What do we do about the incel problem, Sup Forums?
What do we do about the incel problem, Sup Forums?
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I know these girls are horrible people but man chill out a bit who hurt you user ?
What’s an incel
>who hurt you user ?
disgusting template reddit roastie response, drink battery acid leafnigger
this is such a pathetic video, you catfish a girl and then post it as if youre making a point
youre a ugly pathetic loser
an hero faggot
the purpose of tinder is for girls to practice sex with experienced guys so that they are ready to win over their first serious boyfriend with an amazing performance.
i get a lot of tinder matches despite being ugly, because my profile is my naked body with a snake balloon covering my penis and two words: "wanna pop?"
have fucked well in excess of 50 girls and women from 18-19 year olds to 40-55+ all basically interested in having sex and nothing more.
it's a social transaction. you should date or marry friends of friends who share some real world connection with you.
Fuck off with your made up nigger words.
why is there a problem with her being interested in his looks you pathetic beta "I gotta 10/10 personality"
pretty blatantly not OP in the video you low IQ knuckle dragger
Can't even watch this shit
Is he really angry at her for matching with a handsome guy?
Complete psycho
Involuntary celibate. Someone who wants to have sex, but can't because they're so undesirable. For men this would be like mgtow/r9k crowd and for women that would be 300 pound purple haired feminists
All problems can be solved with the AI gf
my point still stand about the beta recording the video
God damn that's a fucked up video.
I want to sympathize with dudes who struggle to find girls but when they act like this I can only suggest serious counseling.
Girls are shallow and stupid, but there's appropriate ways of dealing with it.
I just can't believe that not getting sex is the only factor that results in this behavior, these dudes must have severe emotional problems from rekt childhoods.
What do you look like op? I bet you’re a fat smelly autist.
This guy might be trying to get revenge on women by doing this but the best option is to not give them attention at all. He should just go MGTOW.
Nice fuck these whores
what a strange thing to do. whoever made this video is slightly insane. we know girls punch above their weight dating wise and it's because us guys will literally fuck anything that walks whereas women are a lot pickier. that is never going to change so what is the point of ambushing these girls? doesnt make the guy look good and he's not exposing some unknown truth.
such a weird pointless video. lads if you act like this guy in the video you will never ever get a woman just know that.
He's done it before
after watching this video i'm positive that the best course of action would be to kill em all.
jesus christ what a pathetic faggot
What's an incel? I'm starting to see this word being thrown around liberally on pol more and more often.
Damn that sounds depressing
Fucking fat roasties! I matched a fat CUNT on tinder once. Bitch acted like her shit don't stink.
Seems like he's angry at women for them not admitting it's about looks when everyone knows it is. His shitty jaded attitude is a female repellent.
This is pure cringe.
Most incels are usually just shy cunts who aren't attractive but aren't ugly. 9/10 incels have never tried to approach or even talk to women.
The other 1/10 are like this poofter.
PS the woman in this vid is ugly af.
Hard to believe she actually talked to that psycho for 7 minutes.
> Patriarchy is a properly developed and functioning neural network
> Matriarchy is a poo-in-the-loo Java fuckfest
Really made me think
First related vid: "blackpilled hero catfishes girl" what combination of autism and self consciousness creates this? Hopefully they sort it themselves by killing themselves but really I don't see them as a problem because they are too pussy to confront people like this 99% of the time
He goes after bottom of the barrel used up whores on a casual sex app, and then complains that what he finds is a shitty person. I'm not sure what's worse. The cumpdumpsters, or this faggot.
This shit tier audio is barely decipherable.
So a guy matches with these women, providing a false picture of some male model, then he films the "gotcha" moment when he reveals hes actually a chud? You retards think this is showing a point?
Of course looks matter, we're a highly visual species. A person's looks betray a lot about their health and genetic potential. Someone is desperately wrong with a woman who lusts after 4/10s.
He took life too personally.
Purple haired fat feminists can still get nigger dick. Niggers think it hurts whitey’s feelings, but in reality, they stop being human when you have to get a spatula to flip the panniculus out of the way, and then part a Red Sea of chafed, rotting whale blubber out of the way just to see their infertile cheese dumpster.
Involuntary celibate. It's a reddit term. Probably why you're seeing it so much now since all those faggots flooded here during the election.
Fuck you women deserve this. They think that they own the world and are so special and so cute and so innocent. Women are vile, evil creatures who control and manipulate men for their own personal benefits and believe everyone has to bow down to them.
They want all the benefits but none of the hard work. Thats why they are looking for rich men because they want to be treated like their father treated them: Like fucking princess.
Prostitutes. If you're a socially inept ugly man the only way youre8ever going to get consensual sex is by paying for it.
Looks don't matter shit, Harvey Wienstein is hella ugly but he bangs all the movie models
top cringe
How long until ugly guys snap and start shooting up roasties?
Because women want fame, money and the only way to get it is by giving up their wet holes.
>"boo hoo women do not like me because I'm not Chad!"
>*proceeds to impersionate one anyway*
and then gets in the girls face about it, and somehow him lying his ass off is her fault.
