Why is reddit still fellating Mueller when it's obvious he's not going to be BRINGING DOWN DRUMPF?
Why is reddit still fellating Mueller when it's obvious he's not going to be BRINGING DOWN DRUMPF?
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Also it will be comical to see how they turn on him once he starts bringing down dems. I wonder if they'll just delete the subreddit outright and pretend it never happened.
Let them have their day this will be hilarious in a couple of days President Trump's 1year anniversary coming up
Morning y’all!!! It SURE IS shaping up to be another GREAT day, isn’t it?!
Rarely do I feel the need to point out my own credibility so I’ll just remind you that this was filed independently yesterday, on behalf of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. as the DEFENDANT. Note, it wasn’t filed by the DOJ or on behalf of an individual.
Now as yourselves this… why would this FACT, be important? Why would Donald J. Trump for President, INC. want to legally file this? What protections are afforded from the day organizations like “Wikileaks.org” are named/implicated, in a formally filed US District Supreme Court?
Hypothetically and all… if you were in the position of releasing valuable, leaked information you’ve obtained to the public, you’d probably want to first ensure the ball you PRE-NEGOTIATED federal protections on, was legally rolling, right? If you had secretly negotiated your terms with Rep. Dana Rohrabacher back in August and had agreed you’d keep a lid on your shit until the negotiated deadline of 10/21/17, then you’d also need to wait for the parties/campaign INC’s you negotiated with, to legally file action in favor of your protection, no?!
Except here’s the thing, as soon as you file ANYTHING with a federal US District Court, it BECOMES and is ADDED to accessible, PUBLIC RECORDS, isn’t it?!
So, if you’re trying to keep shit under wraps until you’re ready to pull a trigger, you’d probably wait to file what will become a matter of public record, until you absolutely have to do it, right?!
Y’all let paid Sup Forumstrolls turn me into some “10/21 Assange release happening”, that I NEVER CLAIMED would actually happen, on the 21st. Instead of reading my well-documented, archived posts thoroughly and IN FULL for yourselves, y’all chose to become the LARP’s you claim you know better than to fall for…
soros shill scum
>Mueller has signed confession from Papadapolous that he and the Trump campaign colluded with Russians
Mueller got the confession.
The delusion is strong
damn Drumpf btfo, he's surely finished now
Mornin y’all. MegaAnon here. 1. You need to know that as of last Monday (mid-morning), the DC FBI was officially approved to assume federal jurisdiction over the Vegas investigation, via federal petition. Important to note that in the SAME appeal, they not only circumvented the LVMPD, but they also ousted their own NV FBI field office (this is A RARE MOVE, based on what limited and again, very loose documented intel they presented to support their appeal). At time of appeal, they informally presented undisclosed intel (usually this means this intel was NOT obtained or aggregated by US-based intel agencies. That’s important because it lets them keep the source of the info confidential for “active investigation purposes”, therefore remains completely unsourced and substantiated) indicating the suspect had “terror related ties”.
Papadopoulos now, Trump next.
Pic related.
Reddit has to fellate someone. It may as well be Mueller.
>copypasted the "mega user"
where was today's happening
True if true.
They'll pretend the Podesta brothers had nothing to do with Hillary or Democrats.
uranium one
fusion gps
33,000 emails
clinton foundation
podesta lobbying
tarmac meeting
irs scandal
comey illegal leaks admitted
The mental gymnastics will be amazing when it happens
We should archive the best of mental gymnastic breakdown
We're already witnessing supreme mental gymnastics from the poor Trump koolaids drinkers. They're shitting themselves trying to change the subject to Podesta and claim that it's okay that Manafort was a Russian agent laundering Russian money and it was okay for Trump campaign staff to collude with RUssians. This is hilarious to watch their mental breakdwon.
>There is no investigation
>There's an investigation but it's not Trump-Russia
>There's an investigation into Trump-Russia but they found nothing. No arrests.
