You can only choose one

You can only choose one.

Only Koneko will do.

Irina please.

I say this every DxD thread
Only a complet faggot would seperate Akeno and Rias and not take both of them at the same time.
They are made to be fucked together

I would rather die than be forced to chose only one

Unless Rias is licking my asshole while I fuck and make out with Akeno. I have no need for Rias. I'd prefer to focus solely on Akeno.


I gazed upon your eyes and knew you were my nigger. Just one of them on their own is sexy enough, but the two together at the same time would be an experience beyond description. All I can tell you is, imagine blowing your first load and making them tear into eachother like full blown hardcore lesbian tongue kissing, pussy and asshole fingering, carpet munching debauchery to get your boner back at full power and diving right back in.
I would burn down my own house just for a chance at that.

Scale Mail. That thing is awesome. Disregard bitches, acquire magic power armor.

You have good taste

Mein Afrikan brother

Rossweisse a best

since when did he have the full armour

I don't want any. DxD girls were shit, don't know why this crap was popular.


The best one, Xenovia, of course.

I want a DDraig
If I can't have one of those I want a Rossweisse

>Big Breasted Twintails
I thought it was just a dream

Asia, love her

My dick can't decide between Akeno, Rossie and Xenovia.


Permit me to be "that faggot" and choose Gaspard.

I'd violate him while the box watches.

Would you stick your dick in a Black cat?

This desu, or Koneko.

Koneko a best. She can bully me all she wants.

from vol 1 dude

Anyone who doesn't want Dragon armor can fuck off. Bitches aren't hard to get, especially if you're a dragon.

yes, yes i would.


I'd repopulate her species.

So 4 people with good taste? Fuck the bitches just gimme that sweet armor.
Better yet give me Divine Dividing so i can hang out and fuck bitches with Issei.

angel pls

I need moar Rossweisse

Best DxD

Kuroka. I love me some big fat cat tats.



asia is the only correct choice

Asia a shit

asia is holy

holy shit

stay mad neko is the only other choice

cat shit

Akeno or Xenovia.

I would pick Akeno, but her droopy eyes and ara-ara personality ruin her, so I'm picking Rias.

>Highschool DxD
>no one goes for the DxD (Dick x Dick) choice

Gasper a best. No monthly bleeding and built to cuddle while he plays vidya.

Might as well take the supposed "angel"