>What do we do about the incel problem
I was going to answer with ignore them - but after watching this I can they surely say that they deserve whatever flies their way, no matter how bad.
She was probably afraid he may assault her if she'd cut him off so abruptly. Or maybe shes just dumb, who knows.
Plus the camera fucks with your fight or flight instinct, if she ran she would lose more than she did by staying, knowing how the internet works.
Dude, the reason you are mad is because you tried to be all nice like they said they wanted, and they weren’t into it.
Here’s the thing, though. We allowed all this Marxist programming bullshit to happen to them, now they can’t even admit what they’re attracted to and feel ashamed as hell when they fuck.
That’s why they act cold sometimes, and are passive aggressive and all that shit.. Cause they’re ashamed of their own version of the cuck fetish that the Marxist assholes brainwashed them with.
Stop being mad, learn to be a man, understand that they’re attracted to men no matter what they THINK, and don’t blame them for being ruined. Good dick is sometimes the red pill they need.
Woman will fuck whoever if it means getting a lifestyle upgrade.
What is this gif from?
>That video
Kill them. That's what.
They’ll fuck for both. Some women will leave their kids behind, throw away fortunes, etc.
But if they don’t see anything that strikes their fancy, then they’ll settle for being taken care of. But then, they’ll cheat when they meet a guy that DOES strike their fancy.
Just stop being beta and the doors will open for you.
He's mad because woman have standards? I'd be picky too if I had to carry a baby for 9 months, why the fuck would you want to go through with that to give birth to a pathetic autistic beta baby
That movie was really gross.
Why massacre a town filled with white people?
The reason that im mad is that im getting no 4 pussy. You now how expenisce prostis are in the long run?
Gib free bobs and vagena pls
If this thread is really representative of how white guys feel about shit, then fuck it, we’re already extinct and any indication otherwise is just the corpse still twitching.
Stop being pathetic angry beta cuckstains. Your negativity is sending you into a spiral. A girl doesn’t want to touch you if she can see your self loathing from a mile off, cause subconsciously, she believes what you are telling her about yourself without words. Looks aren’t even that important.
It’s fucking evolution. Go be mad at science. Cave woman couldn’t afford to put herself in the vulnerable position of pregnancy for a depressive numale. You have to show her you can fucking win a fight against a bear. Whether it’s by being strong or being smart, neither is going to prove shit if you don’t believe it of yourself.
Uwe Bol isn't smart enough to write a consistent narrative.
The shooter was supposed to be culling people who were asleep, basically drones just going through daily life without really thinking, not contributing anything. His actions were supposed to be shocking to change how people lived, Roof actually had similar motives, except Roof wanted whites to get woke to black on white murders.
He goes into the bingo hall and says something like "these people don't need my help" since they're basically all on death's door, impossible to wake up.
End of the day its just Uwe Bol. The guy has an IQ of 90. Thats the best he can do.
> Don't lie to me!
Says the guy that catfished her
I mean what's it the point of this video?
'' Come on you thot, why do you want to meet up with a model. I paused that video like 10 times, barely made through it.
Sorry, I forgot you’re a fag.
>the purpose of tinder is for girls to practice sex with experienced guys so that they are ready to win over their first serious boyfriend with an amazing performance.
>have fucked well in excess of 50 girls and women from 18-19 year olds to 40-55+ all basically interested in having sex and nothing more.
You will hang first on the DOTR degenerate. And change your flag youre a disgrace
The funny thing is that this specific thread is not as bad as they usually get, but then again it was created just an hour ago so who knows how will this turn out.
Don't bother trying to help these incels, they don't give a fuck about improving their shitty situation, they only wanna wallow in misery, they're not good looking so they think that gives them reason to not even try.
Honestly though, if that's what you really believe (I believe about the same), how can you not despise women? I concede that I could probably get laid a lot more often if I faked confidence and got some normie hobbies. What I couldn't do, however, is convince myself to actually enjoy doing that. I'd rather die cold and alone than go try to redpill some retard cunt who will never appreciate it.
Well she's right. It's not ALL about looks.
Actually there's 3 ways to get women
1. Looks
2. Money
3. Status
You can always get 10/10s if you excel at any of these options. So being ugly isn't a death sentence.
Provide socially acceptable means of adventuring. An incel is just a guy who needs to seek his fortune.
Men are evolved to have a 50% chance of having no children at all. We're mentally quite prepared to deal with involuntary celibacy, it's agrarian morality and hollywood culture that pretend it's wrong to be in the half of men who are below average.
>Someone who wants to have sex, but can't because they're so undesirable.
It’s actually someone who is unwilling to lower their standards enough to obtain a sexual partner they deserve. The “lowest” they will go is a boyish 6/10 manic pixie dream girl with a “quirky personality” that plays video games. And that’s bottom of the barrel to them. Do generally undesirable men have to lower their standards more than an equally low value woman? Oh hell yes. It’s a seller’s market.
But thems the breaks.