>Mueller has filed charges but it's going to be Democrats indicted
>Manafort got indicted but he's actually a secret democrat and Trump didn't know anything about his work for foreign governments
Because Redditors are thin skinned emotionally comprised millennial cucks
if trump didnt fire manafort you would have a point
this is high level meme
to a normie this is just a white banana with a blm shirt
but to a season Sup Forums user it is a compilation of several memes designed to humiliate and mock a very specific demographic
truly fascinating
you're supposed to list more stuff after
trump will win in 2020
Trump and Clinton are both going down. Stupid MAGAtards forget trump and Clinton swam in the same circles for decades.
However, Clinton will wiggle out of it because she's had four+ decades of avoiding scandals, and Trump is an idiot who invited russian collaborators and scumbag hucksters to his inner circle. Praise Kek, he really will drain the swamp, he just didn't realize he was a part of it.
Screen cap this post.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand that meme.
dunno about Blumpf but sadly you are right about Clinton, she will never be punished no matter how much evidence there is against her, there is no justice in this world
wtf is up with his jawline/cheeks?
>dunno about Blump
Trump is a moron.
But he's a rich moron, whose Daddy had lots of connections, and he runs a business renting real estate in the most desired stretch of land in the world.
Mueller is going to squeeze Manafort and everyone else and work up the chain to Trump. That's why there's nothing about Trump yet. Mueller is good at his fucking job and that means shit being airtight. I don't know if they'll catch Trump out directly, but there will be enough scandal he'll get impeached because the republican establishment will get worried about a mid-term loss if they don't move to show they weren't connected to Trump. And he's too stupid to take their offers to step down.
Next level?
Do you guys not get that we'd willing sacrifice Podesta and Clinton to bring down Trump? Who gives a shit about a twice-ran, has been? Keep your eye on the ball, trumpkins. This just the beginning.
lol at being this deluded
this is some shit level mimicry here
Sup Forums Sunday Oct 29:
>It's gonna be so funny when Podesta and Hillary are locked up tomorrow!!
Sup Forums Monday Oct 30:
>Nothing to see here folks, just a nothingburger!
Maximum Damage Control!!!
why is his face so bloated?
I don't know, why are you guys the Trump defence force?
Two sides of the same coin.
Are you implying we're less united than Conservatives right now?
Thanks to one person your party is a mess. Control every branch and can't get shit done? Impressive. If the next year is anything like the last year, this will be a very short period of "#winning".
Your meme goes beyond my simple comprehension. I have saved it so that I may continue to study it with a view to gaining maymay enlightenment.
Seriously, it's getting annoying.
I think the best we could do, and what would be the most moral thing, is hoping that Mueller isn't compromised by a side and gets all of the facts and truths, not just the onesided ones.
At least that is what i root for. I don't care if they're republicans or dems, all I want to get from this is some beautiful swamp drainage!
what animu is this?
should we meme him up
I know you're baiting, but trump canned manafort when he got wind of his dealings in the ukraine. Total nothingburger
>hoping that Mueller isn't compromised
I hate to ruin your day, but he is compromised without any doubt.
Stop projecting. Democrats don't have a platform, their leaders are clueless and all they do is pander to the next minority group for votes while telling their base they better accept them or else. The left is essentially rudderless at this moment and has secluded itself in a cultural echo chamber that will require a massive mental overhaul to eliminate.
Meanwhile, the collective right is going through a restructure away from the establishment and towards populism. Be it Alt-Right, Alt-Light or Centrists, the vitality of ideas and discussion on the right is currently unmatched in recent history. No safe spaces.
Because redditors are born cocksuckers
Yeah Right where is the Sauce then...???
i think it's funny you leftist cuck's will make anything up to get rid of Trump
Like your Russian Overlords Obama and Hillary will either be in prison or someone will kill them im leaning on someone killing them first plus a lot of trump haters in the process lmao.
Because Trump is guilty of working with the Russians during the campaign. Papadopoulos just plead guilty to lying to the FBI about not having communications with the Russians. He will most likely take a plea deal where he will testify that people in Trump's inner circle were not only aware of his communications, but ordered him to set up those meetings to work more closely with them.
