Meanwhile: Democrats release batshit insane ad attacking Republican VA gov candidate
Haha Libertarians are hunting minorities now it seems.
Remember to vote on November 7th Virginians
...What the fug are they doing? Why are they throwing libertarians in too?
Because everything right of center is a racist nazi. I've seen dumb commie memes that associate the Gadsden flag with nazis. They're truly this delusional.
>tfw there will be libertarian death squads in your lifetime
>>tfw there will be libertarian death squads in your lifetime
feels great man
uhoh. radical centrist death squads are on the way.
>MS13 raping and murdering with impunity in sanctuary cities
>niggers committing murder at 8x the rate of whites per capita
>Islamic terrorists massacring innocent civilians
>rural white men in pickup trucks are the real threat
How does the left get away with inverting reality?
>ibertarian death squads
The snake flag license plate actually made me laugh. Also, the replies are fun to read.
>Latino victory
>American nightmare
I love how leftists don't have enough self awareness to understand how they unintentionally make everything white people vs non white people and the backlash they unintentionally cause
But there whole advantage was having the lolbertrarians split from the normal republicans, why push them into uniting against the Democrats?
>Better run, better run, faster than my pickup
>MS13 raping and murdering with impunity in sanctuary cities
It gets worse actually
It makes sense, wasn't there a terrorist attack in August where a republican tried to kill a bunch of people with his car? These people are just like jihadists, except waging political jihad instead of religious.
this is literally the 'I told my wifes son that trump was going to send nigger killer minority hunter death squads to kill him and now he's crying...look what trump did' smuggle.
Because they're literally fucking retarded and exercised massive overreach.
Oh thank god it's only 1,400.
Remember that white people, especially males, have no future with the Democratic Party. The Republicans at least talk the talk of reducing non white immigration.
Remember how hated you are by the Jewish Masters and every non white when the Democucks ask for your vote. Don't give aid and comfort to the Democucks that want to turn American into a non white country. Never give them your vote. A vote for a Democuck is a vote for kill whitey.
Blacks only kill rival drug gangs, which are also black
Rednecks are part of the same gang, and their rival is the Republic of the United States of America.
National security is a higher priority than public safety.
at least in the replies there are at least five reasonable people for every crazy leftist.
that truck is bad ass though
>convently ignores all the attacks in California, Detroit, that Bernie supporter in Washington State, and the Bernie supporter who almost killed like 10 republican senators
Orlando Night Club Shooting, what shooting?
Because the Romneyites are now slowly realizing they are seen as now different from Trump supporters and are feeling the pressure
>Hail Hyra!
Oh sweaty, those are trucks of peace. You really need to educate yourself.
It's different when its bad people doing stuff on their own, but the republicans are clearly a bad group. The young man was accosted by his peers into committing a terrorist attack. Sounds similar to ISIS if you ask me.
>the Bernie supporter who almost killed like 10 republican senators
There's a mass shooting every day and you're talking about attempted murder like it matters
You are COMPLETELY out of touch with reality
Utterly delusional
Gillespie will win; the Ds will have another tantrum-screamfest.
The left is so damn weak and desperate. It's a riot watching them try to derail these threads. Pathetic, really.
One victory after another for real Americans ... defeat for the pedos, degenerates, crooks, corporatists , commies and socialists.
Corporate crooks are on the right.
The sad thing is Gillespie is a moderate at best, all they would have to do is make him seem like he is someone who doesn't represent Trump's interest to lose by having depressed rural turnout
Instead, they make propaganda that makes Gillespie look more like Trump's guy than the man himself ever could.
Then why did Bernie get shut out of your nomination?
meme picture isn't an argument, then again i wouldn't expect any more from t_d
They can't have enough enemies it seems or they're just stupid. I'd go with stupid
>Gillespie a moderate
>Northram voted for Bush twice and was going to switch over to a Republican until Democrats paid him a ton of money not to
This election is entirely about causing butthurt.
No seriously, with demographic change all they need to do is not piss off the Whites in Virginia too much, thats it. But they are doing the one thing that could lead to them getting screwed over
>attempted mass political assassination
>would have flipped control of congress if shooter had spent more time practicing
>doesn't matter
>This election is entirely about causing butthurt.
True, True. Though if Northram is literally bought by democrats I wouldn't be happy about him winning.
Lol, another kikeservative apealing to the suburbs of dc and richmond isn’t going to do shit. At best he’ll prevent laws on magazine capacity or tranny bathrooms, but then again, the inaction of conservatives is why we even have to hold debates about trannies in the first place.
That's a truck of peace, bigot.
> As if I'm not ready for this.
Well I voted for Stewart in the Primaries but he only came close. Hopefully Stewart can get put in the Senate next year so it's not a complete wash
Matters about as much as (your guy) shooting a democrat in the head
You're interpretation is backwards, bud.
