Is there an anime studio that can possibly do the manga justice or is the upcoming adaptation destined to be crap? I don't expect it's going to have a decent budget either.
I just wish that at least they cast decent seiyuus and have a good OST.
It will made in Korea and they will butcher it because they hate Based Nippon.
What's gonna happen to all the loli ecchi?
>yfw toei
>yfw normalfags
This is anime. Do the maths.
Yes, it will get cut out or butchered.
Every studio is normalfag now.
Even SHAFT doesn't do loli lewd.
>casuals swarming into tsugumomo
It's impossible for the anime to be as soft. What's even the point.
BONES could handle the fight sequences pretty well, the rest eeeehhhhhhhhhhhh. They'd likely fuck the plot to bejeezus and back.
Given the state of modern adaptations, unless it gets a really good studio and a staff actually enjoying working on it and putting effort into it, it's going to be crap.
Pretty much no matter what it is going to heavily censored, if they don't ouright remove entire scenes. I don't trust the animators to not drastically simplify the character designs either.
And to top it off chances are that it will be a single cours, and the early parts of the series are some of the most formulaic and boring parts of the series.
Basically I have no faith in this adaptation being good.
>Pretty much no matter what it is going to heavily censored, if they don't ouright remove entire scenes
They will only remove the loli scenes, but those the won't stop at censoring for sure.
>And to top it off chances are that it will be a single cours, and the early parts of the series are some of the most formulaic and boring parts of the series.
Yea, it isn't really anything notable until the fight with the shoe girl.
>Kazuya lost his virginity to a fucking flute
It wasn't the real thing.
Since the action in the show is just generic shounen anyways, why not just go with XEBEC. At least the lewd would be mostly secured.
Fuck that, I want this fight choreography and body movement handled right!
No. I have insider info that claims TMS will adapt it. Unironically screencap this.
Animation studio Feel. They do slightly above decent animation and have ecchi stuff as well.
Feel recently did Dagashi and Galko-chan.
Gotta milk these threads for the only entertainment they'll be worth.
either feel. or XEBEC
>3 frames per second
Please no.
no end of story
Not like Kiriha was a virgin either.
This but needs to be any of the the non-fat fetish character designer (To Love Ru, Keijo)
Kyoani if they actually respected the character designs, considering Amagi had some decent amount of fanservice for the princess which i did not expect.
XEBEC can do "soft" really well, if again, they respected the character design instead of going for their own thing like the studio mentioned previously and XEBEC does as well.
Biggest problem is that loli fanservice is a big No for TV these days, you get some little thing here and there but the media is too much on to it nowadays to let some more daring stuff slide.