Can’t stop winning!
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How the fuck do these cuck judges have so much power?
Isn't the president the highest commanding officer of the military? Isn't this within his powers? This seems to be like the Travel Ban, to where your personal opinions on it don't matter, since it's well within the president's power to do so. Unless I'm wrong about the president have power over the military.
I am now absolutely convinced that the entire apparatus of the United States, save the executive, has been subverted by leftists in an effort to dismantle the entire United States and impede anyone or group that wishes to undo the damage.
>some cuck judge delays the inevitable to virtue signal
yeah whatever m8
The Judicial Branch is a co-equal branch of the federal government under the Constitution, and is not under the authority of the President. Federal judges serve for life on good behavior. They can be impeached by Congress and removed from office if they commit “high crimes and misdemeanors,” but that requires a majority vote in the House of Representatives followed by a trial in the Senate and a 2/3 majority vote to convict and remove a judge.
Sounds like they have too much power
They believe Trump wont get reelected and they are smart enough to see that selling out long term stability for short term gain is what 90% of americans demand from their leaders. Get rich in one life time and who cares what happens after that.
So they behave how they expect their future masters to ask them to behave. Race to the bottom.
hell yeah!!!
These mentally ill freaks of nature will make the US the most deadly army in the history of man!!!
If only you knew how bad things truly are.
They don't, it's all an attempt to delay the inevitable
Don't we want transgenders in the military though
I mean better in the army then here right?
>What are checks and balances?
because the constitution is bigger than a single orange buffoon
the executive is infected too, that's where the deep state actually holds the real power. it's the alphabet agencies.
The founders thought democracy was too cucked so they made one of the branches effectively unaccountable to plebs
>eternal leaf thinking he knows anything about the constitution or rights
>pretending like this isn't going to be overturned
Which circuit court is he from?
Yeah he has all the power. The courts cannot tread into the executive domain.
Rhymes with Nein
Which branch of the military's JAG office is this judge in?
They exist that way to be a branch that isn't bogged down by content election campaigning, and the majority of their power is in reacting to what others do. Plus, this is a temporary thing for while this is in court, not just a flat out denial.
Except for the second amendment. Fyck that
> im so proud of my country but i dont actually know how it works
the mexican sneaking over the border deserves that citizenship more than you do jfyi
>She blocked provisions having to do with accession and retention directives — meaning directives concerning joining and retaining military personnel.
so basically what mattis has already allowed months back still no new transgenders allowed to join
Of course it the 9th.
This is the judge, a Clinton appointee.
She is a civilian judge and thus has no authority granted to her on military personnel
In short: the court has made their decision, now let's see them enforce it.
I don't actually know for sure but that would be my guess.
"However, the judge did not order a halt to the portion of the Trump memo that prevented the use of government funds for sex reassignment surgeries."
Art of the Deal. Having to pay for their dick chopping bullshit was the main problem so, no harm there.
A federal judge has NO authority over the military. It has its own courts and laws...
Except the constitution doesn't grant judicial oversight of military actions UNLESS it impedes on the general rights of the people. In this case, enlistment isn't a right and banning certain groups of people from joining the military isn't a breach on someone's rights and the military has done so many times throughout history. This is only a judge "resisting" Trump and playing political favors above upholding the integrity the constitution. This judge should be impeached.
There need to start being punishments for the judges when this happens, either Congress impeaching them or something else. This can not continue.
I like these founders more and more everyday
Pretty sure the constitution predates transgender surgery or therapy
Back then you just wore a dress, you didnt bombard your body into hormone imbalance or placed a permanent wound on yourself thats supposed to represent a vagina so there was less of a risk
They don't .
The President doesn't have the right to break the law. If the President tries to uses his power in a discriminatory way then his actions are illegal.
>The President doesn't have the right to break the law.
This Trump's going to jail.
I can’t even imagine how much of a butthurt pleb you must be if you actually believe this.
show me the part of the constitution that says the military has to cater to everyone
I can't imagine how ignorant you must be if you think the President is above the law.
14th amendment, equal protection clause
>equal protection clause
lol, thats why women served in the military when the 14th was added, right?
Correct. Banning trannies is equal protection, same with being flat footed, over weight, or previously attempted suicide.
Just because they didn't, doesn't mean they aren't supposed to under the law. You're making a terrible argument.
Being trans doesn't prevent you from doing anything in the military.
As a transgender person, this is fucking devastating news. Trump HELPED the transgender community by forcing us to not enlist, and forcing us to not be drafted.
Notice all the war recruitment ads on TV and during football games, as well as every sports show? We're going to war soon.
Fuck! I would never fight for this fucking garbage country in the name of imperialism and corporatism. Maybe 100 years ago, but war ONLY MAKES RICH PEOPLE MORE RICH.
Neither does a previous suicide attempt. Dilating your ball sack diddle hole every day will make sure you never see their asses on patrol either. So it does prevent them from something.
Sure it does. Go on a 14 day walk in the mountains and try to keep your open wound from turning into a necrotic hole. This is just mentally ill people wanting gibs. They need a bullet.
>Notice all the war recruitment ads on TV and during football games, as well as every sports show? We're going to war soon.
They have been running the same commercial formats for decades.
>No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Equal protection under the law does not mean the military has to accept you. It means we're all protected under the same laws. If you're trying to say that the discriminatory hiring laws apply so therefore the government has to not discriminate based on 'gender identity' then I suppose I grasp your argument. But at the same time the 14th amendment clearly says the 'states' cannot do XYZ, it doesn't say anything about the federal government having to abide by equal protection.
Not in this type of frequency. They're preparing for war and brainwashing kids and millennials.
Eat the rich.
>This is just mentally ill people wanting gibs
Let's say that is the case. Why the fuck would it matter if they're a good soldier? The military certainly doesn't have an issue with it, and that sounds like a good price to pay for more people going into the military. There's already a shortage, and I'm certainly not being drafted.
It's not like you can go into the military, get SRS, and then leave. Once you join you're in until the military, you're in forever. There isn't room to abuse the system.
Libshits scrambling to respond to minor issues, wasting precious political capital, while Trump plays the long game.
Civilian opinions on the military, everyone.
>Civilian opinions on the military, everyone.
I don't think you know how our government works m8.
The culture of the military is rapidly changing, the times of accepting people and having less than 100% from them is not permissible anymore. Trannies having to dilate their manpussies everyday for 1-2 hours as well as the ~50% suicide rate, there is no real benefit to the Army collective, only the individual who wants to "prove" themselves. In the military, you don't sacrifice the mission for your own personal crusade. People with this mindset are immediately ostracized and eventually drop out like 90% of the time.
t. Army 1st Lt.
Trannies base their very identify on being a unique snow flake.
Armies function at their peak when they operate as one cohesive unit. No individuality; a single fighting machine.
Trannies cannot comprehend that.
>but durr what about the 3 documented cases of post service trannies
Post. Service.