House of Cards cancelled
House of Cards cancelled
Good riddance, what a terrible show
Well fuck this rapefaggot for ending a good show
im still not tired of winning yet
I called the creator of house of cards a pedophile on twitter and he liked my tweet
this was months ago btw
Accurate portrayal of Democrat politicians IMO.
Yep the show went to shit very fast and is nowhere near as good as the Brit version/book but I still enjoyed it, thanks anthony
god damn i was enjoying it, oh well.
I knew that episode where he reminisces over his homo college days was a bit too real to be acting
HA HA oh man, its like God gave us a special timeline customized just for us.
I posted yesterday asking if we can meme Netflix into cancelling House of Cards. Here we are lmao.
Stopped watching after s2, how is it so far?
Lol. Some faggot climbed on top of another underage faggot 30 years ago and it's news. Holy shit this is great.
went to shit late season 3
The last season sucked anyway.
Who knew these people just played themselves in all these shows?
Bet you loved it for the homosex parts like Spacey did.
Netflix are a bunch of trend riding retard. No fucking backbone. No artistic integrity. Just do what the fuck twitter wants
good, the show was dead the moment the sjws and femnist bullshit took over
Did he come out as gay just now? Weird because I seem to remember him as being gay before.
Vote for Ed Gillispie! The left has reached a new low
Spacey says he doesn't even remember it, but he's sorry anyway. Result? Fired, career ogre.
Hooray for modern liberal witchhunts!
>God enjoyed the bantz so much he gave us a timeline where we steer the fate of the world through collective shitposting and digits
i loved it cuz tight little white girls on my black dick makes me harder than a horse.
Kevin Spacey was probably really happy when he got to kiss that cute Meechum fellow
Officially, yes. Technically he's bisexual.
I did not have sexual relations with that boy.
The first two seasons were pretty good but once he became president what’s the point?
he lost the presidency to hillary in the latest season
It is weird right it’s like all we needed to do was kick in the door and the entire left wing world built since ww2 is coming crashing down.
It’s like trump winning flipped a switch in everyone’s mind, suddenly things seem
Malleable, nobody is untouchable, nothing is impossible.
Spoiler its based off a brittish show and he gets assisnated in the end
Stopped watching halfway through season 5. It just went to shit when they were trying to set up Claire as the new POTUS because of muh womynz equality/equal pay shite.
Season 4 was pretty dead too desu.
This. One of the few shows I gave a single shit about.
Why? The homosexual pedophilia only makes it the most accurate political show ever.
How is this for you, you fucking morons? HoC is about a corrupt Democratic president. You are fucking morons holy shit.
House of Cards became shit by the 3rd episode of season 3
>ywn get to binge watch kevin spacey throw cunt reporters into trains instead of studying for exams again
Glad I stopped watching after they killed Zoe.
I, for one, can't wait for Stephen Colbert to get caught.
proof or you're gay
The point is to destroy the corrupt entertainment cabal not so random television show whose contents don't even fucking matter you narrow sighted newfag.
Why does Netflix hate brave gay actors?
Wait, I thought netflix was a champion of the gay community?
Should have ended after season 2. It was great before then but it really went to shit in a big way after.
>Spoiler its based off a brittish show and he gets assisnated in the end
...and it all went tumbling down like a house of cards...
>>ywn get to binge watch kevin spacey throw cunt reporters into trains instead of studying for exams again
holy shit I'm not the only one... that first season was responsible for a few grades that weren't up to par.
By using feminist tactics of shaming men for having a sexuality. Any claim of sexual misconduct gets your career shit-canned. You realize this will end up as massive blow-back. You don't care, its shortsighted and moronic.
He didn't rape anyone at all, and this is all just accusations.
Honestly, one manchild makes an allegation 30 YEARS after an 'inappropriate advance' and everyone just believes them?
Hey maybe I'll just say 'Trump touched me' and get rid of the horrible man from the oval office?
