redpilled or disinfo agent?
Redpilled or disinfo agent?
Other urls found in this thread:
>shines light on Spacey pedo activity
>Jewtube shuts down live stream
jewish puppet.
disinfo faggot and general white trash. Hope he dies of a heart attack soon.
Semi sold out
He used to be like "audit the feds and shit!!! Now he is "I love Trump! The government can do no wrong under Trump!!!
He drops partial redpills every so often just to keep Sup Forums tards and normal fags on the line. When it comes down to the real deal problems he is an expert at disinfo.
It's also good at helping discredit "right wingers" and make them seem as crazy as him.
paleocon pretending to be crazy populist to trick the idiot masses and make money
neither. he just wants to make a shit ton of money off of gullible paranoid schizos.
He is of the light.
Jonestown has always been and will always be disinfo.
Neither, he's just a snake-oil salesman and fraud. His entire act is nothing more than a mechanism to enrich his wealth, he makes a sizable amount of money off of his fraudulent supplement business.
I honestly don't know how people aren't turned off from this guy once they see the tripe he peddles in his online store, it's pure snake oil 100% as is much of the supplement industry overall.
disinfo agents call him a disinfo agent because that is what they do.
Look at his actions. You cannot work that tirelessly for the cause of freedom and see so many real results and be a disinfo agent.
It's easy to tell when the truth is destroying lies.
You are attacked on all sides.
Look guys, He's got a family to feed. Just listen to the show and maybe buy one of the goddamn filters. It's not that hard.
By the way, this is what I'm talking about. Embed a video and what's the first thing you see? Jone's bullshit snake oil.
It's amazing to think that you people are buying up his bullshit. Go look up how the supplement industry is "regulated" and your mind will be blown. Anyone can create a supplement and put pretty much whatever they want in them as long as people aren't being killed by it, and you need to do nothing to prove that they have any efficacy.
god damnit forgot the image. Seeing Jones shill his snake oil in his shows is some truly cringe-worthy shit.
I guarantee some of you dumb dumbs on this board have actually given money to this fucker too, you actually gave Alex Jones money for supplements that do literally nothing except deplete money from your bank account and put it in his.
He was right about everything that happened today. it's amazing there are still retards on this board who think Mueller is /ourguy/. Nothing will come of the Skippy investigation. They're putting it out there to make it seem like they're going after both sides.
Makes money off of peoples suffering is pretty bomb.
>disinfo agent
this has been common knowledge for 10 years kid/op
join the real truth movement on you tube we hate obama and trump and jonestown .
Both, disinfo when necessary.
t. 16 year old
How is his business fraudulent? His products, as far as the supplements go, use the same ingredients as almost any other brand. He just gives his products a retarded name and hypes them up.
Since this is an AJ thread I was wondering if anyone has actually bought anything from the inforwars store? I'm sure they're just placebos but I'm still curious.
He's a stepping stone.
>buy my shirt
got my hillary for prison t-shirt. going to frame it someday
He is just your average no-morals moneyman.
He has massive exposure which spikes every time he says something ludicrous, but he's not commensurately rich. He's only worth about 10 million or so, when he wishes he were a billionaire. It probably grinds his guts that he's not worth more money, and that's why he has gone so hard for Trump, another person who's willing to destroy the fabric of society for personal financial gain.
He drops a lot of red pills, but inbetween, say stuff like "interdimensional pedophilic vampires" to discredit himself and indirectly, people like us. (intentionally) so it would be misleading to say disinfo, but at the very least "controlled opposition"
He used to talk a lot more about stuff that actually mattered. Maybe ((they)) got to him.
>got my hillary for prison t-shirt
Yeah I'm sure the clothing is fine but I'm talking about the supplements and boner pills
>another person who's willing to destroy the fabric of society for personal financial gain.
That was going to happen anyway, most Americans absolutely hate each other and like seeing each other suffer.
