i been out of the politics game for a while. can someone please gimme a rundown of what is going on with the trump dossier and the uranium thing.
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humpty drumpfy is falling
Okay please explain how hes failing
>please explain how hes falling
why wont someone just tell me whats goin on
pretty much their arresting people to cover this up:
thanks for nothing pol. thought youd help a fellow american. guess not.
blow it out your ass
also theres like 100 threads on this, just lurk
>please gimme a rundown of what is going on
Trump and his campaign officials are now officially fucked
and they're throwing anything they can at the press
hoping to distract them.
It won't work.
Lol you can't stop the GOD EMPEROR.
Fake news. kys shill
manafort has been indicted for crimes he commited before any connection to trump. This is bad for dems as he was on the dem's side of things back in the 2008-2014 era. Whatever is going on it was serious enough that tony podesta resigned and lawered the fuck up.
Something serious is about to go down, and trump is clear of any wrongdoings thus far. Notice the ammount of shareblue out today? They dont even have a narritive, their just here to disrupt.
i just like trolling
but in all seriousness, we cant let pence get ahold of the nuclear codes
>Notice the ammount of shareblue out today?
>boy Sup Forums is getting their asses kicked now that the jig is up for our god emperor
I hope they arrest you shareblue fucks for sedation after the podesta group is taken down by a rico case.
lol are we that boring?
My mate had that t-shirt in '93. He told me,
>Everytime I wear this t-shirt I seem to get wankered.
I told him it was probably a coincidence, as we walked from the bus station to college.
>Cue former schoolmate with a pocket full of this new fangled grass from Holland.
>It's called Skunk because it fuckin stinks
And so the legend of the Nirvana shirt was born.
thank you dude. thats all i wanted to hear
Manafort's indictment paperwork lists crimes up until 2017. Come up with better lies.
You really aren't very smart are you?
Maybe you should stick with the other kids at your lunchroom table.