The people such as farmers who live in poverty are being moved into the cities so they can have better lives and no longer live in poverty. Tell me why this is a bad thing. (You can't)
Chinese President Xi Jinping has outlawed poverty
capitalism btfo
Why didn't they just move to the cities to begin with?
Also why is china such a poverty stricken shithole compared to Japan or based Taiwan?
when will they outlaw virginism past the age of 20 i'm in
this is our future.
at least the chinese are honest about it.
it NA they slowly drown you in regulations fees and taxes.
Corruption. Chinese are often royal only to their family.
Wtf *loyal
They're too poor to ever move to a city. They generally make enough to go on a single vacation to a city in their life, let alone moving to one.
>be poor farmer in the country
>gov't moves me to the city
>have no skills to have a job in the city
>am now poor in the city and there is no one back in the country to grow the food
>went from poor in the country to poor and starving in the city
Chinese fascism/socialism is why they are poor to begin with.
Why didn't China just follow the Taiwanese model and allow everyone to have high living standards?
Communism is retarded as fuck.
Why is communism so fucking stupid bros?
Why didn't the USA kill Mao or something?
holy shit, it's like a nightmare
>flooding the city with dumb rural retards
>capitalism btfo
The government doesn't allow them to move freely because rapid urbanization of the poor leads to slums forming. That's why they built the ghost cities. 50% of the Chinese population is still rural.
This, communists cannot into food
You mean freedom of choice, BTFO.
The real question is, how long is the drive going to be to work the farms in the cars they don't own because they are too poor because they are, ya know, farmers?
It actually goes like this:
>be poor farmer
>move to city
>find sweatshop job in factory
>get skills while working
>get headhunted by other factory searching already skilled labor
>have enough money to buy apartment in giant commie block
>marry and have 1.3 children
> why is a previously communist country so backwards compared to capitalist success stories
is it just me or is every other shitposter on here an absolute fucking moron right now
>land gets taken away
>forced to trade it away for 8 square foot closet
>spoon rice into bags 18 hours a day
>live like rats in cages
Yeah poverty of the chinese farmer sure must suck.
>slave labor
I highly doubt the communist party actually is this retarded to do something; They evidently are the worse fear of every actual communists nightmares A.K.A a corporate state that only exists to preserve its own existence.
If they did such a thing they'd be purposefully starting a famine and in all likelyhood destroying the means of production (workers) and causing a revolt.
Who the fuck will be doing the fucking farming if they move to the cities moron. Gook yourself faggot!
gulag the poor, wealthy populace now
Good thing China isn't communist then
There are companies dedicated to mass producing food by farming hundreds of acres of land. Small scale farming just can't compete. Who does the farming when only 1% of the US population are farmers dumbass?
>filthy peasant, you are to poor, you can't live like this
>*takes land*
>here, have a free apartment and a slave job in a factory
Yeah they used to do that in the USSR. Take away beautiful land from people and give them a commieblock apartment in return.
You wished you still had your land when your 6 month old commieblock became dilapidated.
Cities suck. Very similar to prisons.
China could have been a well developed country with high living standards for it's people like Taiwan is today.
Fuck communism.
Nah you got it right
>agenda 21
Porra caralho, e vocĂȘ bon bunda, uma bala entrada calavera do inimigo.
Cities are human zoos
>You can't take away someones land if they don't own it in the first place
>tfw cant just live anymore, you have to (((compete))) for (((them)))
Based Pingpong
When will the chinese communist party collapse bros?
cancer is now also illegal.
You know all those fucked up videos you see from China? It is these people who grew up as animals are now living in cities.
Literally this citiy retards are better brainwashed and controlled by elites than based rural people
What if someone wanted to say... have some liberty away from the mega-city dystopia that is china?
that's illegal
Are you saying that they are incapable of learning skills and companies who farm tons of land? A bit out of touch lol
So would India right? Wait, they aren't communist.
Moving to a city increases the cost of living. Maybe some people would rather not deal with that, or are unable to.
They aren't capitalist like Taiwan is.