Stop making getting pussy a central thing in your life, that is all it takes. But I do understand that many are incapable of doing such a massive mental revamp as they have been raised with the Hollywood brainwashing from an early age.
>despise women
A literal below-nigger-tier thing to do.
>Stop making getting pussy a central thing in your life, that is all it takes
if you think that's true, then I don't know what to say to you
cringe, kys
I KNOW that is true.
if you can't be a human being long enough for another person to want to have sex with you, maybe you oughtn't be having sex with anyone
>What do we do about the incel problem, Sup Forums?
Require all the hot chicks to sleep with all the boys in school that way nobody ever becomes an incel in the first place.
where do you even encounter these wild assertions?
most girls just want to meet a nice dude, and they don't typically think of sex transactionally, that's all you babe
So if I move to a deserted island and never try to get women, one will magically appear?
>mfw this is too much even for Sup Forums
Incels do exist though. It's not as bad as /r9k/ makes it out to be but some guys can't have sex. It's deprived from them. Women have an advantage with dating and can get with guys about two points higher than them. That means the bottom 20% of men cant get laid.
It's already happened, yo/
If you're not getting girls on tinder its because you are ugly and need to aim way lower. There is always a buyer you just havent lowered your prices enough yet.
this is such an insane lie. no guy wants an ugly gf
men settle with ugly women all the time. It's just poor, ugly, low status men, but if an ugly woman wants one they can have one.
I'll give you some advice 4 u; change your frame of referrence and make self improvement your central worry. If all you do is fawn over females instead of making yourself be lusted after then nigga what r u doin.
why not rape
The effort, no matter how minimal, required to be granted temporary access to a female’s cum dumpster isn’t worth it, and incels aren’t missing out.
I'm really not sure what I said to indicate that all I do is fawn over females. I mostly try to ignore them, and it's easier now that I'm over 30. Anyway, I don't really see any way to improve myself that I actually want to do for my own good. So I would just be doing whatever I thought would get me laid.
I could go out and try to get some faggy haircut and manscape my body hair. I could spend hours and hours working out to get some body I don't particularly want but I think women might want. I could travel to exotic locations and take pictures of myself to upload to tinder to show dumb bitches how well traveled I am. But why? It would all just be revolving my life around pussy.
I'd rather stay right here like I am.
From reading your other posts and gauging your literary comprehension I'm actually not surprised that you don't get bidtchez. Please never procreate.
So this is one of those ''''''white'''''' Americans I've been hearing so much about.
Realistically, neither of us get bitches or we wouldn't be here. You're just mad I pointed out that your advice is bullshit.
jesus fuck this guy is such an autist
"are you that shallow"
lmao m8 go fuck a landwhale to prove you aren't shallow
this video made me almost sadcringe harder than that one webm of the women aborting her child with a hammer
god damnit fuck this website
pls stop
Obviously I’M not, but if all the mongrels infesting this country were as half as handsome as me that meme wouldn’t exist. For the record I’m half white, a quarter Spanish, a quarter Filipino, and 100% GAS THE KIKES.
I just can’t not side with the guy. He speaks the truth and gave it to the girl for being shallow. I got majority of people are against him and Im aware it’s weird what he did, but he is right
>So if I move to a deserted island and never try to get women, one will magically appear?
What he means is that many guys' problem is that they try too hard. They are overly aggressive, white knighting, passive aggressive, creepy, stalkerish, etc...
Success with women requires keeping passionately busy with your job or hobbies and leaning the fuck back when it comes to the ladies. Don't put the pussy on a pedestal, you'll only make it hard to reach.
It has nothing to do with self-loathing. If Chad were capable of self-loathing they'd be fine with it. He's not, though, since a positive reinforcement loop your whole life makes that hard.
The actual redpill is that unless you're in the very top group of men, women will never be sexually attracted to you. They may fuck you, but you're going to have to pay when Chad gets it for free. No amount of posturing or acting will change that. It all comes down to how you look, and what women are most attracted to are things you can't change so if you don't have them, sucks to be you.
By nice, you mean a tall white guy with a strong jawline.
looks like kellyann conway
Also bullshit. Women don't have to buy from you because Chad sells to pretty much anyone.
>unless you're in the very top
You make it sound worse than it is.
At least half the women I've slept with, I haven't spent a dime on. No meals, no dates...maybe a cocktail at the most.
And I'm by no means "in the very top group". I'm a 7, probably.
This is fucking genius actually.
This is the tinder killer right here.
All it takes is for a critical mass of girls sharing this creeper story with their friends and they all instantly delete the app.
Congrats on being hot then. If it makes you feel better, it had nothing to do with you as a person. Guys are born hot or born ugly.
i used to be able to laugh
Yeah, but a 7 (and I was being generous to myself probably) is not "in the very top".
yuck, magpul
get some wood on that shit nigga, and buy polish steel mags in the future
also get a shotgun full stock you can swap out, assuming you are using the pistol grip setup for HD
other than that 6/10 no ar but certainly functional
If you're fucking a bunch of random tinder chicks, then yeah, you're in the top. Only group that has it easier than women are the few guys women get wet for.