
Realistically, how would you deal with the Jews? Discrimination? Force them to move back to Israel? Genocide? Would you target anyone with even a drop of Jewish ancestry, or would you use something like the Nuremberg Laws?

Jews are ok

Destroy israel.

Force assimilation.

Ban Judaism and the talmud.

lmao pic related is funny af

But seriously they're one economic downturn away from going back to Israel, as long as it's propped up. They exploit countries that have the most financial opportunity, hence how so many ended up in agrarian Poland and Russia when land was plentiful but left for the US when things got good around the early 20th early century and the late 19th, or to France in the 20th. One economic downturn and they'll go to where things are generally best.

Given this, the most efficient way would be to pass "positive discrimination" and put jews in their own class. That means that any company having more than 2% jews would be forced to make massive layoffs. Seeing as how they over-saturate fields like journalism and law, it would cause a severe competition in that community. Blacks and hispanics would be overjoyed at the amount of gibs in the form of jobs, and will do nothing to defend their old masters.


>destroy Israel


sooo affirmative action basically?

I literally don't give a shit what happens to Israel, but they have nukes now. Flat-out destroying them isn't a reasonable venture, at least in the near future.


Nukes are obsolete and shelf life is short.

The Jews are eternal. The best you can hope for is long dormancy in their sadistic tendencies.

Just outlaw their scuzzy behavior (and everyone else's really)
Kosher /halalalala food preparation is pretty disgusting and cruel
cutting off foreskin is pretty cruel
Charging usurious fees on loans is pretty cruel
Broadcasting pornography is bad

Just take away their tools without saying "JEWS GET OUT"

Genocide. We need to do what Hitler was unwilling to do.

ovens and rollercoasters.

Again, how would you go about doing that? "Gas the Jews" is pretty vague.

Same Thing Hitler did. End the Federal Reserve (The International Bank).

Otherwise, don't spend a dime on anything Jews control (eg: Media; Hollywood; Network TV).

It's easy to beat back the Jews. Hitler did it with National Socialism. He made Labor the standard of the monetary system; got rid of faggots and degeneracy and made people free to pursue their goals while swearing allegiance to the State.

Heil Hitler!

Literally and unironically kill every Jew down to the last one. It sucks and its horrible for everyone involved, but honestly it's the only solution left, letting them exist is too dangerous for humanity and they have already shown they wouldn't show the same courtesy to non-jews.

I'm hearing solutions but no plans to achieve them. Read the OP, would you exterminate everyone with a drop of Jewish ancestry? Only practicing Jews? How the fuck do you go about carrying out something like that?

Youre retarded. You can easily get list of practicing jews. From there its just a matter of rounding up and putting in camps like Eisenhower did to the German POWs - just a giant fenced pen and no cover, food, hoardings, medicine or anything - just let them die int he dirt with no food and armed guards to stop any that try to escape or aid them in any way. Done. (((Eisenhower))) killed well over a million POWs after the war ended in this manner. The only genocide that took place in WWII. Most effective and quickest way to kill people. So strange Nazis didnt use it at the end of the war for their genocide. Strange indeed.

Would you only target practicing Jews, though? What about half Jews? Quarter Jews?

Liberate the schools from their control, so our kids would grow free from (((their))) filthy moral. Then i would push'em away from economics control, probably shutting down every central bank or the state's control over the monetary system. About the media and Hollywood i honestly don't know what to do, but without economic and moral influence above us and our kids, guess it would be harder to them to just control everyone like they doing now. It would take time, but it's the best i can think of right now

You mean starving people to death in an open fenced off area is far more effective than tipping train cars of people into industrial sized ovens, roller coasters of death, death rays, and hydrogen cyanide poisoning, and more economical, and plausible and actually happened? Poor people.

Jewish bloodlines are determined matrilineally. Jew legacy is passed down via the patriarch. That makes things difficult. You can have a kike surname but not be a Jew by blood, and be a Jew with a horn-like surname.

Even if they are not a kike by blood, you are still raised by their filthy, shifty code. So there is no need for in depth research on genealogies. You need to eliminate the Jew ideology as well as their accursed blood.

After you get your records straight and round them up, the simplest method is the best: firing squads, and a hole in the ground.

Oops. I meant non-kike, not horn-like

you just have to throw a couple pennies in the street. they'll kill each other just for a couple of bucks

i can see no difference


Aggressive, state-promoted interbreeding program. The can't Jew us if they are us.



Native American here. I'd send their children away to residential schools and put them all on reservations. Too bad you did this to us instead of those dirty fucking bloody baby cock sucking hook nosed KIKES.


So you would follow a one drop rule?

Anyone with at least 50% jewish blood or married to someone with 50% jewish blood.

Forced chemical castration, hysterectomy. Jail time for intercourse with whites.

I agree

Relocate and isolate

Jews took over western countries because they were able to blend in with whites. You have to take that association away from them. Make them a minority again.

Right now, they're afforded protection in education and all kinds of other stuff involving quotas because they're considered white. Make them a minority again, and only admit them to universities, jobs, etc by a % of their population.

Pretty much what you do is limit their future potential to get to the top of each industry.


I don't think any group of people deserve genocide. Just send them all to Israel.

I would cuck them by forcing them to convert to christianity

then I would subvert their institutions and preach them to let in refugees, love their neighbor, turn the other cheek, etc

you know, like regular christcucks

Jews rock!

You could ask the same about the niggers, spics and other kind of trash we have here.

A new law enacted June 2018 stating that no person holding citizenship of another country either currently or previously be upheld as an acceptable candidate for any office of the federal government of the United States or employment with the United States by the federal government and also that, effective immediately, any person known to have held or purported to have held citizenship of any other country shall be immediately disqualified from office and the positions vacated thereby shall be filled as expeditiously as possible by either appointment, hiring, or special election as necessary.

I've considered this as well. It would definitely deal with the ZOG infiltration problem as well as Israel-first propagandists like Ben Shapiro.


kill em all

I'd cut a deal. Debt reset, get the world economy running on cryptocurrency, tell us the truth of our history. They keep their lives and a bunch of their assets.

I actually quite like the Jews. Finance, law, medicine, entertainment, comedy, memetics – they have a lot of strengths. But it's time we all dealt honestly with their weaknesses.

Expel to Israel, or better, expel to Russia and stop funding Israel.

Actually pass a law banning male genital mutilation at birth. Minimum age for elective genital surgery raised to somewhere in the teens nationwide. Send fucking helis to the Federal Reserve with special ops units inside and take the building.

Also this:

Back to Israel

also all these people suggesting assimilation, conversion, discrimination etc. don't really have a grasp of the extent to which crypto-Jewry used to be practiced and probably still is. You need to simply place a ban on Jews from entering America.

No dual citizenship for congress (how was that ever legal in the first place)

Audit the Fed

it's a start.... it's not about "ged rid of da jews" it's about regaining sovereignty

I'd give them the Holocaust they created with their lies - Holocoaster, masturbation machines, eagle and bear cages. The works.

Reality for them would be built out of their lies.

deal with them like they were krogan

If it were up to the Jews, you'd be taxed for shitting in the street. Is that what you want?

Realistically everyone has a drop of Jewish blood if you go back far enough. We can stop with parents or grandparents and raised in Hebrew School and/or synagogue.

We have directed energy weapons. They move faster and are more powerful than nukes.

1) Deport all Jew to Israel.

2) Cut all aid and sanction Israel.

3) Arm surrounding Arabs/Muslims with most modern weapons.

Problem solved.

just accept us as your superior.