Koe no Katachi


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So many spoilers.

When is it coming out, again? Looking forward to it in any case.

2 days

Saving anime. Even though its just a appetizer and filler for VEG.

Oh wow, it literally said 9/17 in the corner of the video. Thanks anyway.

>that sign language

The way it was animated genuinely made me almost tear up a little. Something about it.

Its not like the date matters since its just cinema broadcasts. At best some sales numbers shitposting threads, but thats it - maybe some spoilers soon about how they changed the story.

Until its on BD it all doesnt matter. We dont need confirmation to know its good.

You know you would bang her.


Can be updated with Hibike S2 soon since artstyle and character design there are slightly different from S1.


Can't wait for the chorus scene

>dat fireworks scene

Ohhh, I need to watch this in theaters for the full effect

>CG fireworks
Trigger remains the top studio in Japan.

They should have done it from her point of view. Then they could have saved a bunch of money on VAs.


S2 still has the same character sheet I think.

those horrible CG fish.

>spoiled the suicide scene in a TV special

Thanks for spoiling everything.
I don't have to see the movie now;





What a qt

They really changed the scene!
Where the fuck are the mons KyoAni???


What did she mean by this?

Been listening to the ost, if it can be called that. They're just a bunch of noises. It does feel like it was made by the same guy who made Ping Pong ost but I don't see how this got greenlit to be sold as a soundtrack, they're basically just complimentary ambient sound effects in rhythm, not actual songs. What was Lantis thinking?

>babby's first ambient album

I understand what they were going for but they're too much of boring piano ambient tracks.

It's very forgettable and repetitive.

I was hoping for something more like this

It might sound good next to the movie's visuals but I don't think the standalone soundtrack is worth it, Japan seems to agree as well.

Wow why don't you just go and put the whole fucking movie in there why don't you

She can still hear some things with the hearing aid

Disc 2 has good tracks

>Kimi no na Wa
>#1 for third consecutive week
>6 billion gross so far and no sign of stopping
>Novelization#1 at the rankings
>OST #1 at the rankings

>Koe no Karachi
>OST is garbage and not even charting
>Novelization won't chart as well
>Movie will be forgotten in a week. Predicted gross not even half a billion.

Should've delayed it to be honest.

That Shoya's dash at the end was very well animated, I could feel the speed. That swift motion from being on the floor to getting up and running at full speed was great.

this is gonna murder me, I cried bitchtears when I first read the manga

For real I'm welling up like a 12 year old girl just from the previews.

I wish I knew who animated that scene.

I'm prepared to feel immense rage at first then later on cry bitch tears.

Yoshiji Kigami,
It's quite obvious from the way he draws the limbs.

>watched video 20 times
Last week I said it wouldn't surpass Tamako Love Story but it really might.

It even has the signature Kigami profile shot.

I suck at recognizing animation styles

>that sweating guy at the end

>tfw all the spoiler watch outs in the thread
Okay, so don't watch this video.

why was he sweating from his eyes?

Why don't they just read the fucking manga?

Must've been really hot in the screening room

Maybe they read the manga but don't want to be spoiled by the movie because it's a reinterpretation.

what a Kawai

That scene was well done in every way. Direction, animation, music, fuck my shit up

>>Movie will be forgotten in a week.
This is where you fucked up.
Being showed in schools all across Japan from elementary to high school will prevent it from being forgotten, it'll shape the future of a few generations and there's nothing you shitposter-kun can do about it.

Don't give it attention.

He's right though

He's saying don't give attention to the guy that compared the two

Manga is already getting a boost.

Weekly Copies - Total Copies
16,454 - * 497,466 Vol 1
15,084 - * 455,608 Vol.2


i read it all in one night a couple days ago and i really havent felt great since

Will there be showings in theaters in the US etc?


Actually, this scene makes more sense continuity wise. Yuzuru takes a photo of Ishida jumping off the bridge and her mother uses it as evidence that he's a trouble maker and should stay away from Shouko, but she was present in the manga and should have known about it anyway. I'm sure once they're out of the river she'll arrive with a "Sho-chan" making Ishida do a double take. Either way, some things will be changed, and likely for the better and to tighten the pacing, let's just accept that it won't be a 1:1 adaption and enjoy the film when the time comes, okay?

