(((banks))) hate Bitcoin, why don't you have any?
(((banks))) hate Bitcoin, why don't you have any?
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I love bitcoin so much!! Have a bunch of thems.
forgot pic
Because I have gold, silver, guns, and ammo. All of which beat bitcoin.
>not using all valuable tools at your disposable
Cool story user. The internet was useless in 1994 too
I have nothing to buy with it.
Want me to sent you your first transaction in Bitcoin?
stop trying to send people bitcoin with viruses attached
Literally not possible.
Want some anyway?
This is also me, posted from my phone and it gave me another ID
>tfw you want to help your Sup Forums family get bitcoin but they think you'll infect them somehow
I say always split the money. Gold/Silver for real bad times. And Crypto for making money to buy gold/silver/houses. Most important, get out of FIAT
real? Yes sure!
I'm trying to get new people into it, if you get a wallet Ill sent you a couple bucks.
Because it will be replaced by a leaner more efficient crypto soon
Nah, I really doubt it.
Which one do you think it will be though?
Because eventually it will be non-existent or completely worthless. Gold is the most red pilled thing to own
>Gold is the most red pilled thing to own
Not even close. I can think of 4 things that I would rather have by at least an order of magnitude.
I was naive when it started and now it's too late for me to make any real profit off it
I don't remember its name but there already exist ones with better conversion rates and shorter transaction windows. I think crypto will take off, but not as bitcoin
If you send me 1 btc ill send you 2 back!
Ok maybe not, maybe so. Do you specifically want $10 worth? Because this thread isn't about speculation it's about consumer adoption.
>6k per BTC
>hasn't taken off
LOL good one, post an address, I'll pay you for the laugh.
I have all those including BTC
2017, not using etherum..
its volatility its like a really fat guy going over a 10 mile bridge, you dont know how long it will take him to get across and he keeps falling over and someone going across has to pick him up
Everyone sage this thread. OP is just a bitcoin shill that wants you to buy bitcoin so the price rises even higher. At that point, him and his satanic cronies will start dumping their coins and the price will crash while the ignorant masses are left holding onto a useless currency.
why they hate it? no compund interest?
Go ahead, find me stores that take ETH but not BTC
Salty nocoiner detected
>new technology is stupid
Do you want some too? I don't care if you buy or not.
Pump and dump shill detected. Do you even care that you're going to ruin people's lives? I hope people like you burn in hell for this scam that you're running.
No, it's peer to peer so they get cut out 100%
I have a question for you, if I had access to someone's details could I buy bitcoins and transfer them with no trail to my own account?
Can you go down the street and spend your btc like cash or credit?
It could be worth $10k in its current state and it still wouldn't have "taken off". It won't "take off" either because the fees and wait times make it impractical to use as currency.
I lost all of my bitcoins sending them to the wrong address
>hi I see you guys accept credit card but do you also except silver bars
I'll take some
How much?
You’d have to be literally retarded to still be a (((nocoiner))) today. Keep sucking central banker cocks.
Enron was also looked down upon even as it was a known fraud and the price kept going up.
/biz/tard here, normally I'd jump at this and beg for some btc. But you seem like a dude who generally wants to help people get started.
What kind of details?
Enough to make a transaction, totally theoretical
You do realize it's in ongoing development right?
3.2 last may
Bitcoin is just another Rich man's Trick the real Cryptocurrencies you should follow are Etherium Monero and Dash and some of the smaller more advanced Crypto's that can be disruptive. Bitcoin will die but other Cryptocurrencies will take it's place
if you don't have any bitcoins by now you are an absolute fucking retard. period.
RIP, may you seek peace in the afterlife
Gold and other valuable materials will still be useful in case of extreme emergencies and outbreaks and global catastrophes. Bitcoin wont survive from that.
eitherway the bubble will burst sooner or later.
Thanks, I appreciate it. Last time I tried this I sent ~$300 total before proxyfags showed up.
Yes and it is becoming clear that it is much easier to use a leaner more efficient crypto than to spend more time trying to improve and develop bitcoin.
I wish i got in early, but /biz/ is about to get btfo soon if they try to ride the bitcoin wave too long.
At leasy most of them had such a low floor they won't actually lose much.
Bit coin is superior to gold in every single way. Low IQ people just need something to hold in their hands.
Their private key? Yes you could rob them. Not totally traceless but there are ways
Anyone that thinks bitcoins are worth $6000 each is in for a rude awakening when this shit collapses. After it goes back down to a sane level and people aren't treating it like some kind of Poonzi scheme, then maybe you can talk about it as a new currency.
damn you must be set but your post looks like something a shill would write
Pump and dump. The people who have bitcoin need to persuade new people to buy bitcoins so the price keeps going up. Then when they see the sell signal, they will all pull out their bitcoins at once, kicking you are your worthless bitcoins to the curb. Le Buble
Ok I guess, you're entitled to your opinion but it's uninformed
Yay. I want to make the Reich great againt. Plz donate
I probably shouldn't have mentioned how much huh.
In case the power goes off
No like normal bank details,I presume you use them to buy bitcoins, like say I could get access to a pos bank details could I just log onto blah blah buy bitcoins. Com and then move them about a bit then into my own account
will shout racial slurs at one paki or chink for each $1 in bitcoin I receive
Please don't.
fuck it, I'll bite.
The tx fees are insanely low right now 10sat/byte. :D
I see that its in electrum and says unconfirmed. I don't do this shit often (in fact I've never done it before). How long does it take to confirm?
I'd love even a little bitcoin. I tried to do bitcoin faucets but they're all scams making a killing from advertising. I've been wanting to get into bitcoin for a while and am just now starting, sadly.
Ok lets see what you got user
Thanks! If you ever come to Germany let me know it user, I'll own you a beer!
Should be less than 10 minutes if I set the fee right but you won't be able to spend from electrum until the transaction confirmation occurs 6 times ( 6 blocks) about an hour.
How high in the sky can bitcoin go? Realistic predictions of the price in a year?
Wow, thank you very much user, you're a pretty cool dude. Do I have to keep electrum open or is it all good from here?
Too lazy to copy url just put your address into blockchain.info if you want to track it.
You're a real hero. Thank you, user.
you need that + id card (both sides) + proof of residence
Then register that guy in Bitstamp using an anonymous connection (starbucks for instance with no cameras) + second hand phone.
After the verification (1 day) you can make a money transfer from his account to bitstamp's account and buy bitcoin and withdraw them.
>Hope this info helps to improve the system.
25k but it's a bumpy road
Because the things and people the Banks hate, disappear.
poorfag here, trying to see GF again.
anything helps, really.
thanks if you do. if you don't, well, atleast I tried.
wtf user ,... this wasnt bs?!?!? Cheers mate, let the bitcoin journey start
Well, that's retarded and defeatist but ok.
Please user... help me get started
My wallet won't spend to that address for some reason, generate another and try again please.
Central bankers are going to be replaced by digital bankers in a few decades. It also ties into trans-humanism if you want to look at the technology worship angle.
KB archives(take the time to read all OP's):
[Shill Operations being done against the KB Threads]:
1) archive.4plebs.org
2) archive.4plebs.org
Hey brother. I still don't get bitcoin, but trying to figure it out. Would love a gib
why does you very first knowledge bomb not contain anything that was not previously known?
I'm genuinely thankful. Have a wonderful evening, man.