
So, what do you think so far about SHAFT animating the EXTRA series?
So far we've got the CCC and Extella opening.
They had a lot of time to prepare these short animations and yet, they are full of quality and what the fuck was that disco part at the end of the Extella OP?


This is anime related though.

CCC opening was great, both music and animation-wise

Also who worked on the CCC opening?

The same guy as always. Shinbou

Can be worse than that last episode of 3rei, right?

I expect nothing froml Extra. CCC is the real deal, and Ufo should be the one doing it because nobody but them is giving a shit about the Fate series... or they are at least trying.

GJ Deen
GJ Silver Link
GJ Shaft (this will be true in 2017)

>what the fuck was that disco part at the end of the Extella OP?

Shaft is garbage and cant animate fast paced action for the chorus part like ufotable does.

Was it really Shinbo or just his name again?

演出:川畑 喬
色彩設計:日比野 仁
ビジュアルエフェクト:酒井 基、丸尾健士、倉原昌宏、高野慎也
背景:スタジオちゅーりっぷ、渡嘉敷 荘

Fate/Extra CCC OP animation 作画スタッフリスト

Basically Shinbo and a bunch of Shaft regulars.

I wonder who's going to direct the anime. I hope it's someone half-decent like Miyamoto.

Won't this fucking normal faggot cockroach of anime industry ever die off?

Oh neat, I'm glad Shinbo is more active lately. I hope Shinbo directs it.

I hated how they gave about half of a second to some new characters that appear in the CCC and the rest of the OP was about Sakura and her clones.

Why does Fate get the most fucking attention and love compared to other Type Moon IPs?

Because Tsukihime is a Twilight for weebs, KnK has already ended and Mahoyo bombed so hard, that Nasu don't want to do anything more with it.

Because KnK is over and everything else is irrelevant shit.

Granted, it's mostly about Sakura and her clones. But at least it kept you curious.

At least Tamamo is cute.


>tfw the anime will have hardly any Tamamo

>yfw Shin Oonuma returns to Shaft just in time for F/E


What is there not to like?

Not cute. That's all.

actually pretty cute

>big ball of fluffy softness
>not cute

>slut with cowtits
Very uncute

Our definitions of "cuteness" must be different then.

Flat and just! Whores with useless meat need not apply.

I'm not among people who say cute can't be sexy, or sexy can't be cute, however that girl is just pure sexy, nothing cute.
In my opinion.

That's sad.
I would rather watch this show being animated by UFOTABLE.
SHAFT already has monogatari to milk.

looking forward to nero headtilts and monologues
If we get fabulous gilgamesh monologues I will be very happy

Ufotable is still better at adapting Fate shit overall. Just look at their work in ToZ adaptation this year.
Shaft only good at fanservice stand point, nothing more. Even the PV from Shaft was crappy.

Not all forms of cute are sexy, but everything that I find sexy is also cute. "Sexy" that isn't cute is masculine, prudish, or gutter trash that looks like it hits the needle every day, which aren't ideas that are cohesive with sexy in my mind.

Tits are fluffy and soft, and make the girl cuter and sexier.

Zestiria is better than UBW so far.

Tamamo's design is too good and cute for this garbage.

Well, that's an advert for a cool game, not for piece of trash VN/manga meant for our favorite late-night degenerate and plebeian audience.

This is the only acceptable way to do this show now.

I dunno, they're pushing her pretty hard lately.
Since it's an original story, it's possible that both Nero and Tamamo will have prominent roles. It's not as if there are no ways to do it.

>Tamamo feels like they're outmatched, and begrudgingly summons Nero
>dimension antics
>some plot device causes MC to summon both

>archer gets summoned too
>dies within seconds

That's dumbshit, nero and Tamamo only met in this war, they don't have a super peciql connection where they summon each other from anywhere since they're such friends even before they met.

Far more likely is that both MC's are present, and one summons each. Final battle in the anime is hakuno vs zabi.

Tamamo is more likely to summon her other tails if anything.

I don't expect much of shaft, because their shows are usually shit and they are lazy.
That said, at least they know how to draw noses. I wonder what a Fate anime by Trigger would look like.

I want to rub tamamos tail

Will her other tails be loyal to her master, though?

As I said earlier-

>dimension/timeline antics

little reminder that Extella will be for the gaming standards of the japs , one of the best action games out this year, and guess what the true mascot that in its op has usurped the role of both Dirty fox and babylon bitch is our beloved Good civilization!!
no really look at the op! Altera-tan is now the real main character here!

For Fate stuff:

Shaft at its peak > Ufotable at its peak
Ufotable in general > Shaft in general

Show me the quality

Can we have good fan arts of Attila now?

I love Altera too user but come on, you're making us all look bad.

see >good fan arts



Nero is the best.

Hell yeah she is.

She truly is The Flower Of Olympia.