do you think that soy consumption decreases testosterone levels?
Do you think that soy consumption decreases testosterone levels?
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fried soy is tasty af, so what if it gives u juicy tits
I don't "think", I know it does.
this, lots of studies done
it does?
Nicotine decreases estrogen in your body on like 9 different levels, I have lost 15 lbs and look more masculine since I started with the gum. The vapes have estrogen in the oil so vaping is give and take, the gum though is pretty good since it only has nicotine and no tar.
Show me one.
You need to consume insane amounts everyday for it to decrease. Like impossible amounts.
It’s a meme like MSG and gluten
just google it, theres literally tons of them
There have been studies on this. It's not a question of belief, it's a straight-up fact.
You fucking americans give estrogens to chicken, to make them grow faster sinceall you got in your head is profit and then of all things complain about you do it about soy? Fucking retards. I hate every single one of you.
BASED finbro!
First result on Google:
>To the Editors: Goodin et al. (1) reported a 19% decrease in mean serum testosterone levels among 12 men over a 4-week period in response to the daily consumption of 56 g isolated soy protein. These data are inconsistent with the results of a meta-analysis recently completed by the authors of this letter. This inconsistency, as judged by Fig. 1 in the paper by Goodin et al. (1), may stem largely from the change that occurred in just one subject (SP #2). In this regard, we would ask Goodin et al. (1) to consider reanalyzing the results (or providing the data so that we may do so) excluding this subject, who clearly appears to be an outlier. His baseline testosterone level was more than twice that of any other subject and ∼50% greater than the normal reference range as stated in the paper. Additionally, this subject experienced an ∼40% decrease in testosterone within just 4 weeks and a further 30% or so decrease during the 2-week post-soy consumption period, whereas the mean value for all other subjects increased during this 2-week period. Parenthetically, we are interested in knowing whether Goodin et al. (1) are able to offer a possible explanation for such an elevated baseline level. In addition, for the record, we would ask that Goodin et al. (1) list the correct values for testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels, as the data listed in the text do not match the data in the figures.
>As well, it would be helpful if Goodin et al. (1) could provide additional details about the study so we have a better understanding of the experimental design. Specifically, the isoflavone content of the soy product used would be of interest, as would details about the assays used.
Perhaps you'll need to find one for me since "just google it" is disproving your argument.
56g of isolated soy protein per day seems insanely high.
How does a regular consumption of some soy-based foods impact on T levels is the true question.
Only unfermented soy. Fermented soy like soy sauce is ok.
Jesus, you fucks are lazy faggots
There is literally nothing in that article you linked that suggests regular soy consumption in humans lowers test.
Technically it doesn’t. But it does increase estrogen levels. You can have high testosterone and high estrogen. You’d be a freak, but it’s possible. There’s other things out there that act as testosterone blockers. Go read about drugs that are testosterone blockers like spironolactone and estrogen blockers (aromatase inhibitors) like anastrozole.
Soy has xenoestrogens. It won't directly lower test but it will fuck up your hormonal balance.
>it does increase estrogen levels
[citation needed]
You wouldn't be a freak. That is usually the case when someone has high test. Also, anastrazole and other AIs are not estrogen blockers. They merely prevent testosterone from being aromatized into estrogen. Estrogen blockers are things like tamoxifen and clomid.
>Le low test face
Who the fuck eats soy
Burger diet FTW
>le russian rapebaby face
is this low test?
Okay so we've established infants should be breast fed, not fed a diet of 100% soy. It's a start. Now how about some data on how soy consumption in adult males affects test levels?
If soy doesn't fuck you up then how come every soy consumer is a numale faggot?
>soy has xenoestrogens
phytoestrogens, not the same thing.
Wtf even vegans know breast feeding is the best, keeping an eye on mother's food quality. It's common sense.
It's a fact.
Close thread.
Move on.
Not an argument.
Not a single valid source has been provided and yet everyone claims it as fact. I thought this board was "redpilled' but you're all just bandwagoning faggots
and dairy contains actual mammalian estrogen. Maybe if the burgers were so concerned with testosterone, they'd stop drenching everything with cheese.
"Clinical studies show no effects of soy protein or isoflavones on reproductive hormones in men: results of a meta-analysis."
This thread may as well include other nutritional myths like "MSG is bad you guise". How the fuck anyone thinks a plant species can contain animal sex hormones is beyond me. Dairy on the other hand is pumped full of that shit daily for milk production. Projecting much?
if something sounds as gay as Soy, then you better believe its out to turn you into a fag.
>don't eat beans they'll turn you gay
>how come every vegetarian is a numale faggot