Write an email to your local indie theater, it couldn't hurt.

there's already a boost for the manga

You are right about "continuity", but I just want to see the best girls.
Hope KnK leak too.


Thank god this movie exists, my continued faith in Japanese filmmaking is depending on it

Kimi no na Wa is out already and is all around a superior movie.

Feel free to convince me why that is

Better story, better animation, better soundtrack, better designs, better art.

I'm not really convinced about any of those things.

Don't bother replying to trolls, he hasn't seen either film.

So what's the guy's problem? Looked like he had one but I couldn't decipher it from context.

You know I'm right. Koe no Katachi looks like any other KyoAni TV anime. The OST is out already and it's nothing but muffled noise garbage, we already know the plot of both movies since KnK is just an adaptation, and animation-wise, Kimi no na Wa completely shits on anything KyoAni has made, period.

I dunno, I guess I just tend to get more excited over artistic affairs as opposed to more commercially oriented stuff. I hope both do well, lord knows we need more and better feature length animated films, but I just honestly can't get hype for Shinkai.

Shinkai is shit
At least Yamada has a good track record

This is what I first thought as soon as I found out the adaptation was gonna be done by Kyoani. The manga really affected me in a lot of dep ways and I'm sure the movie will in some form just by association.

I liked his shirt films about cats and 5 cm/s, but yeah overall I definitely agree. Yamada is the best director working right now.

First of all, that's not realistic. Second of all, realistic doesn't mean inherently good. "Good composition" is just your opinion and you don't even need to really believe it to put it in that image. Besides, I like the composition of the shots on the right much more. "Amateurish" is just another buzzword you pulled out of your ass to have something bad to say. About the filters, they aren't inherently bad either. You know what Shaftfags always, "it's a stylistic choice", to me it gives it a lot of personality and looks good.

So yeah, you're still yet to say anything about the movie that isn't speculation or opinions. Oh wait, you can't, because the fucking movie isn't even out yet, idiot. Also because you're an idiot.

And besides, Koe no Katachi's backgrounds look WAY more realistic, precisely because of the filters.

>Instagram filters make things look realistic

Woah, I didn't know that, why has no one made instagram glasses?

>everything being crisp and shiny is realistic
Get your delusion checked, idiot. No camera can take a picture that looks like those shots on the left because reality doesn't look like that. Not the shininess, not the crispiness, and not the colors. If you take a picture of the sunset behind a wheat field with houses in the distance, it's probably gonna look close to the shot on the bottom right. Ask anyone in your house right now which one looks more like real life, test it yourself.

It's funny that I always heard this Kyoani using instagram filter meme yet I never see any side-by-side comparison with the real instagram filter.

They don't use Instagram filters. The AE add-ons they use are those of Prima Linea a Montpelier based French animation studio that does in house animation. It's clear on their behind the scenes videos. But kinda wierd to see them source that.

It's pointless trying to force this, because even Shinkai said he loves KnK

Oh yes, your eyes make chromatic aberration and have a blurred vignette, so realistic.

Good thing I talked specifically about cameras, right? And yes, eyes do make blurred vignettes.

KyoAnus lickers are so deluded. They now call chromatic aberration and instagram filters realistic.

Do you play video games?

>tfw K-On face ended with KnK

Nice moving goalposts.

I already asked and they say left looks more real

You: Blown the fuck out

Now that the anime is coming out I can finally fucking talk to people about it. Everyone I know refused to read the manga.

Don't lie on the Internet brother. You asked me and I told you that the right ones looked more realistic than the ones on the left. Also, as your sister I'm ashamed of having a little brother with such a severe case of shit taste, our Mom should've aborted you.

There's way too much information going around behind Shouko's back for that to work, Ishida being the main focus is the only way the viewer would be able to actually get the full story of what's going on.

Shinkai also saw Tamako Love Story like 3 times but Sup Forums thinks that Shinkai hates Kyoani

Not many people will watch the movie either. It's almost confirmed that it will flop.

>My translation made it into an image
Wew. I hope it won't be used as shiposting fuel.

please stop samefag

He's just being respectful. He knows his movie pretty much surpassed anything KyoAni has made or will ever make.

That guy is a total Yamada fanboy

I think it's sweet
Shows he's not an elitist (for some reason I always imagined that as the case)