Why did my mom keep a spotless house while working 2 jobs and raising 3 kids and have dinner cooked every night for my...

Why did my mom keep a spotless house while working 2 jobs and raising 3 kids and have dinner cooked every night for my dad when I was a kid but every girl that has lived with me doesn't want to work or clean and can't cook worth a shit?

Why do you want to date someone like your mom? Creepy.
I'm sure you don't have girls lining up to please you, take what you can get cuck begger

They are even getting lazy in bed. Fat asses won't do anything anymore except post on social media.

She won't do it for you...

But she will for your children.

Get her pregnant and see the transformation from lazy thot to caring mother.

We have 2 kids in diapers.

I'll take "No Home Economics Classes" for 500, Alex

>every girl that has lived with me

You implied you're a fuckboi there

MAYBE just maybe its because there were girls who grew up in the same situation as you. Except they won't identify with their dad, they will identify with their over worked mom.
So in reality, blame your dad for being the predecessor to the NUfag you turned out to be. Your dads couldn't make sure your moms were a stay at home motherers so they could better take care of their children. Instead she was Taking care of you fags and two full jobs (not including house hold work). Fuck you dad. Because of weak men like him, women are becoming weak. Instead, make sure you control your woman and provide for her. If you can't do that, how will you re-tame them to be mothers?

Better yet, forget women. Soon enough we will be able to harvest Ubermensch and women will go obsolete.

something like 5% of families are able to survive with only 1 person working in 2017. i'm sure it wasn't much different in the 80's. The last any family was able to do that was probably the 50's.

Then you're a faggot who can control a woman. Its not her fault you aren't man enough to control her.

Seriously, /pol likes to bash women for their inferiority and yet women are also hyper-intelligent saboteurs. NO YOU FAGGOT, YOU are the problem

That wouldn't disprove what I said. Instead it reinforces the point. Women or Men aren't home enough to take care of their children. That's why Kikes and Fags ruin your children in the public ed system.

That fake statistic is obviously wrong when you consider that 25-30% of children today live in a single parent household.

yeah but you wouldn't really consider a single mom a family now would you. because single moms are degenerate worthless whores.

Why would a woman want to cook and clean for you as well as support your lazy ass? What are you so busy with? Learn to clean up after yourself or earn enough money to afford a maid.

How high value was your dad? How high value was he in her AVAILABLE dick-pool?
What did he bring to the table?

This is question 1. Question 2 = why the fuck are you going for feminized sunder-fucked roasties with no pairbonding ability nor pre-frontal cortex functioning left?

Look I get where you are coming from but being "dumb" or "vapid" does not somehow remove the capacity to be extremely devious, cunning and sly. Also they do this instinctually so judging them is really beta behaviour.

Gf's mom and grandma are in kitchen making thanksgiving dinner. I tell her theres 2 generations of cooking secrets in there and she should go learn something.. she continues to sit and read her book, so i go in and learn to cook so at least someone absorbs the knowledge. .

Because he's a nig beyond repair.

Its almost like the kikes that encouraged women into the workforce caused a massive influx of money into the economy, while increasing worker numbers so prices go up, wages stay stagnant and the family unit crumbles so womyn can feel the privlage of working 40hrs for 45 years.

30 here. The truth about our generation is that we are terrifically spoiled. Our parents generation was spoiled as well but they are dr. Frankenstein to our monsters.

We're the master sex. You give woman too much credit. Women don't know what they are doing. They are a reflection of the nearest men around them. Mirrors

"The one nearest me quickly smiled rather diffidently - was it ironic, or an invitation? She probably didn’t know herself…"
Georges Bataille, L'Abbé C

Yah user the end of my post agrees with your argument here so I´ve nothing to add.
I was reacting only to the "two different attributes = hypocritical argument" part of your post. I see it a lot with Chosenites and it´s not exactly proper way of seeing it.

>women are a reflection of the nearest men around them

wow really made me think

your mother had better parents.

you are very naive

I'm surprised considering niggers don't think

>reddit flag
>calling a married guy with 2 kids a nigger

please leave my thread and go back to /r/incel. no one is woman hating here. I just asked a legitimate question.

Women should't have to perform traditional gender roles. In today's society a woman shouldn't have to do either. Women should work because they're genetically more intelligent and men should take care of all the gross labor.