>talking about the boner pills
go see a doctor user
agreed I also think he came to the conclusion there was far more money in pandering to trump dick sucking republicans then there was in pandering to conspiracy theorists and anti government libertarians .
thing is people always grow out of jonestown them become disillusioned with the truth movement and go back to being what you guys call a normie .
vary few of the people in the early truth movement are even around anymore I feel like an idiot for still careing.
No-no I'm fine I'm just curious I swear
controlled opposition
K-PAX, NO!!!!
blocks your path
>redpilled or disinfo agent?
>retarded alcoholic
pick one
Useful idiot.
Will Spacey get away with this ?
I'm sure he will because:
Spacey : "I'm gay!"
He's a provocateur, you idiots. He always has been. It's a purely capitalist thing he's doing. He wants to get a rise out of people.
>Hey look goys, ALEX JONES ARGH HE'S DEFINITELY NOT ON OUR SIDE is being censored by us! That means you should trust him
>Ya'know folks Israel is our best ally the Holocaust happened but every other conspiracy theory is true I won't talk a out the Holocaust
>Buy my trash to fight globalism with me!
First off, the vast majority (if not all) supplements he sells have zero evidence of their efficacy. His supplements are also notoriously over-priced compared to competitors, because he essentially shills his brands every single day on his show, claiming that without people buying his products his show will fail and that he's not making any money off the show (which is complete, total horse-shit).
For example, he sells Vitamin D for like $30 when you can the same amount he sells for ~$5,00 from most other supplement brands. You will find many more examples of the supplements he sells being over-priced to this degree.
He makes claims about his products that simply do not exist and have no evidence to support it. He can get away with it because they're supplements and they're not regulated, but it's still fraud.
Are you another dumb goy that has actually bought his products? I feel sorry for your stupidity and gullibility. Pro-tip, the vast majority of supplements are scams with zero evidence for their efficacy. Most people don't even need multi-vitamins if they eat a well balanced diet. The industry is a multi-billion dollar one that is almost solely based on the placebo effect and testimonials, not clinical double blind studies.
yes as wonkey as icke is I admire that he is still anti establishment .
info wars is basically alt fox news .
the real truth movement on you tube is heavily restricted and kept under so new people never find us . I hardly upload anymore I just can't stand that for every one that finds the underground 20 find pjw and jones .
maybe so, but he still discusses a lot of things the MSM doesn't.
He's valuable for political discourse, which is something EVERYONE should want.
good entertainer bad journo
dont be disheartened bro. post some videos
I hate this you tuber but he is right here.
>retorts claim
>rebuts with jews play both sides
>blurs lines even more whilst moving the goal posts
some of you faggots are unironically retarded
thanks bro
old school non sell out truther Webster Tarpley makes info wars look like a clown on ajs own channel .
Great censored video on whats really going on about the fake truth movement shills
Humble water filter salesman.
Snake oil salesman.
Mixed. On a political level, I agree with him most of the time. On a personal level, I think he is a good marketer. Nothing else. Look how he sells his shit like its gold.
Disinfo ? Can't say that because he is a conspiracy theorist. So he connects the info like dots in his own way. That can't be branded as disinfo.
More like, once redpilled who was recruited to become disinfo shill
they're entry-level redpills
most people can't even hear of the JQ without having an emotional reaction so it's necessary to have someone bridging the gaps
those who seek the truth will eventually find out
>local "man" absolutely destroys man made completely out of straw
I don't use his supplements, but I do take supplements and lots of them. Stop making excuses to be lazy and unhealthy.
spot on analysis
rdpilled bipolar faggot that frequently gets fed disinfo by cia
They're the same thing - redpiller ideology is based on stupid bullshit. The only question is whether he's spreading bullshit like mad because he believes it, or he knows it's BS but likes the money and power he gets.
he shills for russia
>FBI and Disinfo
Refuses to point out Jewish influence in NWO affairs because his boss/producer is a Jew
Snake oil selling, controlled opposition lunatic faggot
Redpilled? Not once does that frothing tard name the jew. Because the Jews own him. And don't get me started on that faggot bastard PJW
>Shill retorts with strawman directly as local man completely predicts predictable prediction that predicates predictable shills predictable retrort.
