup Forums before. Are you blind? Review Trump's tweets and a try to follow along. Mueller is our guy, he has been ever since Trump showed him a pardon for his past dealing with the FBI and UOne. It goes like this Manafort ->Podesta -> Uranium One -> Clinton -> Obama -> Everyone else including lobbyists.
Trump knows what is going on, and the entire past and present establishment is being systematically burned to the ground. By 2020 we will be rebuilding our Government from the ashes, with every lobbyist and globalist that has ever stepped foot in DC.
Trump told Tucker in a interview back a few months ago, he said "We will be a one party Government"
Trump said he was going to Drain the Swamp, he is doing it. FBI and Sessions are also currently working behind the scenes.
Couldn't care less you faggot shill
I´m ready for the chaos.
>Hillary for prison, to make the left scream autistically
>Trump impeached and no wall to make the right scream autistically
And me sippin' my coffee watching history unfold.
We're getting the happenings we voted for regardless of the eventual outcome here. Much better than Hillary just quietly deleting freedoms and flooding the country with spics while we look on in despair.
What is actually scandalous about that uranium one deal? What's so bad about a Russian owning stock in a uranium mining company?
Probably that it involved transporting 30% of the US's uranium stockpiles to Russia and now Russia is starting to make new nuclear weapons with them.
what the f did I miss?
Are there some shenanigans going on?
beginning of what?
you're only defending a system that leaves you in debt for the rest of your life after finnishing college, makes you a wage slave in order to pay for healthcare, supports terrorism and finances said terrorism globally let alone the drug trade with your tax money, also you defend a child sex slavery ring aka hollywood.
While Sup Forums fights for something you leftwingers support mass genocide and pretty much all the evil in the world because you can't think.
you can't think through it, you just sit there, probably get high and play videogames.
The beginning will only be here once everything burns down my friend.
>It goes like this Manafort ->Podesta -> Uranium One -> Clinton -> Obama -> Everyone else including lobbyists.
hard to tell whether you're a russiafag or an underage autist
t. increasingly nervous trump supporters
I hate Russia, and Putin. I'm a 26 year old Political Science Major...currently attending Law School.
investigation into trump is heating up a bit, 1 guilty plea + 2 other indictments. Sup Forums somehow believes this will lead back to "muh hillary", because of course it makes perfect sense for hillary clinton to collude with russia against her own campaign
>implying Pence won't build a wall out of the corpses of gays, trannies, and illegals.
>26 years old and has yet to hold gainful employment
sounds about right.
I work with a Law firm in Virginia, right out side DC.
D O N ' T
I'm not even American you dumbfuck.
American education everyone.
Trump wins again.
So you're a glorified secretary. Take a hike, kiddo. Nobody's impressed by your bachelor's degree.
>some dood might be convicted for decade old tax evasion
kek, it's the media and the pedo kike elites that are getting fleeing the sinking ship rather
Ex-Trump campaign adviser (Papadopoulos) pleads guilty to making false statement.
Paul Manafort: Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort surrendered today to special counsel Robert Mueller.
Rick Gates: The former Trump campaign official also turned himself in this morning.
Wow really the left can't meme.
Well in 20-30 years when I'm saving your guns and grandkids for having to piss next to a tranny remember my face.
lol becareful boys these are the big brains were up against
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Keep these in mind, and welcome to Sup Forums!
This line of thinking is just so delusional. Mueller is clearly not secretly working for Trump. Mueller was never involved in uranium one, and barely oversaw the investigation when a new fbi director overtook it. His delivering of samples is completely unrelated to the uranium one deal.
CTR's back in action and they've been getting high as fuck on amphetamines paid for with George Soros' 18 billion
Sage faggots
This is what trumpfags actually believe LMAO
You're not going to be doing any of that shit. Stay delusional, retard.
Thanks Bernie Bro.
The reality is you'll be unemployable and saddled with thousands of dollars of student loan debt.
I owe no money.
>tfw polisci graduate like that guy
>But my graduate degree is being fully-funded
I hope he stays salty when he can't find a job and nobody wants to hire his ass
>right wing and rusky shilling intensifies
It doesn't matter if you're telling the truth or not because even in the event that you're not full of shit it will still be someone retarded enough to support you's money down the drain.
All because you blew your wad over an orange senile moron with no governing strategy.
Guy works for the Ukraine.
Libtards think that means Russia
>His delivering of samples is completely unrelated to the uranium one deal.
I'm actually one of the people who wants to save the constitution. I'm still young, but people like to be salty because I'm doing something positive with my life. Jew fags will be Jew fags. I already have a job lined up once I finished school in April. I also have no school debt because I actually did well in school and my father is very well off.
We are one election away from being able to amend the constitution, this is what Dem's / Shills should be worried about, not a fake Russia story.
Sure is leftypol in here
Btw trump is a Jew faggot. I couldn't care less about him: I just hate you faggots more.
Trump does not even matter at this point. No, Trump is not going anywhere and will be President for the next 7 years, and I will support him as long as I support most of his opinions and polices. But as I stated here
The ability to Amend the Constitution is what the left should be concerned about for 2018-2020....not bashing Trump.
ah a radical centrist I see *tips fedora*
Forget about Trump
Someone explain to me why Sup Forums is so spooky today?!
I am gonna have nightmares, too spooky for me.
Im gonna have fun stringing up your kind soon. God I can't wait.
Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.
Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.
On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.
Looks like Hillary is in trouble! High energy!
Trump voted for rural and suburban cities
Hillary people voted for retards
Yeah guys, I checked this guys post. He is not a shill at all.
Jesus Christ you guys are terrible at your job.
funny how all the people who are "anti trump" have no actual arguments, and just insults. Surely if President Trump was so wrong and guilty, you'd have an airtight case and could BTFO of all of us
Go on then lads, show me
Dude, you know damn well nothing is going to happen to Trump over this. We've been through this so many times now.
Trust me you inbred, you don't want a one party government. The current duopoly is destroying your country, imagine how bad it will be with only one party.
How stupid do you have to be to actually think that?