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Soros' $18 billion hard at work I see
Go Suck a cock David BROCK !
Putins' $200 billion hard at work I see
>the liberal candidate I wanted to win didn't win so I'm going to keep crying like a snowflake 12 months on
Tony Podesta
>the state of the left in 2017
Cheer up m8, im sure you'll impeach trump one of these days, just give it your best effort!
Feel so vindicated right now.
I saw this shit coming a mile away.
Now everyone on Sup Forums is going to have to admit that the shills were actually on their side.
Suck it Sup Forums, bunch of rednecks and russians.
Vladimir, please refrain from shittings up operation comrade.
Sure does.
>i get paid to post on Sup Forums
Pissing into an ocean of piss, I see.
We all would have been victims of a nuclear holocaust if she had won. UNIRONIC.
0/10 bait
>the entirety of my political beliefs is based on "triggering libtards"
>A fucking 'laugh at' thread
This place...
Tell that to your daddy Pedosta.
This thread is so pointless no one will see that I'm gay and make fun of me before it 404s
Trick or treat?
Is it fake news or a witch hunt
The time has come at last.
I cannot wait for the shit storm which has been long coming to finally reign down on this idiot.
I am absolutely ECSTATIC. This is literally the first time in a year I've stopped shaking.
FINALLY the day draws near when Donald Trump will have his racist pig-face forced down into the carpet of the oval office with a knee in his back as a SWAT team member cuffs him and MAXINE WATERS will be standing above him, triumphantly holding the arrest warrant as she says "You have the right to keep that damn fool mouth SHUT"
We made it, fellow sane Americans, the dawn is finally here.
How many threads have you made today, shill?
Paul Manafort worked for Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta, for pro-Russia interests in Ukraine;
>Podesta lobby group did not disclose extent of work for Ukrainian campaign advised by Paul Manafort
>The firm, the Podesta Group, said nothing in a 2012 lobbying report to Congress about at least 32 meetings, emails and other communications it had with the State Department, at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Why did Bill Clinton take $500,000 to give anti-sanction, pro-Russia speeches? Why did the DNC and Clinton - and John Podesta - pay Fusion GPS for opposition research? Why was the Russian lawyer - who was advocating against sanctions - representing Prevezon with BakerHostetler, which contracted with Fusion GPS;
>Fusion GPS saysit had no involvement in the meeting although it did work on a lawsuit that involvedVeselnitskaya for more thantwo years
>Fusion GPShas saidthat it was working for the law firm BakerHostetler, which was representing Prevezon, a Russian holding company based in Cyprus, in itsdefense against Justice Department allegations that Prevezon laundered money stolen in the fraud Magnitsky uncovered. Veselnitskaya was Prevezon’s lawyer
Why did this woman meet with Trump Jr. when an opposition research company was involved, if not for dirt;
>Akhmetshin was also reportedly working with Fusion GPS, the company that created the infamous dossier alleging a Trump-Russia conspiracy
>Several wealthy Russian businessmen financed a nonprofit group to spearhead the campaign, which was represented by Mr. Akhmetshin and a Russian lawyer named Natalia Veselnitskaya
>Defendant PAPADOPOULOS claimed he met a certain female Russian national before he joined the Campaign and that their communications consisted of emails such as, '"Hi, how are you?"' In truth and in fact, however, defendant PAPADOPOULOS met the female Russian national on or about March 24, 2016, after he had become an adviser to the Campaign; he believed that she had connections to Russian government officials; and he sought to use her Russian connections over a period ofmonths in an effort to arrange a meeting between the Campaign and Russian government officials
Is this female Russian national Natalia Veselnitskaya? The woman who met with Trump Jr.?
1: Manafort and Papadopoulos have both been arrested,
2: Papadopoulos met with Veselnitskaya,
3: Manafort worked for Podesta,
Then there was a direct chain of command from Podesta-to-Manafort-to-Veselnitskaya. Which means that if the DNC funded Fusion GPS, and Veselnitskaya worked on the same lawsuit Fusion GPS was involved in, there were not only mutual pro-Russia interests but a chain of command that linked Tony Podesta to both Fusion GPS and Veselnitskaya.
Why would all these Democrats be sending people to offer dirt they claim came from the Russians on Clinton? It would be easy for Podesta to get DNC documents, give them to the Russians he was friendly with, and frame Trump.
Is that why Tony Podesta is now under investigation by Mueller;
>Democratic power lobbyist Tony Podesta, founder of the Podesta Group, is stepping down from the firm that bears his name after coming under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller
>oval office
More like, offal office, amirite
>Maxine Waters
Pisser ain't it...
