How do we redpill him?
How do we redpill him?
(((Mike isaacson))) is a communist faggot
You should neckpill him first. All Chads have thick necks.
looks like a soyboy Seth Rollins desu
Lead pill
shrugs and rows. a lot of them
this is what happens when your parents don't beat you
testosterone injections
You'd need a hosepipe to get any pill down there
he also paints his nails
Top kek.
*lead pill dont worry user i got you i misspell all the time
Leave memes in the upper branches of trees.
With a rope. This guys belief system will never allow him to think like a rational human being. It's just easier to hang them
top meme
>He wants me to choke him
>I want to choke him
>ywn choke the most chokable neck in the history of necks
With a rusty hammer.
It's impossible to redpill a nu-male without increasing his testosterone levels.
Shouldn't be too hard. I managed to red pill a scientific anti-racist today who was convinced race wasn't a real concept.
Sneak some testosterone into his soy milk latte.
he's already redpilled, we just need to wait another hundred years for the pill to go through his throat
Would the red pill even make it down his giraffe neck?
Does he like being dominated and having his neck choked on fetlife? disgusting fucking freak
with cyanide
Top fucking kek
I guess all white Swedes have to do these days is refine their shitposting skills and wait for the brownpocalypse
this is what happens when your wife cucks you with a giraffe
he need a red suppository not a pill
He has a dick for a neck..
Tell people to stop giving him a pass for being white.
The commie is right, a thick neck makes the faggiest of men look masculine as fuck.
He thinks free speech should be forcibly taken away if it’s problematic.
He’s a psychopath. He has some shitty communist economics blog.
>exposing your neck in photos
>exposing your neck ever
Jews are already redpilled. They're just working for the other side.
Just looking at it I w1ould say all you can do is lead pill him, between those cook hungry eyes.
with an axe
Quite the neck to rope himself
These kind of people (extremely slim, feminine male, distorted body) are dangerous and always hate normal people. No redpilling of them, just keeping distance or killing them.
His neck could be sliced up to a 100 slices.
I'm surprised he actually has facial hair desu
Some sort of Sup Forums operated hitsquad full of "based" wogs that bring the diversity to sheltered yuppies
With a face full of Zyklon B
I genuinely want to know how he got a job as a professor
haha super epic fanta meme bro! haha
>It's just easier to hang them
It looks like this guy has evolved to survive the day of the rope, though
Vitamin 30-06