Post feminist and progressive Sup Forums shit.
Ironic posts are also welcomed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Dumb beaner shitposter.

kill yourself subhuman

Check' em

holy fuck

Fuck off spic.

You have to go back.


Ese no tiene nada que ver con el feminismo, hijo de tu puta madre. Todos los civilizados pueden hacer el desayuno.


A girl, sexually identifying as an attack helicopter falls in love with a transjapanese transsexual war veteran.

Unable to confess, she is gifted by an airport support unit with the veteran's Hotmail email address.Never minding the strange domain name, she immediately flips her rotors on the keyboard contacting him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on her as well.

But, the next day, after doing her regular oil maintenance, when she recounts the previous day's confessions to the transsexual, he only looks at her confused with his one remaining eye. After some investigation, she finds out that the veteran she called is not the same veteran she fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is a Nigerian prince in danger, who is searching for someone to share his fortune with.

Hi-jinks ensue as they strike up a deal to overthrow the american government recruiting the veteran as a driver of the helicopter, in order to equip each other with the weapons they need to conquer the states and each others hearts. While the two commit various terroristic acts , DRAMA ensues as they begin to realize they are actually cisgenders only hiding under their made up identities so they are not hurt again.

The Nigerian prince is voiced by Eddy Murphy.


Un chico se enamora de una chica.

Incapaz de confesar sus sentimientos, obtiene con un deus ex machina el número de teléfono de la chica. Sin importarle mucho el extraño prefijo la llama imediatamente y descubre con gran emoción que ella tambien se ha enamorado de él.

Pero, al dia siguiente, cuando habla con la chica sobre la confesión, ella sólo lo mira con extrañeza. Después de investigar un poco, descubre que la chica a la que llamó no es la misma de la que estaba enamorado. De hecho, no hay ni rastro de ella en su universo. Ella es una versión alternativa en un universo paralelo que en realidad esta enamorada de la VA del protagonista, aunque este ignora sus sentimientos.

Se dan malentendidos y cómicas situaciones cuando los dos acuerdan intercambiarse sus secretos más oscuros y privados, para dotar al otro con las armas necesarias para conquistar el corazón de sus versiones alternativas. Mientras ambos persiguen a su persona amada, la situación se vuelve DRÁMATICA cuando se dan cuenta de que en realidad se estan enamorando el uno del otro y empiezan a questionarse la NATURALEZA del AMOR.

Stop posting that because it's already a thing.



Fuck Captcha.

>combining cancer with AIDS

If dubs the wall gets 10 feet higher, lets make anime great again




Wew, lad




>Keit愛 OST

OP: youtube.com/watch?v=ycfdfinG_P8
ED1: youtube.com/watch?v=hXDNGS9V4Us
ED2: youtube.com/watch?v=m4DyTjrruVo

OP Full: youtube.com/watch?v=4NShEKYoPXw
ED 1 Full: youtube.com/watch?v=IIX9aoN7g4o
ED 2 Full: youtube.com/watch?v=woiMYzVTl9c

>Keit愛 TVアニメ

PV: youtube.com/watch?v=JcVGDV67L-g
EP 1: youtube.com/watch?v=o_rz1bluG_k
EP 13: youtube.com/watch?v=JLUjMWRCzic

>Keit愛: 君の名は。

PV: youtube.com/watch?v=RBBrZ3d2sJE
Trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=k4xGqY5IDBE


Good mods tonight.


Is this the dubs thread?


That's a sign for america zone. It's like a danger zone where everyone has a gun.


>tfw even spic subtitles leave honorifics

Que thread mas estupido. Considera el suicidio user.





No idea.


Dang. Thanks though.

>inb4 mods ban you but the thread remains

The blessing of dubs be upon thy

Double checked.


Mods, please.


Nah, mods will keep this thread up for hours then delete post so he can keep the thread up for more hours.








