>You meet Hitler in a quiet German Cafe in 1934-
What political Advice do you give him?
>You meet Hitler in a quiet German Cafe in 1934-
What political Advice do you give him?
Start war in 1938
Actually gas the kikes
Tell him to go home, cause Eva is succing Tyrone's dick
Traps are gay.
focus on germany, forget the rest of europe, build wall
tell him to stop making these shitty threads everyday
>Spare Rohm, purge Himmler and Goering.
Sir, please get rid of Dr. Morell quickly. He will be the death of your grand vision.
Someone knows too much about the truth of the war... SHUT IT DOWN!
Don't listen to the imbeciles that say that nukes can't possibly be made
Let the generals be the ones that calls the shots regarding military
Stay the fuck out of Russia
Now the world is saved
run to argentina
Don't kill jews, Immediately give them a one way ticket to fuckville in Israel and THEN bomb the shit out of it when it establishes itself as a nation
Israel is our greatest ally
Listen to your generals and army officials.
That's all he needed to do, nothing else.
Get kids
> Don't let the British off in Dunkirk
> Accept Francos help
> Unusual early and severe winter 1941
> Finland will do well agaisnt Soviets
> François Darlan will betray you. England will blow up the French Fleet to prevent it from being turned over to you.
Just shoot yourself and save everybodys precious time
Combined naval ops with Nippon. Those Americans are gonna supply the Russians with stuff, and all the ammo is going to cross the Bering Straight unmolested and come at you.
And forget dick waving, encircle Stalingrad and kill it later. In Moscow by winter.
And nukes don’t need that much uranium; tell Heisenberg to redo his calculations.
Save supplies.
Wait until you win UK's friendship before invading Poland.
Take a massive anti communist stand.
Be the beacon against communism.
Befriend Americans.
After pearl harbor say that the japs went too far and you denounce them, and join the US.
Seriously pander to the Brits.
Don't focus on meme weapons, focus instead on better winter equipment and jet planes.
Finish the v2s and nukes BEFORE starting the war
Annihilate Dunkirk and send the Brits a message.
This would have won WW2 for them.
Exterminate the Anglo.
>Let the generals be the ones that calls the shots regarding military
Are you fucking retarded? If he did he wouldn’t had invaded anything to begin with. Your advice legit triggered me, kill yourself.
This and nukes.
Wrong flag, faggot
Aren't you supposed to be british?
Kill him, take his name, become hitler
Start exploring Antarctica under the ice
Keep the Blitz focused on the airfield, ignore London proper....
hitler was too soft and kind, if he was just as ruthless as the soulless communist and yankies that nuked japan the world would have been a better place
Don't turn into a whiny little bitch in 1938 and start declaring war on places you fucking useless cunt. Don't gamble with your entire nation and its people to win some vanity exercise.
Don't give NV Transilvania to Hungary, because the romanians will betray you.And with them you lose 33% of your refineries and oil production.
He was equally as ruthless and murderous as the commies, he was just far less lucky and what little luck he had he pushed too far out of pride and an unrealistic over exertion of ambition.
>Don't turn into a whiny little bitch in 1938 and start declaring war on places you fucking useless cunt. Don't gamble with your entire nation and its people to win some vanity exercise.
They violated his NAP tho.
i liked the way he supported nationalism by helping a guy against his own nation
Don't let Japs attack USA
Why would this have changed the outcome?
Hed get stomped on by the Brits and French
Rohm was the WN 1.0 of Hitler's Alt Right, he was like the Nazis version of Matthew Heimbach, he needed to get purged badly.
Wait for nukes
Uh, he couldn't speak English then, right?
Nothing I guess, unless you give me a translator.
Seduce him, and make him even more confident.
Oh...and tell him he should stay out of Russia.
Whatever you do, don't you ever show mercy to the Anglo.
don't make strategic decisions while on meth
>If he did he wouldn’t had invaded anything to begin with
Exactly. And Germany would still exist.
It's turned into this.
Get Spain and Mexico in the Axis
Venezuela is nice this time of year.
Kill niggers and sand niggers instead of joose and slavs.
Wir mussen die juden ausrotte
Initiate total war the second England declares it on you.
Don't bother trying deplomacy with Poland, they wont stop attacking your people until you attack them back
Begin work on the STG-44 as soon as possible, do not postpone it
Move the tanks up on Dunkirk, wipe out the British infantry then and there.
Don't stop bombing brittish runways, bomb those instead of London, you will win the battle of Britain that way.
Gas the kikes.
Invest in Apple.
Stop after annexing Czechoslovakia. Prove whether your ideology actually works or was just a dumb meme. For God's sake, don't start a fucking war. Let the Jews leave in peace.
just be happy with the land mass you have, build the baddest defensive military ever and make germany great again.
