Remember This?
good times
no what film is it from
The day Norway was saved from cuckery?
Yeha... that fucking bomb blew out my window so its hard to forget... i dont miss all those commies on that island but my window was innocent
They're still cucks, though?
Bunch of dead faggots? No not really.
Bunch of dead faggots? No not really.
No one ever remembers a faggot.
nobody will remember you, you aspie
Clearly you will desu
Not as much
Those commies didn't die in vain.
Commander Breivek turned them from dogshit liberal swine into fertilizer.
Which way is the wind blowing in Norway, niggers?
what was this? can someone tell me please?
Read the goddamn file name you fucking newfag.
Any Norwayfags want to fill us in on what the long term repercussions of this have been?
Sorry for your lost. Your window served its purpose. I will never forget it.
Stoner kids, that are too lazy to get up if the police is going to get them? What is new?
F for user's brave window.
Not easy being a wi(n)dower.
How did you feel when you heard it was just Commies instead of humans that died?
F for the window.
mk ultra slave of jesuits/freemasons killing pseudo commie left ,nothing t see here goy .
Can I get a basic gestalt on this?