if i want to grow a plant and get baked before bed and before i go to work thats none of your business.
Why do we punish people for victimless crimes?
>thats none of your business.
says who?
If people want to get drunk before leaving for work that's none of your business.
It isn't as long as they pay for their healthcare. If you live off my money then I can decide what you smoke and what not.
when you're on the clock, you lose a lot of your civil rights.
Legal pot hurts textile and paper industries. Hemp is a very durable,versatile, and cheap product when mass produced. It was never about the thc.
haha no
yiff in hell weedfaggot
I can't wait until 20-30 years from now, when these sluts looks are gone, their tattoos look like smudges all over their body and they have developed mental disorders from drug use during the important brain forming years.
Also, no, it's none of my business if you want to do all that, but you're still a degenerate.
One more thing, nice flag.
No such thing as a victimless crime
Prove me wrong
It's not my business until they're violating someone else's rights.
Fuck off authoritarian scum.
because implicit damage is also damage.
that person there is destroying her potential to work in the labour force.
her productive value can no longer be sold and hence costs money implicitly
>before bed
No problem there
>before i go to work
Stop being degenerate
Aight then.
Pissing in public
Loli porn
Smoking tobacco in a bar
Beating your wife
Pirating movies
> (OP)
>No such thing as a victimless crime
>Prove me wrong
Manufacturing any drug without intent to sell
Growing shrooms
Reusing a companies seeds after your contract has ended
Voluntary slavery
Voluntary cannibalism
>before work
Ruining it for the rest of us you piece of shit
Peeing in public is gross.
Go to a Flying J on a hot summer day and take a big whiff, tell me it's a victimless crime then.
>pissing in public
Spreads Disease
>loli porn
legitimizes pedophilia
>smoking tobacco in a bar
What is lung cancer?
>beating your wife
Property damage
>Pirating movies
Some jews might have another shoah
>baked before i go to work
4/20 bruh
Shouldn't be against the law should be for the employers disrection to not want drunk people at work. Driving drunk should be illegal because it kills people.
I agree, but if you cause an accident that results in another person being killed; then you deserve immediate death penalty.
you're right.
no victim = no crime
>before I go to work
While that might not be my business your boss might have something to say about it. It's like saying I want to get drunk before work. It's not gonna fly.
Second hand smoke doesn't actually cause cancer.
>and before i go to work
You are doing it wrong, user.
If you're trying to sell this as something you'd be allowed to control for someone else, you're a hugely disgusting person.
>Why don't authoritarians just move out of the free world instead of ruining it by enforcing their broken logic?
>Manufacturing any drug without intent to sell
Shouldn't be a crime.
>Growing shrooms
Shouldn't be a crime
>Reusing a companies seeds after your contract has ended
That's a breach of contract and intellectual property law - which are pretty retarded nowadays since you get something trademarked for a 100 years.
>Voluntary slavery
Shouldn't be a crime.
>Voluntary cannibalism
Shouldn't be a crime.
I'm from Estonia, and this guy talks truth.
Just like CP shouldn't be illegal. Possessing images can not be a crime.
>hurting another person is aokay
Fuck you
>manufacture any drug w/o intent to sell
If you're making it just to make it, like a science project - you are allowed to do this at University
If you're making it to do the drugs yourself (likely) or give them away for free you are retarding your potential, damaging your genetic material (if you want to breed & assuming any woman would throw her genes in the trash) and using up resources that could better be used not making drugs just for your pleasure
>growing shrooms
See above
>Reusing co's seeds after contract ended
Explain to me where this is illegal. I'm not familiar with farming (?) laws like this
>voluntary slavery
We call this having a job - not illegal
>voluntary cannibalism
What are prions? Humans who eat other humans cause irreparable harm to themselves and their children (and thus the society)
>this one study says second hand smoke doesn't cause cancer
Second hand smoke contains high amounts of the following cancer-causing agents: Arsenic, Benzene, Beryllium, 1,3–Butadiene, Cadmium, Chromium, Ethylene oxide, Nickel, Polonium-210, Vinyl chloride, Formaldehyde, Benzo[α]pyrene, Toluene
Until there are a lot more tests done that definitively prove that exposure to all of these does not actually cause cancer, you are violating others rights by making them breathe your second-hand smoke.
See the last point on
its degenerate tho it promotes shitty behavior
Why are there so many slide threads today?
Oh yeah, Trump didn't get BTFO like they hoped.
>"dude, I don't like it so I'm going to call it degenerate and force everyone to adhere to my moral standards"
Literally fucking kill yourself you moralfagging cunt
Let me share with you a thought I had in criminal law class:
(The legal terms are not correct in english, cause I'm freestyling the translation. The concepts are the same.)
Base assumptions:
What is often called "human rights", such as health, freedom of movement, life etc can fall under the same category as material property when thinking in terms of criminal law: All these things are "legal goods"
Criminal law is there to protect these legal goods from EXTERNAL attacks. Meaning: If I burn your wallet, I attack your "legal good" (of property/possesion/ownership/whatever legal term). If I punch you in the face, I attack your "legal good" (of corporeal well being/health/whatever).
If I burn my wallet or punch myself in the face, I attack my own legal good. This attack is not EXTERNAL and thus remains unpunished.
Now, on to our mental exercise:
>the act of consuming drugs attacks/violates one's own body/health system and is thus not punishable
(doing things while on drugs =/= the act of consumption, as this potentially endangers others and is a separate act and punishable)
>the act of taking my own life, aka suicide, attacks/violates one's own health/life and is thus not punishable
All the preparatory acts for suicide are also not illegal, such as:
>getting a knife to slit one's wrists
>preparing a rope to hang oneself
>buying a helium bag to suffocate oneself etc
All the preparatory acts for consuming drugs are illegal, such as:
>growing/making drugs
>buying drugs
>having drugs on your person etc
The act of suicide ends in a death. The act of consuming drugs ends in someone being high (and potentially death).
I had to be Sup Forums correct when asking in class, so my question was:
"Should we maybe look to criminalize preparatory acts for suicide since that leads to certain death (and life is the most highly valued "legal good"), since we already criminalize preparatory acts for consuming drugs that only POTENTIALLY leads to death?"
>Hunting or fishing without a permit
Hunting and fishing permits are used to maintain those natural resources that you are exploiting to society's detriment when you fish/hunt w/o a permit
>before i go to work
If you have a social security number you're a property of the state.
>and before i go to work
It's our business if your job is to haul lettuce in a semi on the 405 your buddies picked.
If I want to fire you for getting baked before work, thats none of your business
Its everyones business to drive themselves and their family on the same roads and work along side a lazy baked half witt. If you want to fuck your life up do so in your own house
No, small scale fishing and hunting =/= environmental destruction
I obviously see the point in having regulation for large scale hunting and fishing, but it remains a fact that while you get fined or jailed depending on the law for killing a rabbit or catching some fish, there is no victim in that situation.
It's the same as cutting a tree without a logging permit. Thankfully, people are very rarely fined for that, contrary to hunting and fishing.
>you know how I know your a lonely faggot?
Smoking is a degenerate activity and should be internationally outlawed
>shrooms are harmful
What a fucking tool.
Theoretically if we lived in an all-white ethnostate such regulations would not be needed. Too bad we don't.
>hur hur le meme arrows