Britain hadn't developed the Spitfire, Germany already had the Bf109, France wasn't properly mobilized, Russia had just finished their purges, no T34s, and overall they were in complete disarray compared to 41 when they were starting to get it together before the German attack.
Treat the symptoms not the disease.
I would give him a t-shirt with Pepe the frog on it.
He tried that, faggot.
The Mexicans folded and forwarded the line to the USA.
Invent the nuclear bomb, never stop dropping it on Britain.
don't invade the east, make allies of England before you invade France, send the jews to Israel
>befriend the UK
would never happen. Churchill had a massive stick up his ass.
He should've tried to persuade Stalin to attack the UK with him. Nazbol/NasSoc alliance could've worked. Germany + USSR would've been unstoppable.
how to spot redditors newfag edition
on top of that he waited too long to attack the UK. He thought the eternal angelos could be reasoned with. He never should've sent 12 peace treaties to Churchill. Anglos are scum worse than Jews and women.
He was already chancellor since 1933. So even if I could travel back in time, I doubt I would be able to meet him in a cafe.
You should attack Russia first. Go all in m8, they're pussies.
Russia either first or last.
dont do this hitlersama you're literally trump
How the fuck are you getting past his bodyguards and how are you gonna get him to believe you?
>Nazi Germany kills commies in fatherland, teams up with USSR
Are you retarded?
a uniformly detonated shell of high explosive around an enriched uranium sphere can turn a sub critical mass into a super critical mass
>Prove whether your ideology actually works
The whole point of them annexing that land was because their shitty socialist economy was going to shit and they needed to invade places to acquire new wealth in order to keep going. They wouldn't have done it if they were doing fine economically.
work harder.
>wanting to be allies with Germany
Bro. Have you not paid attention to what's happened the last century?
ww1 actually.
Oh, and work with the Poles. They were based. Maybe the two of you can work some shit out (idk, Poland takes its lost eastern territories and Germany gets lebensraum in the Baltic or some shit like that.)
>make allies of England before you invade France
Hitler literally tried this for 5 years before realising it was a lost cause to win over Shekel Island.
They knew that. They just needed time.
Adolf, it is your destiny to rule Deutschland and lead it to greatness. Not just deutshcland, but all western civilization lies in your hands.
In the future, war will come, when poland will refuse return Danzig. UK and France will back Poland against you. This war far will be far deadlier and grander than the last. I do not believe it is possible to avoid this war, for the international (((elites))) desire it to crush the last free peoples in Europe. As such, you should from this moment prepare for this war. When you win election, turn your mind to this coming catastrophe in all respects. The only way which you will win is total war from day one. Every man, woman and child must become a soldier for Europa. For if you should lose, (((they))) will destroy it. They have destroyed it in my timeline, we are without very much hope. Goodbye Uncle Adolf
Kill yourself.
Then it would have been best for everyone if it died alone rather than taking everyone else out with it.
Gas the Jews. They'll say you did it, anyway. Actively befriend the US.
Don't micromanage your generals.
I give him the entire print of this thread and show him blacked.com
I would tell him to initiate Sea Lion before Barbarossa, and that not doing that would lead to his downfall.
Accept Francos help? Franco wouldn't offer it
They said no then forwarded the wire to the US
Don't be a manlet.
I agree, but Hitler in 1938 was in a death struggle against time, he was terrified he was going to die and his life's work would be wasted so he selfishly gambled with the entire continent in order to try and accomplish something before he died and catastrophically failed.
Except it never happened. The Zimmerman telegraph was a British ploy. How are people still falling for this?
And the thing is, it's not even the first one. Britain claims to have intercepted other messages from Germany that are politically unfavorable. Wouldn't Germany have learned after the first time word broke out? FFS, wouldn't Germany know ahead of time that using telegraph would be intercepted by British-American agents since the landlines stretch the ocean in the first place and would easily be subject to monitoring? How do user's not know that it is easily spoofable by Britain? So many hard hitting questions.
Fuck up Russia early and don't let up
I am, and proud.
I can't help but think we wouldnt be in this fucking situation if Nazi Germany won WW2.
So get fucked.
Churchill wasn't in charge when the war started
>implying he didn't
So have you accepted he went to Argentina yet?
This is a good one. Don't let the Japs anywhere near Hawaii.
Don't invade, annex by appealing to the ethnic and national pride of German majority areas, and consolidate the region.
Ship the Jews off to Palestine, give the Muslims enough weapons to kill them. Gas the ones that won't leave.
Prepare to be the bulwark for Europe against Communism. Court America/the Americans to the cause. Don't be a dingle-ling and invade France/England. Don't trust the Italians or Greeks.
>would never happen. Churchill had a massive stick up his ass.
Chamberlain would have sucked Hitler off if Hitler made him feel like a man.
If Chamberlain and the British feel like Hitler is a friend they won't let the guy behind Gallipoli take office.