>A court document revealed on Monday that members of President Donald Trump's campaign discussed finding a low-level staff member to communicate with the Russian government in order not to arouse any suspicion.
>"Let[']s discuss. We need someone to communicate that DT is not doing these trips," one campaign official wrote to the other, referring to Trump. "It should be someone low level in the campaign so as not to send any signal."
You do realize that even with that kind of a testimony there has to be evidence that corroborates this fever-dream you cooked up right?
Non of you find it weird that none of this was investigated when Mueller was director of the FBI, especially when it all happened under his watch?
Explain to me why Kushner was trying to setup back channel communications with the Russians then.
>In talks with Kislyak in December, Kushner floated the possibility of setting up a secure line of communication between the Trump transition team and Russia — and having those talks take place in Russian diplomatic facilities in the US, essentially concealing their interactions from US government scrutiny, The Post wrote, citing US intelligence officials briefed on the matter.
Trump and his whole team are a bunch of shady scoundrels that will go down. Also, Mueller's probe has only been going on since May and has already lead to 3 indictments. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
I like how you change things around to fit your agenda. Manaforts charges have 0 to do with the campaign, all of it happened while Mueller was director of the FBI and they did nothing about it, Papadopoulos did talk to a professor that maybe had ties with Russian officials but it was before he worked for the Trump campaign, Papadopoulos also worked for Ben Carson’s campaign. Why aren’t they investigating him?
It's almost like you forget that Hillary was literally doing business selling uranium to the russians mere years before. Not just "floating" the suggestion of talking. Is this really how you think? Presidential hopefuls frequently interact with politicians from other countries. You are so stuck in your own narrative. Worst part is, it's not even YOUR narrative, its the one that was drummed up for you by the deepstate who only 10 years ago you were decrying. So strange how the sides have switched. Now you love big gov and side with corporate media. So fucking bizarre.
Pickle Rick
What am i missing?
Show me proof that Uranium was sold to the Russians. I've shown you ample proof that Trumps team was in contact with the Russians and even tried to setup illegal communication lines so that they can better coordinate their stories to hide their crimes. You're choosing to stay willfully ignorant of the crimes of your favored politician. People like you are why our government and country are so fucked up. Stop being Trumps cheerleader and realize that he's a corrupt piece of garbage.
You sound like a female
Negatory there ghostrider. A lot of the shit that is in the criminal complaint against Manafort went down when he had ties to the Podesta group.
>Lobbying powerhouse the Podesta Group filed paperwork with the Justice Department today acknowledging that its work years ago for a European nonprofit benefited the same Ukrainian political party once advised by Paul Manafort, who later ran Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
Same shit that Manafort is getting charged over.
of all sad words of tongue and pen
>tried to setup
>Kushner floated the possibility of setting up
>floated the possibility
Haha wow, nice spin
Same reason why they hated Comey for looking at the e-mails, but then loved him when he didnt indict, but then they hated him because he didnt get anything on Trump, but then they loved him again when Trump fired him, but then they hated him again when Hillary blamed him for her loss on her book
Cant wait to see their hopes and dreams crushed again and again
>3 people putting their hands over their mouth
Ive never understood why women and faggots do that.
It's only obvious to people with working brain cells.
So, you're telling us that you are the group of 5 Whitehouse anons?
You are kidding right. The whole of the left has been REEEEEing about russia for a year and still nothing directly tying it to Trump yet YOU, YOU have the missing piece of the puzzle
Then you go on to tell me I am why this country is fucked up? What a joke. was right, you sound like a female. You also sound fucking deluded.
(White) (Cis) (Heteronormative) Men like me (STEM Professional) built this country and most of the western world. The best you can do is follow in our steps and try to leverage our empathy for some GIBS. I use liberated women like you like the socket you are. Knowing full well the entire time that when I am ready to slow things down a bit in a decade or so I will marry some young strumpet and breed her because your well is unfit.
You are: Pic Related
Meanwhile Uranium one deal is out in the open and very clearly linked to Hillary and her pals. Did you also forget about the corruption laid out in the DNC and Podesta emails, or did you not look at those because CNN said not to?