Concentrate the people so when you release plagues it kills the most people possible.
taiwan stole all of chinas money and profited from immense foreign aide. not exactly a fair comparison.
Remember, there was no murder in the Soviet Union either.
said the commie fag
He didn't outlaw poverty.
Also, in China you can't just move to wherever you want for no reason.
You have to have employment, family, be accepted to a school, etc. You also have to check in with local law enforcement.
If you don't they make getting your own place to live, access to services, very difficult if they don't want you there.
>taiwan stole all of chinas money
what the hell are you talking about?
>profited from immense foreign aide. not exactly a fair comparison.
lmao bullshit
foreign aid doesn't develop countries
look at how shitty africa is
Taiwan had high degrees of economic freedom which allowed them to industrialize and give their people high living standards.
Anyone who doesn't support free markets needs to have their throats slit.
Wait so who's growing their food then?
Where were you when Xcom 2 became real.
a reverse Sup Forums pot
1: Many of them love rural traditional life and don't want to change.
2: More separation between man and the harsh but wholesome realities of living close on the land, leads to weakness.
3: The cities infrastructure cannot cope with this influx.
4: Who will grow the actual food for the cities anymore when all the farmers become golf consultants ?
5: Many others ...
Before leaving china, the Taiwanese (then chinese) emptied all the coffers taking every last cent with them. money that was forcibly collected from all over china.
nah, look at SK, Japan or any country we want to prop up in order to make other countries look bad.
Theres no point in building up africa so much, but there was a point in building up taiwan (or SK or JApan for that matter).
>make poverty "illegal"
>redefine "poverty"
>force illiterate rural peasants to move into literal hive cities
>now they have access to all the wonders of mandatory state subsidised living
>still poor
>declared enemy of the state
>thrown into labor camp while your land is auctioned off to some party member's son
>Before leaving china, the Taiwanese (then chinese) emptied all the coffers taking every last cent with them
Wow shit from 50 years ago.
Totally irrelevant to today.
Also what was the money spent on?
There are lots of leaders of countries with fucktons of money. What matters is if it was spent properly.
>nah, look at SK, Japan or any country we want to prop up in order to make other countries look bad.
What about them?
I don't care about your non-arguments.
Economic freedom and the resulting industrialization is what made Taiwan rich.
Some say free will is what makes humans human.
Some say having the choice to live where they want is a good thing.
There are companies in China that farm thousands of acres single-handedly.
nigger, theres tons of capitalist countries that are pure shit.
You are just spouting nonsense.
You are probably too young back when "made in taiwan" was a common thing. they were GIVEN economic opportunities based on them being the recognized china.
Get yourself some books on cold war economics faggot, you're embarrassing yourself.
Finally. Now imagine what China could do for Africa. Fuck white people and fuck foreign aid!
I don't argue with idiots.
>nigger, theres tons of capitalist countries that are pure shit.
Like what?
Name one.
I can GUARANTEE they are low as fuck on the index of economic freedom.
>You are just spouting nonsense.
You're a marxist retard.
>you're embarrassing yourself.
Lel you have no real argument.
This is horrible. People live in small villages with vegetable patches that they work nearby. They are self-sufficient and close to the earth. Now they will be forced to move to cities, where there are no jobs, and live in high-rise concrete dwellings on-top-of-each-other. They will be helpless wards of the state living shitty lives detached from nature.
That isn't the point, India is a shithole not because of whatever economic ideology they have, but because they are a bunch of uncultured ignorants with poor infastucture and sanity, taiwan has an advantage over china in the fact that they don't have to manage over a billion of chink-chonks all across their country and have a solid base and support in their manufacturing/industry sector.
Wow! Look at all the jobs! Don't you want to move here and pay us a huge monthly mortgage payment that you can't afford?
No? OK, we'll just get the state to force you to move here at gunpoint.
see this is exactly the commie harebrained schemes I was talking about
at this rate we wont have to worry about the chinks, they will destroy themselves as they have done for centuries
then who does the farming?
