so what do you suppose Toga's quirk is?
My Hero Acadamia
Being a qt 3.14 that I want to hug
I'm thinking possession. It'd also fit into her vampire aesthetic,with hypnosis.
Being a semen demon
Being cute.
Too bad she's on a bad guy side and did some heinous shit. No hope for redemption.
We know already
She was that girl with the sexy lips in the recent chapters
Except we don't KNOW, some of us just assume.
Retarded faggots say this. She gone, for now. All of them edgy faggots are gone. They had 2 arcs. Trainng, and Rescue. It is time for new cast of side characters. Country tournie arc.
blood vampire andoccasional vore
>tfw Chinese Todoroki in disguise could lift Kirishima, who's atleast a good 65 kilos, with one hand
Just how strong is this nigga
what in the actual fuck are you talking about?
Being shit in shit series
Shhh. He is a junky.
I'm talking about this
what in the hell
doesn't someone else draw her hair. i rem reading something about it
He can manipulateany human flesh he's touching, including his own. That's how he makes his fingers fly around. Think of him holding that lump of flesh as a form of tactile telekinesis, not strength.
He said he had trouble drawing her, but that his assistant was really good at it. I don't think he said that she was always drawn by the assistant though.
>He said he had trouble drawing her, but that his assistant was really good at it. I don't think he said that she was always drawn by the assistant though.
Now this explains why the manga is coming out on time. There are two people drawing it.
boom, I found the page.
Not sure how much work his assistants do, but they're pretty good. I remember one of them went on to make their own manga.
Why, google? Why? There are some perverted ancient greek memes I don't understand.
the power of suction
She can transform into other people, pretty obvious,
Toga is actually one of the villains who's actually killed people?
Also, how does one go about fucking her without dying?
That Toga is perfect, Horikoshi sometimes draws her too chubby and rectangular.
Majority of villains are murderers.
By making her bleed more than he would bleed you.
I like her chubby.
What does Momo's face here convey?
Cheating is bad mkay?
she knows she'll get some kind of payment from todoroki for that, if you know what i mean...
but she's already rich, I wonder what kind of payment would she want to get?
i meant sex
Why is Momo the best?
So what's the prevailing opinion on who the traitor is? Excluding the Kaminari meme.
I sure hope it's not my favorite class B dude. He's too hilarious to be a traitor.
Good Quirk, smart, rich background but not conceited, just needs some self confidence and she'll be a fantastic hero
shit taste detected
horikoshi's toga is far better than that one
>girl who literally poops from her body
I wonder in wich point of the time line will be the Illegals series, it could be cool that the first Noumu appeared in his original form, maybe like a thug and gang leader, giving some trouble to the vigilantes, but losing at the end and then we see him getting abducted by AFO´s people.
OVA of the triumvirate hanging out when?
Never. They prefer to milk icyhot to attract fujos.
as if these three weren't fujobait
Please. That'd be hilarious.
shes a big girl
No this is
So the evidence for Toga being the slime girl is
>She was able to use Ochako's appearance during the first exam which makes sense because she'd have her blood from the Camp arc
>Everyone predicted beforehand her quirk was to copy appearances due to her name
>She has a new look because her old one was mendokusai for Hori to draw every time
>She intentionally drew blood on Deku
She's literally Toga, anyone who denies this is blind.
We'll see.
You are retarded.
toga wasn't acrobatic
You realize "my theories are facts" is not how speculation works right?
So she murdered a student to infiltrate the test, and made a beeline for Deku?
Thinking about it, this is very possible. Especially given the Deku obsession slime girl seemed to have.
Alternatively, slime girl could be her original form and she just uses Himiko Toga's face for dealings with the villain alliance.
This is also true.
Although I think she mentioned she needs alot of blood to active her quirk? So unless she has alot of that person's blood handy at all times, it would be hard to maintain a cover semi-permanently.
Or she has that girl strapped to a table somewhere, being kept on the verge of death but not being allowed to die, draining the blood slowly ensuring a near perminant supply.
probably not in a kids manga though
Rape obviously. Rape solves all problems.
I think that Toga's quirk might have something to do with blood flow and body possession. I might be interpreting it incorrectly, but I read her name, 渡我被身子, as "Child who sets one's self to flow and wears the body." Maybe she's able to transfer or replicate her own consciousness into her blood and allow it to flow into her victim in order to hijack their bodies, at the price of causing them to bleed out to make room for her own blood.
That last part about causing them to bleed out to make that happen might be a stretch, but I'm honestly wondering if that might be the case. I remember the manga saying how she was linked to a string of "blood-letting murders" or something like that, and I remember how she said giving her victims a "kiss kiss” to get their blood flowing was cumbersome compared to using that machine she had. Perhaps her main quirk is body possession with a side-effect of causing her victims to bleed out, but seeing how she's so hooked on blood, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't get a hoot about body possession as long as she could scratch her bloodlust itch.
However, this is all just speculation, and I have no idea what I’m talking about, in all honesty.
Post more cute Himko’s.
Like, sexually?
I think her quirk more implies mimicry that outright possession
Thanks for that stunning contribution there faggot
for you to marry
>all 3 foreign students have Japanese names
damn it Hori
Japan can't into foreign names. If you want properly named foreigners you can watch Harry Potter.
I must be speedreading. Where did we see foreign students?
It's better then naming your foreigners 'Bobbu-san' Or 'Joe'
Yuuga is from France
Pony is from America
Scales kid is from China