"In no age has the weak sex been treated with such respect on the part of men as in our time - that's part of the tendency and basic taste of democracy, just like the disrespect for old age. Is it any wonder that this respect immediately leads to abuse? People want more; people learn to make demands. They finally find this toll of respect almost sickening and would prefer a competition for rights, in fact, a completely genuine War. Briefly put, woman is losing her shame. Let's add to that at once that she is also losing her taste. She is forgetting to be afraid of man. But the woman who "forgets fear" abandons her most womanly instincts. The fact that woman dares to come out when that part of men which inspires fear - let's say it more clearly - when the man in men - is no longer wanted and widely cultivated - is reasonable enough, even understandable enough. What's more difficult to grasp is that in this very process - woman degenerates. That's happening today: let's not deceive ourselves about it! Wherever the industrial spirit has triumphed over the military and aristocratic spirit, woman now strives for the economic and legal independence of a shop assistant: "woman as clerk" stands out on the door of the modern society which is now developing. As she thus empowers herself with new rights and strives to become "master" and writes the "progress" of woman on her banners and little flags, it becomes terribly clear that the opposite is taking place: woman is regressing. Since the French Revolution the influence of woman in Europe has grown smaller in proportion to the increase in her rights and demands, and the "Emancipation of Woman," to the extent that that is desired and demanded by women themselves (and not just by superficial men), has, as a result, produced a peculiar symptom of the growing weakening and deadening of the most feminine instincts." N, BGE 239

Is Sup Forums just trolls now or what is happening to this board

Because you're attracting losers. I have no idea why the people you're dating do not want to take care of Their finances, nutrition, or environment....but my guess is it has to do with you in one way or anther.

> hurr durr women are so superior to men that we have to ask the government to force companies to hire us because we have less experience and work less hours hurr durr!!

luro moar newfag

because women are taught to be "empowered and brave" while that sounds good all it really does is tell them they dont have to do these things because they are "social constructs". Essentially a way to cop out of any chores and be the lazy degenerate fucks they want to be.
A wife or girlfriend (even those that live alone) who cant wash dishes, cook, or clean, are just pretending they are "strong and independent" while in reality they are just as lazy as most fedora lords and lack any sort of life discipline due to never being said "no" to in their childhood by spineless cuck parents. Its just a way to project how they feel about responsibilities and commitment. Trust me, i dated a girl like this before dumping her ass. Never again, not cooking and cleaning is an extreme red flag and a telling sign that said girl is an absolute degenerate. I had to find out the hard way through a girl friend of mime that worked in the same place as she did that she was flirting around, all this while the dishes would be unclean at home. Realizing that I was cleaning the dishes most of the time while she was flirting made me slap the bitch 2 times before i packed out, got my own apartment within a week and left her alone to pay rent and bills by herself. By day 1 of next month she was calling me how terribly sorry she was. dont date slobs faggots, no matter how big the tits.

>But she will for your children.

Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend, enjoy your stay.

typical response from a burger.

A lot of single parent households get money from the gov't, user.

my gf could fuck up a glass of water, I cook.
At least she cleans and does the laundry

women dont do anything except look at social media 24/7 on their phones

you didnt ask shit? like nigga what question do you think you asked? btw kekistani is the new alpha beta flag, you niggers need to pick up the game on trying to troll the trolling.

this is the correct answer.

Were your parents married when you were a kid? Were you married to any of those women?

t. Roastie

because they're children of divorce who never saw their mother be a homemaker, only date people whos parents are still married

Typical response from a leaf.

This may be some of the worst advice I have ever read

A. I don’t want them to cook, I can cook myself, actually I am awesome at cooking and fast

B. clean? Why should they clean my apartment?

C. The problem with my ex-gf was that we both worked too much, so were tired when we were together

>Why do you want to date someone like your mom? Creepy.
>I'm sure you don't have girls lining up to please you, take what you can get cuck begger
Sounds more like you got some mother issues.
How retarded are you? If your mom represents good values in a woman that doesn't mean you want to fuck your mom idiot, it means you respect and honor your mom as a good woman.
If your mom wasn't a good woman in any way ofcourse you shouldn't be interested in finding someone like her. Doesn't mean you want a woman to act like a mom to you. Those are two different things entirely.
Apparently you don't think your own mom is a very good woman for whatever reason. But apparently she still raised your sorry ass to be as sorry as you are. So atleast be a little thankful for her putting up with your crap.

Because most people's (people currently under 30) parent(s) were shit parents who expended more energy on antagonizing their offspring rather than raising them right or running an effective household.