It's been said like five times now in this thread but there are these Chinese companies that can easily handle it
They have over a billion people, many of whom are mainland village folk. It is very hard to fight overstayed mentality of village life but they are doing it
Meanwhile America didn't succeed in adapting their rednecks and niggers, they only trashed the city and made general culuture of America shit tier
what is your image?
Because those people will not adapt to the cities. They are being forcebly put there to create caos. If they knew how to live inside a city they would already be there.
Poor people generally have low IQ, being less qualified and more violent. An intelligent person even in bad enviroments will soon adapt to grow and have more resources/quality of life.
Caos: gives government more dictatorial power for some reason. When communism wants to grow they always create bad situations and use the low IQ ones to maintain it.
The government probably wants to take their lands too. This is just an excuse to do that.
it's spelled chaos.
Also what is that image?
>China crumbles over the weight of the sickle and hammer
>Chinamen refuges
What are they going to eat?
in china there is not such a wide variation of IQ between the people.
Asians come from a very small population group, there is not that much genetic difference compared to people compared to Europe
You do realize how hard it is to move in China, right? You can't just pack your bags and go, you need government approval and stuff.
Mauritius and Georgia are pretty shit
They are being moved away from the life that they know. The government should help them become a success instead of moving them.
If you can't see that you commie nigger then you made as well just kill yourself.
>The people such as farmers who live in poverty are being moved into the cities so they can have better lives and no longer live in poverty
Enjoy another mass starvation.
Who gunna pay tho?
Yes, but we have jaffa cakes and they have toxic air.
Don't forget the spike in crime! Huzzah!
>Tell me why this is a bad thing. (You can't)
Cities are, and always have been, fertility and IQ shredders. Urban areas need rural areas not just for supplies of material and food but especially for production of new generations to move to the cities to replace the sub-replacement TFR urbanites.
>all these posts about muh food
Holy fuck Sup Forums is full of brainlets you don't need any more than 2% of your population working in agriculture. This is not the middle ages.
>move all the people to the cities
>nobody in the rice fields
>everyone starves
DAAAAAAAAmn communism, back at it again with the mass starvation
China already tried this once. It was called the great leap forward.
Tens of millions starved to death because marxists don't understand anything about the world.
Saying this for like the tenth time this thread. China has companies capable of farming thousands of acres of land with ease. It isn't 1150 AD
Yes, but this time they actually have companies that will take over the farming so they don't starve.
ah gommunism ..can't have poverty if it's banned by law
i dunno what all the shilling and butthurt is about. it's not like it affects anyone not in china
Europe: haha importing unskilled labourers has all but eroded the middle class to a shell
China: hold my beer
This is so stupid I can't even put it into words...
>meanwhile in america
>rural peasents demanding that the government favor their regional industry at the cost of existing programs
>I demand you bring the jobs to me!
>what do you mean no one will pay me over 15$ an hour to do non skilled labour in the middle of the country
>what do you mean you need to be near a costal port for international export
>what do you mean learn new skills, my daddy was a miner and his daddy was a miner, why cant I and my son also be miners?
I wish we would just tell people in these sacrafice zones that they arent getting anymore help. Same with the people who live in florida flood plains. THIS IS REAL POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. NOT BEING ABLE TO TELL THESE RETARDS THAT THE PLACE THEY LIVE IS AN ECONOMIC DESERT AND THEY NEED TO MOVE INSTEAD OF DEMANDING MONTHLY SHIPMENTS OF FREE WATER.
2 questions:
did the chinese build cities knowing they were planning on moving country folk to cities or did they decide to move country folk as a means to solve the empty city problem?
who will farm the countryside?
>outlawing poverty
so they are no longer going to be poor on the countryside, instead, they will now be poor in the city
what an improvement
>being force-moved from the country with lots of open space and you can live off of the land to a city where the poor eat dogs and it's over-crowded to shit and back
A lot of that poverty is people CHOOSING it because they want to live simpler traditional Chinese lives, and just don't value the trappings of modern civilization.
they could very well outlaw flu
what a bunch of kikes. thats to keep them cooped up like cattle goyim. just like they do in r*ssia. no freedom of movement. lulz. dumb commie niggers