How old is too old?
How old is too old?
if you're over 21 and on this board you need to die
Kill yourself
14, but there are exceptions, like Komari for example.
Too old for what?
dont be so accurate and hurtful, i live for Sup Forums.
Day before menopause
The fetus.
Fetus porn is my fetish for real, don't say it's too old.
Also there's hardly any good one to begin with, because people have shit taste.
Lets face it, anyone on this board is too autistic to live.
Sometimes age doesn't really matter.
What about Mai-Chan's daily life? I thought that was a good fap.
She is allegedly ten years old
For the 3rd time.
But I'm still alive, so how can I be too autistic to live?
Yeah, it is.
Team Misurin reporting
Komari's age + 1.
Sausage on this animé?
I know.
Please put me out of my misery, Sup Forumsnon.
fuck the anime, read manga
Never got these bath time tropes
If you get extremely uncomfortable by the opposite sex then its clearly rare experience, but most of the time people decide to go to bath together as if its the most normal thing ever.
Its like a married couple getting all blushy and nervous each night they go to bed. its just retarded.
Give me the name the plox
>tfw 27
It's pretty normal to bathe with others present in Nipland, they got public baths everywhere
will still watch the s2 though
How short is too short?
overburied your dick
No need to read the manga. I'm saying this as someone who has bought 4 raw volumes.
I'd say 20,000 is pushing it.
How cute is too cute?
That's grossly too cute.
Ume sensei's chibi characters are the limit.
That is not cute at all, you fucking horsefucker.
When they stop being cute/attractive
Pic related is not too old
>Not wanting this glorious piece of ass
When they can get eaten by bacteria or I can't see them with my naked eye.
Suddenly remembered this.
Yuno > Poplar > Komari
>having taste this shit
It's just the way it is.
Yuno = Poplar = Komari
10-14 is peak. It gets worse with every passing year after that and gets too old as soon as it hits 18.
Whats the name of the series
Disgusting lolicon
>1955 +61
>not being a lolicon
Well old like that granny in the pic you posted.
Only up to 3 years is allowed.
As long as they're fertile
>not being a kurisumasu keiki lover
Maybe after the tenth millennia? But if she's really cute...
Lolis can be Christmas Cakes.
Loli is a body type.
A body type that has nothing to do with christmas cakes.
Are you autistic?
mine brethren
What do you call a 25 year old single loli?
Are you autistic?
>25 year old single loli
>25 year old
>25 year old single loli
year old
Yes, see . If a female character has the body of a child then they are a loli. So if a 25 year old female character is single and they have the body of a child then they are a loli and a christmas cake.
I have no idea what your reaction image is meant to imply.
Fuck off, no one gives a shit about lolis with christmas cake archetypes you degenerate faggot.
>Lose the argument
>F-Fuck off, no one cares.
nice counterargument
That's not a Christmas Cake.
>not being a lolicon
But why 1955
Nice (You)
What a degenerate.
The year Lolita was published
Women smoking is one of the sexiest things in the world, friend.
Sorry, I didn't know how else to emphasize your retardation in text form.
Maybe by necking yourself you can obtain that solitude to be alone with your shit taste.
Ah yes, requests for self-harm. The ultimate way of saying you have nothing to contribute.
14 and over 5 ft.
For hugging purposes ofcourse
Is that your rebuttal? Low level autism in the form of piss-poor one liners? How pathetic.
Fucking hell, why old lolis are so perfect?
This guy's art style is great.
lolis should stay young
cakes and milfs should stay proper and older
you want to mix both? threesome with a mom and her daughter then
Only if both the mom and daughter are lolis.
No thanks.
Anything 25 and beyond is trash.
Rude. Older women need love to you know, user.
Mature women are wonderful.
But user, this is a loli cake. She's 40 and she's unmarried.
as long as you're cute, age is no matter.
That's a boy.
I don't believe you, she doesn't even have any oppai.
This is a 70+ year old woman.
she has spats on though, thats just unfair.
Is it?