Am I having deja vu, or is this pasta? What "filing" are you talking about here?
So is this thread full of Shareblue cucks or plebbit discord fags?
Either way, Sup Forums is definitely being shilled to hell today.
PS. Manafort is more a Clinton operative than a Trump one ;)
it's starting to feel like pol in election season again
pic related
Like I said… you can give people the “redpill”, but only they choose to swallow. Those who complain this is all taking so long are those swallowed theirs a long time ago. These are the same people who aren’t viewing the Uranium 1 and dossier news this week, as “breaking”. Those people already validated and justified Wikileaks, as a credible, valuable resource. Unfortunately for us, half the country, if not more, have listened to people they’ve voted for and trust, like Hillary, their senators, reps, department/agency heads, former Obama admins, etc. banging on them for years that “Wikileaks is a national security threat”, they’re “Russian-tied agents working against our democratic process and sovereignty”, “Assange is a rapist”, etc. it’s all bullshit to us, but we have far too many with their heads in the sand.
I don't know why, but I read that with the same voice Seinfeld says *Newman*
Maybe something jewish, dunno
Mueller is the new Bernie, it'll end the same way for them
i never thought he'd bring down trump. I was already satisfied that Flynn got busted(before Mueller but still Russia).
Mueller and the MSM have proven that the trump campaign did at least try to work with Russia and thats enough to prove that Trump is a fraud and a liar.
never expected more than that
also, im not democrat so feel free to take down anyone that has tried to hurt our country for their personal gain.
They're already turning on Podesta.
They are gonna turn on Mueller quickly once he starts going after Dems like Podesta
Wouldn't be surprised if even top Dems demand he stand down due to "conflict on interest" since Mueller is a Republican
We wait for the King to be exonerated. We are civilized people that believe in the law.
>They're already turning on Podesta.
lol, who's they? the Podesta fanclub??
>Knowing that Mueller is a deep state operative
>Shilling the left is against Mueller in hopes the right will support him as he tries to take down Trump.
You're starting to confuse the dumbest among us so I'll give you shills some credit.
>We wait for the King to be exonerated.
its already way too late for that.
Obamaleaf faggot detected
It's polite to not force those around you to smell cum breath
didn't trump appoint mueller?
>viewing leddit
>In the year of our Lord 2017
neck yourself
It's being shilled by trumptards who are trying their very best to pretend today wasn't a huge blow to Trump and the party.
Pretending actual news isn't a big deal is what the democrats did and we all know how that turned out.
>when it's obvious he's not going to be BRINGING DOWN DRUMPF?
did he announce that the investigation was concluded? can you link me to that story?
TFW you had about 10 years to bust manafort as FBI Director but wait until you are special counsel.
because theyre comprised of literal cuckolds. i saw this today and died laughing. they truly believe if they just put all their chips with big daddy government that they'll be alright. its funny how easy it would be to gather these people up to be genocided. they'd line up for you practically if you played it right
Tood bad for them they can't fire him now that they realize he's not acting as their lackey. Congress can't fire him. Even Trump can't fire him. Funny, huh.
lol shitskin Anne Franke
Le 4D chess. All of these guys are swamp creatures - Manafort, Comey, Muller, Podesta, et al. They have been pitted against each other in a desperate struggle for survival. Celebrity death match. Trump is the director and producer. Just let it play out boys.
trump is now on the apprentice US government edition
imagine the amount of suicides that would occur when mueller clears trump of all charges. seriously this is all the lefitst have left. blind faith in the very establishment that has fucked them this whole time. any time i talk to a leftist now its "oh just waiting for mueller". i would feel ecstasy knowing all of these leftists hopes and dreams are broken once again. it would be the sweetest irony ever if this happened. i swear there would be thousands of suicides that day
Because liberalism is a deep severe dark and deadly mental disorder.
Because they're women and faggots you fucking retard they are children
He didn’t do anything you stupid ignorant motherfucker
Eyes so far apart from generations of inbreeding. Being liberal must be so easy just blame your problems on something else reeeee