Its not a straw man at all, that's exactly what you fucks say once you divulge sources and arguments about 1 side of the asile. I'm just skipping straight to the bullshit crux axiom of the dialogue we would of shared.
in other news water is fucking wet.
But hes black pilled so why would he hate jews?
He thinks demons are responsible for the evil and corruption the exist in our world.
He's a conman who uses his showman persona to sell his snake oil that has been shown to be full of lead and makes people impotent.
>He thinks demons are responsible for the evil and corruption the exist in our world.
Boy if you only knew how bad things really are...
t. shill
>Not once
I've seen a video where he does
kinda old
the title was something like " when alex jones told the truth" or something
>But hes black pilled so why would he hate jews?
someone's struggling with the terminology here
>Hes a conman
> Everyone who is rich on the democrat side is spotless and absolutely the moral model of jesus himself.
>inb4 christcuck/atheist
okay ahmed
Pick one, and only fucking one. Moral high ground shilling is obvious as black paint on a white tuxedo.
How bad are things?
Anyone who calls Alex disinfo is either a shill or schizo who has managed to come around full circle. It's amazing how every single time someone (1 post by this ID) makes one of these threads (usually with the same question and pic as OP) you get at least 5 or 6 of these faggots (also 1 post by these IDs) calling him either disinfo or a Jewish puppet. It's almost as if someone is intentionally making these threads, then filling them up with proxied comments calling him disinfo in the hopes that it will make people stop watching or listening to him for whatever fucking reason.
>If you think Alex Jones isn't a zionist shill you are a shill
>It's not a strawman I was just giving you an argument based on what I thought your argument was then argued against it
It Took you worthless bunch of kikes long enough to come up with that.
The left already calls us crazy Nazis. What does it matter
>kike ad hominem
>reverse tu qoque straw man
Where is your argument? It's just bread.
If only you knew how bad things really were Sven.
the world is ruled by a bunch of satanists that seek to destroy everything that is good while trying to guilt you for not willingly submitting to their agenda
pretty bad but not yet hopeless
CIA, but accidentally drops some real stuff every now and then.
They do play both sides moron
>Aha! You just called me a name! Ad hominem! Ad gominem!
>Looks like I won't this one...tough...luck....kidd...
>better post a picture of le laughing man to let everyone know how cool, calm, and collect I am
>proxied shill posts
No, there are - believe it or not - actual people who believe he's disinfo. I like the guy but he will NEVER name the jew.
Well for one there are higher beings, much stronger than smarter than anything you and I can even conceptualize. Most of these higher beings are good at heart, same way as most humans are good at heart. But then there is the odd 'fallen angel', beings higher than us in the scale of life who choose to use their power for evil ends.
Now the elite know all about God and the higher beings in this universe. The problem is that the good higher beings (what we call angels) will not help anybody take over the world, while the bad ones (demons) do use their power for evil ends.
In short, the elite worship demons (moloch beelzebub etc) and in turn these demons try their best to sow chaos on earth. Only good side is that demons (and angels) are powerful in the spiritual realm, we humans are more powerful in this physical realm, so if humanity wakes up we could defeat them no problem.
This is really only the tip of the iceberg though.
t. Alex Jones
i'll take your word for it
It's real simple.
He is a redpilled, disinfo, agent.
i.e. He knows better; but he does the shit anyway.
Mulder. He's a truthseeker
Does he really have to? What purpose would it serve. He obviously knows all about it, but see how media and webservices providing him with a platform restrict him as is. Imagine their response if he actually did name the jew.
>he tried to turn arbitrary fallacy names into a meme to deflect.
>what purpose would it serve
Well for starters, making the puzzle pieces finally fit together. But he shouldn't name them because if he did he'd most likely get shut down, which is what happens to anyone on youtube who names them.
>His whole argument is that I called him a kike so he must be right.
Post a timestamp with a side profile of your nose
he has at least once
I can't find the video though
>higher beings
can you prove this?
(not being a dick, actual question)