Did you know that Putin has a bunch of clones? Just like Yuri from Red Alert.
Did you know that Putin has a bunch of clones? Just like Yuri from Red Alert
Is Putin Naruto?
Did you know. You're a kike?
Its just bunch of botox. Vladi hate to age.
Are they all just shadow-clones? If so.. is MUMMY a Sexy justu?
It all makes sense now... fug.
>what is ageing
>Putin shills immediately jump out of the woodwork to defend him.
If it's multiple Putins are they called a Putine?
>Ageing can change your fecal structure
really makes me think.
You think that's air you're breathing?
holy fuck he's right
>fecal structure
>fecal structure
Fucking kek
Also check my id, Sexo is here
manlet, balding, weak chin
must be Putin
T. Fecal structure
>fecal structure
If only there were more Putins the white race could be saved.
Botox is a hellava drug.
> mmuuhh based r*ssia
hahahaha look at this dumb subhuman garbage
meanwhile in reality all his henchmen are jews. cringy faggot.
Comments like these are never accompanied by a Russian flag. How odd.
>fecal structure
did you know that Putin is gay pedo? BASED Russia
Stuff it, Jew. Your Jew World Order will fall.