Straight forward is the literal opposite of backwards
You mean James hodgkins? The guy who allahu ackbarred a Congressional baseball game?
And the opposite of right is wrong, truth is lie, static is variable.
Then why does Wall Street vote and donate Democrat?
You're wrong. I can keep going.
Yeah, Northram would be worse just because of the base he's chosen to appeal to.
Cheap labor and a diluted force that can actually overthrow/perceive (((them))).
Why don't you post the stories of the 168 people murdered by your guy Tim
You mean Ted or Timothy?
You mean the Patriot who put the feds in their place? Those people have their lives to save others. It also pretty convienent all the feds took the day off.
I hate these democrat kikes so fucking much
Give it to me straight VA fags, how’s she looking? Can we flip her red this year?
>t. NOVA expat
why the fuck to they always fall for the same bait
>claim sightly exaggerated numbers
>haha you suck instead of 2k its only 1,4k
>that showed you
I remember as a kid, we’d drive through Annandale, every gas station there were at least 10 Mexicans just loitering
>there will be libertarian death squads in your lifetime
>could you sign this disclaimer to waive your right under the NAP to not be killed by us?
>sure, OK
>2,000: That number seems way too high
>1,400: That seems right
so disgusting..... there is evil in this world
If Virginia votes for the Democrat it pretty much means that Virginia has become a solid blue state. This is Virginia's last chance at being a republican state.
Turnout will decide it
Probably this
>inb4 the number of votes for the LOLbertarian candidate is greater than the difference between that of Northam and Gillespie
>crowd into the street and block traffic
>beat on a car wit your fists or a stick
>"waaahhh, how dare you defend yourself!"
This is perfect. If this gets spread far enough Gillespie will win.
it really will help him desu, we should be trying to spread it as much as we can. I love how they make optics that are so bad that they actually help us
Yeah spread it around to as many Virginians as possible, I doubt libertarians are going to be happy scapegoated as White Nationalists
1400 children in rotherham
1400 years of islam
now this
whats Kek trying to tell us? are muslims colluding with MS-13?
This but unironically
youtube :
No it’s not, VA has had way more Dem governors than republicans. I just don’t want novaniggers and their liberal bullshit running the show
making way for the best president
just freedom all the effing way
First of all, the people who did chase down/run over protesters in their trucks were found, arrested, and trialed (that couple was, at least). Just because you vote Republican doesn't suddenly mean laws don't exist.
Two, but this is obviously meant to scare right-of-center voters into going for the Democrat just so they won't be associated with the Rural Avenger up there.
wtf i love gillespie now
literally saying "the lives of DC politicians matter more than plebs, and that goes double for democrats"
i pity you breh
>tfw can't get a pickup truck like that
But then again I'd probably go broke because of the fuel prices here.
And that comment section is full of alt-leftists, right? If those are normies then fuck all, the situation is worse than I thought.
The shooter was a homophobe, not a Muslim. Didn’t you hear that, goy?
I've got to wonder who the fuck cleared this ad for public consumption. It is one thing to say playing with fire is stupid and dangerous. This add is like trying to turn the gas station pump into a flamethrower and torching your own car with it.
What happens when White National Guardsmen realize that they have to force integration on their own communities? What happens when White Cops realize the same? Who forces integration after that? Integration forced with brown enforcers is not going to go over as easily as it was when white enforcers did the bidding of the Jewish Masters. That tipping point is rapidly being reached. The question is how much more hate will the White Man humbly accept before he beings shooting the Elite Puppet Masters?
> Ed Gillespie encourages minority children to stay active and get up early
He's got my vote.
Moonman music video when?
Was that supposed to be funny? Because it's fucking hilarious!
Gillespie has the support of the civilized proper nevertrumper Republicans in nova
all the Trump voters are going to vote for him because of the butthurt a red VA could cause
Which is why I don't get why the Democrats would create ads that pretty much do more to get Trump supporters on board for Gillespie than anything Gillespie could.
Meanwhile, while the Democrats are cooking up brain dead fantasies of death, in the REAL world, a Democrat fanatic shot and attempted to murder 9 Republican Congressmen.
Funny how they worst act of political party terrorism in American history gets set aside, so that the brain sick Democrats can peddle lies and death fantasies.
They just don't get it. I know this isn't a Democrat ad but just look at this.
Politicians in general are completely out of touch with the average American.
That add just won Trump more white votes.
"Ad paid by Latino Victory."
Might as well have been paid for the "Kill All Whiteys Club."
Spics are delusional.
Why do they release ads in English that would only appeal to spics in the hood?
>Latino Victory
B-but but das racism ...
dat ebil Gasden flag
Nothing has changed about this
If anything it's gotten worse
When Gillespie wins he better be this based
I certainly hope Trump Supporter Pressure forces him to be less of a Romneyite
I live in VA and the ads for Northam make him look like a pedophile defender. It's hilarious.