>conspiring against the US was just a one time thing and by the 2016 election they stopped
>being this retarded
This is delicious. Maximum Rustle :^)
>is somehow a loser
Wanna explain to me how this is supposed to work?
LOL imagine if Trump had a governing strategy at all.
Laugh it him for what? dc launches a probe into trump and all they did was catch some of their own in tax evasion.
Trump is literally winning bigly
>This is literally the first time in a year I've stopped shaking.
The most heinous crime the ""russians"" are accused of is exposing the truth about Clinton. This is obviously a cardinal sin for her because then people can form their own opinions based on real information and not what is spoon fed to them by the (((media)))
Weird msnbc didn’t care that half of Obama’s cabinet was Goldman Sachs people...
It’s almost like they are just as full of shit as fox and cnn
>3 million+ illegals votes should count
>Among other things they lobbied multiple Members of Congress and their staff about UK sanctions, the validity of ukraine elections and the propreity of Yanukovych's imprisoning his rival
Sounds like what Trump tried to do, question the validity of US elections by accusing undocumented immigrants of voting and threatening to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary. Manufort used the same modus operandus for Trumps campaign as he did for the pro Russian Ukrainian president Yanukovych's.
Kinda weird how when Trump allegedly loses in a big way, a slew of posters with shitty, shitty memes (Reddit can do better) comes out of the wood work. Really makes me think.
>Paul manaforts tax evasion has fuck all to do with trump
How are you this retarded
Wow, a buck of rural retards elected a total conman, I’m so shocked!
Let’s be honest, studies have shown urban voters are more intelligent and better educated than rural voters, and urban voters voted IN DROVES for Hillary. Now we live in a third world style banana republic and we’ve got no one to blame but racist repugican rural redneck white retards.
I want to suck Drumpfgh's eight inch cock
>he thinks tax evasion was the only charge and manafort was the only person charged
I honestly thought Trump supporters weren't this stupid yet here we are
i'm mirin that evidence of the 3 million illegal votes
KLUMPF is finally finished! I'm more excited than when I get to prep my wife's bull!
>Feel so vindicated right now.
enjoy it. you'll need something to look back fondly on
go brush your tooth, jethro
muh left is this and that muh left is everything i am. i serve no purpose but to be a cranky jew asshole
For a board that takes pride in being "redpilled", you fools sure do like to remain willfully ignorant of anything that your God Emperor is guilty of!
we're gonna hang you, traitor
The charges are all related to him hiding the money he made from Ukraine
You are a retarded leaf apparently
the only pill these fools are taking are the anti-psychotics grandma sneaks into their tendies
You're not getting it. Trump fired Manafort in early 2016. Manafort worked for Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta.
Before 2016, Manafort has been charged for what he did before Trump. During 2016, Manafort was fired. During 2017, Manafort was not officially involved with Trump in any way.
Manafort's pro-Russia history begins with Tony Podesta - it was this Podesta-related pro-Russia network which Manafort would have brought with him to the Trump campaign.
Podesta tried to frame Trump through Manafort, and Manafort was fired for being a mole. Why was Papadopoulos meeting up with 'a certain female Russian national' around June 2016? Close to the time Veselnitskaya met with Trump Jr.?
>voter fraud on the scale of millions
>Alt-Right never existed, was always Russians
>Hillary gave Putin Uranium to help Trump become the GOP nom so she could easily win
>Plan backfires
>No evidence Trump ever knew, totally redeemed by draining the swamp
>all Russian and DNC agents caught, hung for Treason
>Trump keeps releasing files
>Trump dissolves the CIA in JFK's name
>Trump wins second term
everything according to plan
>we have the power to make leftists tell the truth
Leftists are genuinely insane.
Reminder Manafort wasn't the only person revealed today to have been charged :^)
>Conspiracy against America up to and including 2017
thats a great meme you got there, def gonna sway the youth vote
>tfw too big a winner to win the presidency
Good job you fucking mongrel
There were three bud.
is this reality or a days of our lives story arc?
keep dreaming, shit for brains
You're going to post Hilldog memes for the next 8 years while Trump is president and posting BTFO the whole while. Don't tire yourself out yet.
i vote we start with you. you deserve to hang just on kneejerking to the conclusion that any dissenting voice must be a leftist.
id like to kick your mom in the cunt
Kek America, the no.1 laughing stock of the world since 9/11/2001.
One guy lied about manafort the other guy also embezzled with him
It’s literally nothing
Conspiracy to defraud the us
That’s legal speak for tax evasion
>your IQ
I have no words. This shit is fucking incredible. I knew it would happen but didn't expect it to happen until maybe next year. Christmas came early this year