Ever wonder why the netflix logo is red?
it took two fucking weeks for the MSM to cover this shit because they hoped it would slide under the rug...
Thank god. Just put it out of its misery
>"The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy."
--Edwin Edwards, former Democratic Governor of Louisiana
umm he admitted to it
Spacey said he doesn't remember it happening but if it did then it was probably when he was drunk. So he's not really denying it.
should have been canceled after season 2.
Wasn't Brian Singer accused of the same shit?
Don't Brian Singer and Spacey go way back?
Is this how they met? This how Spacey got cast in the Unusual Suspects?
Both really into young gay men and teens?
>fake President gets impeached
>point out Spacey trying to link pedos to homos- homos turn on Spacey
>point out how anti-gay Netflix is- homos turn on Netflix
So I take it he really is a pedo then, in addition to a homo. Fucking degenerates
House of cards literally coming down
trump is a poet
14 is not pedo
Another degenerate faggot bites the dust!
I hope he an heroes.
Less than age of consent is pedo.
This isn't fucking difficult.
Seems like it was heading towards a conclusion anyways
first two seasons and half of the third were really good, last two have been awful. last season might be the worst ive ever seen of any show
>pooftah actor gets btfo when they find out he likes boys
>more pooftahs get outed for liking boys
>they all get fired
>since basically all pooftahs like boys we essentially go back to discriminating against pooftahs
the whole pooftah tolerance thing was doomed from the start, people were bound to re-figure out that pooftah = nonce
So actually blacklisting pooftahs for being nonces is pretty pooftophobic, since it discriminates against a quintessentially trait.
Add him to the mural
the two were frequently fingered on imdb forums and datalounge regarding twinks and little boys
>an crisis
kys nigger
Pedo is attraction to prepubescent kids, you postmodern faggot. Words have meanings.
Original UK version was better anyway, lol.
I mean there's been at least 100 women that accused Trump of sexual assault during his campaign, but, worth a shot i guess?
>an 'inappropriate advance'
This is what pissess me off the most about all of this, most of the "rape" accusations being thrown around were just of people being "pushy".
It's absolutely ridiculous.
If you still wanted to watch it after Claire was set up as the EBIN FEEMALE WIMIYN PREZUDENT character for next season then you should just kill youself anyways.
This show needed a deathblow before it disgraced its early seasons any further.
No one can replace Kevin Spacey on House of Cards, he WAS the show.
First 2 seasons were good, they should've wrapped it up during season 3 and it would've been a legendary show.
He's DEFINITELY having a meltdown about this, hence the retarded Nazi dad and gay stories.
Shouldn't diddle the kiddles
A convenient excuse for them to can the dying series.
and its still illegal, enjoy prison.
The moment spacey kissed a man on that show it turned to complete trash.
Must be more coming. The people who like that show all try to fuck 14 year old boys
>Pulled the plug based on allegations
Whew it's a great time to be a rape survivor nudge nudge wink wink
Should have ended after season 2.
They can't do this twice.
real life house of cards
>Implying anyone would watch the steaming pile of shit that House of Cards would be with just Robin Wright
Like suggested, Kevin Spacey WAS the show. The early seasons were so damn good too, it's a shame. But it's been a long time coming at this point, I'm kind of glad this is going to be the last of it. Might as well put the show out of its misery before it goes downhill faster than it already has.
Now we need to get stranger things cancelled.
I've never seen it but I'm tired of normies talking about it, so I assume it's awful.
Now that you bring up Stranger Things I need to get something off my chest. Stranger things SHOULD HAVE BEEN AN ANTHOLOGY. It was TRUE DETECTIVE that should have been a continuing series and NOT an anthology.
He admitted to get a hard on when benis is puthole. He said "if I did it, I'm sorry, but I was waaaay too drunk to even care because I'm a yuuuge fegit"
Yeah, but it's killing Hollywood and the rest of the Jewish facade. Revel in it.