The answer to most of societal ails, rampant cultural marxism and post modernism left unchallenged, that's what produced third wave feminism which i like to call wgtow because that's exactly what it does. Tells women, you're a strong independent woman you don't need no man, the sex and the city generation.. just party and get laid all throughout your 30's too. Then they wake up some day in their 40's not married and end up in some instances fucking killing themselves realized the lie that was and how it's way too late for a lot of them. Unlike men women are on a tight biological clock if they don't make a family and have kids, they're FUCKED and go into menopause. It's same for men aswell except they're still fertile but to witness your children grow up and have grandchildren and experience all of that, you can't just keep pretending like having a family and finding someone you really love isn't important. But again, cultural marxism etc. is all about destruction of the nuclear family aswell. Everything western civilization is build on, tear it down cause it's wrong and shit cause reasons. And then when these sorry cunts find out that it wasn't wrong it's too late for them. The women you've met are on that trajectory down into the fucking abyss of despair. But right now they're having a good time, so why please a man, why put in any fucking effort, it's not like i can't just replace him with someone else down the line, that's their thinking. And then they justify their idiocy of buying into that later on with being single and not having kids being a good thing. No.. you fucked up, don't fucking promote it to others so that they make the same mistakes just to feel better about yourself you arrogant cunts. You're not half the woman our mothers were.

>Because most people's (people currently under 30) parent(s) were shit parents who expended more energy on antagonizing their offspring rather than raising them right or running an effective household.
Give me a fucking break, blame your parents why don't you. If your parents were shit, even more reason why you should be less shittier. Blame shifting galore with you. Take responsibility for your own life choices.

I'm not talking about myself. I remember in grade school almost all of my friends' parents starting getting divorced. Shit creates more shit, your average person does not see it as a challenge to rise and meet. The West has been burning for a while now.

>your average person does not see it as a challenge to rise and meet
Well that's the difference these days i'll give you that. Now it's just about "oh look how much of a fucking victim i am" In the past these great mothers and fathers people have had, you wouldn't believe the shit they crawled out from if you could even call that parenting and told themselves, you know fucking what, i'm going to give my kids everything i wish i would've had in a parent. But now..
>BOOHOOO i'm the victim
And millions of people virtue signalling to their defense
>yeah you're totally a victim you can't do nothing better ever cause you're a victim
and they go
>ah i guess you're right, i'm DOOMED i'm fucking DOOMED, game over man GAME OVER!
It's so silly. PULL YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. Adversity in todays society is like a fucking broken fingernail in comparison to what it was in the past. They'd have a fucking heart attack if they had to go through that yet look at what massively wonderful things that was created inspite of that. I'm so sick of this shit, it's nice to feel sorry for yourself but fgs pull yourself together, someone needs to just slap them in the fucking face so they get back to reality.

I know that feel user. My Grandmother was the same and told me nothing but good stories, of meeting my granddad after WW2, having 6 kids and being a house wife. The same thing with all of my great aunties. None of them complained about "being stuck at home with kids"

I haven't dated a girl in 5 years who can cook or cleans her house/apartment.
I really don't know what they have to offer men anymore? They don't want kids, they don't want to be women I mean wtf?

>Get her pregnant and see the transformation from lazy thot to caring mother.

Bit hard to get them pregnant when they wont come off birth control until they are 35.

>I haven't dated a girl in 5 years who can cook or cleans her house/apartment.
>I really don't know what they have to offer men anymore? They don't want kids, they don't want to be women I mean wtf?
it's fucking ridiculous, the third wave feminism bullshit has caused them to believe that being a woman that takes care of her kids etc. is bad, unless it's a single mother ofcourse (where the kids grow up all fucked up like without a father) because THAT'S what a strong independent woman does, she don't need no man. BULL SHIT.
Nothing makes a woman happer if she could be a house wife just taking care of the fucking kids 24/7 and enjoying herself cleaning the house and cooking food and playing with the little nuggets whilst the man takes care of business and brings home the bacon. She's in fucking HEAVEN.
These party getting laid women, they aren't happy they just THINK they are, it's a plastic reality that society tells them if you do this you're happy, that's the only reason why they think they're happy. Look at them they're fucking miserable and when they get older and still haven't started a family and it's getting to that screeching level where it's almost too late, they're FUCKING MISERABLE!
You're right, these women don't have a clue what being a woman is. It's been drummed out of them. And it's very sad, for both parties.

>Why do you want to date someone like your mom? Creepy.
>if my mother was the sweetest, kindest woman in the world I shouldn't want to date someone like her

Canadians, they are werid