So my sis is sitting next to me and wants to know how pleb her taste is

So my sis is sitting next to me and wants to know how pleb her taste is.
Ask her anything regarding anime.
She knows enough
She's only interested because she knows I go on here to discuss my chinese cartoons with you guys.

Fuck off, you and you're sister.

fuck off

Fuck off.

fuck off

>"Why are they acting so tsun?"

Ask her what she thinks of people telling her to fuck off?

How old are you? Are you cute?

Do you two have sex with each other?

Fuck off, faggot, this isn't /soc/.

Did you fuck your sister?

Did u fug yet?

Has she seen Boku no Piko yet?

is your sisterobese?[/spoiler

What's the last anime you've watched and what did you think about it?

She has a vagina so her taste is destined to be pleb tier

Fuck off, nigger.

I don't think you really have a sister OP, enjoy your hand.

Double suicide

Kill her then kill yourself.


>so my sis is sitting next to me and wants to know how pleb her taste is.

>"I lasted until the car scene in Ep 1."

>"Does Miyazaki's Arrietty count? Beautiful with amazing feel to it, would've worked better if they stayed instead of moving out, kinda goes against the purpose of the movie, I think."

What does she think of my digits?

tits or gtfo.

I think you dropped these, sir

This thread gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling.
>Sup Forums's not dead yet

OP, ask her if she's seen Koi Kaze?

What do you think about Bleach's ending?

Fuck off.

Lurk for 2 years before posting.

Check these dubs while you're at it.

Oh, fuck. Thought you died.

What does your sister think of Maids? This is important

good job mods

Fuck off like I told you a few months ago, you're not a special one

>"What digits? :^)"


>"Nothing, I don't read shit."

>inb4 you misuse samefag again

>"Cute, kind of a dead trope though."

Disregard this fag, skip the tits and just gtfo.


What is her opinion on my digits?

>dead trope

>Visual confirmation of sister
>Fuck off
Chose one


She's lying to you.

she wants the D

>"Try again."

>"Have you seen any maids in recent shows?"


Yeah. Shounen Maid was AOTS.

>>"Nothing, I don't read shit."



public ban when?

sister$ ?

Sakamoto, you're motherfucker.

>"Huh, I missed that one. Worth watching?"

Eh, I didn't watch it since I already read the manga.
I don't know. You watch it and tell me.

>Eh, I didn't watch it since I already read the manga.
Alright, then. Save yourself the trouble and just watch the OVA that comes out next month; I have no idea how Deen stays afloat.

>I don't know. You watch it and tell me.

>"Okay, I will."

A girl admitting to have watched boku no pico? That alone makes me feel like you're rusing us OP


>imaginary sister
>meme arrows + ""
>practically a chatroom
Are Mods dead?

>So my sis is sitting next to me and wants to know how pleb her taste is.

Simply eric xD

mods take these threads too please

What do you think of ForneverWorld?

>"It's deceiving as fuck. Not to mention I've watched it around 7 years ago, when nobody knew what that was yet. Also, everyone who goes on the internet has seen some fucked up shit, dont let them lie to you."

>"No, that's just embarrassing."

They are busy between posting on tumblr and writing the weekly report to the FBI.

>"I like him, he speaks the truth."

We just had a rec thread fall off of page 10.
I'm not sure what's going on, but moderation has been really lackluster the past few weeks. I assume one or two mods have quit.

you didn't completely answer my question, user.

is. she. fat?

Who was best girl?

Are you a loli?

>shitty job babysitting thousands of underaged shitposters with no pay
gee, I wonder why

>"I dropped this one because Taiga was unbearable. but Ami was definetely the best girl."

O-oh yeah? Well then, we'll go to 8gag. That will show them.

>but Ami was definetely the best girl
Great taste.