Name one thing liberals are right about

Name one thing liberals are right about.

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black women have a right to free abortions

Abortion (look up who mainly uses it)

trickle down doesnt work in practice.

niggers should not be held to the same standards as whites

what do the rich people do with their money?

inpeaching glumpf
1) he racist
2) he orange
3) he fashist
4) he a wanabe dicktater
5) he dumb


>Murder is ok if it's done to mostly people I don't like! Murder is ok if the mother "was just going to be a bad mom" anyway.
Fucking brainlet


It saves money, creates jobs, and uses less resources. There is no reason not to recycle.


TOP KEK, have a (You)

They've always been right about SSSCCRRRREEEEEECCCCCHHHHH! If I heard that right anyway. Maybe I didn't. I don't speak shrill.

Good job, retard!


If you kill your enemies, they win.

holy shit how delusional are these fucks

You can't "murder" animals, numbnuts.

Save it. Divest it. The bank of America for example recently downgraded a fast food chain Chipotle because it was paying their employees a living wage and their growth forecasts weren't as reliable so investors pulled out by the dozen and now the company is in trouble.

that boob shake couldn't have been more forced, they must be desperate for views.

Abortion. Without legalized abortion the United States would have a black demographic comparable to the state of Mississippi. Even white liberals secretly don't want that.

Does that dude ever pay attention to his patients?

universal health care
climate change is real


Alex Jones is a savior to democracy and is helping to get the truth about bush and deep state involvement with 9/11

they were right

>I love niggers!

Fuck off, faggot

Decriminalizing individual drug use and focusing legal action on distributors is better than the war on drugs.

employers should treat their employees better.

Universal healthcare
Higher minimum wage
Progressive tax

Though I'm sure it's completely by accident.

Individualism and personal freedom

The environment should be protected

why? we can build a new earth in space. theres no rational reason to let earths destruction slow our progress to the inevitable escape from the planet

Agreed. Even on economic level the current system just doesn't make any sense. Why the fuck are we still using oil and coal when we could be using tidal power and hydropower? It just makes sense to me.

military spending should be lowered significantly.
gun control, but on a larger scale in theory. like technological devolution.
same with factories and shit. bring back craftsmen, 'skilled labor' that DOESN'T involve Silicon Valley or technology. I think this is a Marxist principle(?)

Blacks are essentially retarded children and should be treated as such.

bc oil and coal are cheaper right now.

Only when the government keeps stepping in to create artificial monopolies and barriers to entry. The only time rich peoples money does not circulate in the economy is when you have massive scroug mcduck pools. Banks, stocks, bonds and funding startups are how the rich stay rich and beat inflation. They are smart enough to realize that if you are not growing your money faster than inflation you are actually losing money thus making reinvestment into the economy almost a necessity if they want to maintain their wealth.

So no, it does work. People just don't realize the problem comes from the regulation pricing out the middle class instead of the rich devising some grand conspiracy against them. Starbucks and companies like that push for those legislative increases because they will never have to worry about competing if the middle and upper middle class folks can't run their own mom and pop coffee companies with such regulatory and operational burdens like being forced to pay employees $15/hr. If you have no competitors then you can have your monopoly and raise the price of coffee to $4. The rich can afford to pay $4 for coffee easily while the rest face more of an impact from that artificially high price.

they are right about killing themselves


The environment in general (probably not global warming)
Universal healthcare being better than the current US system (though hardly ideal)
Anti-interventionism (in some cases)

environmental Protection
Don't get me wrong, not shit like muh global warming or banning cars. Saving your beautiful homeland and the nature.
If you country has Canyons, waterfalls, nice woods to hunt or some rare animals you should protect Thema as long it doesn't fuck up your economy. I hate it that liberals have ruined this politically. The right should have picked this subject up in the 60s and called it homeland protection (including strict immigration laws)

In China the Three Gorges Dam cost billions to build and years to build. But now its complete it have extremely low running costs because dams don't use that much energy, yet provide power to 2 million homes. Through water, an almost infinite resource that will always be there until the sun engulfs the planet in 2 billion years time.

but user I can fill up the back of my truck with a short ton of coal (2000lb) for $200 (possibly less now that the coal mines are re-opening) and be warm and toasty burning it all winter

and weed

Magnetosphere, dipshit

Thanks Socrates for that amazing insight. I'm truly enlightened now.

>artificially create jobs in an industry
>not letting the physics of a free market do what humans have yet to grasp
read a fucking book
>gun control
as soon as the military is stronger than the people the people will be taken over. American citizens having guns is the only thing keeping the NWO from transparently running the world.
>military spending
most is contracts to avoid them selling to other countries by buying everything they can make. also as soon as our military isnt the biggest, someone takes that place and wont let go.

This, I thought I was the only one thinking this


by the time our earth would become a hostile living environment due to fossil fuel pollution, we can be living in space and it wont matter. grow up.

Ending the drug war. It is a war against our own citizens.

>punching nazis

So, what is the difference between you saying "not real capitalism" and commies saying "not real communism"?

Ancap fags will live in a desert

Teach me how

Cannabis should be legalized. We can still arrest niggers because they will break the law, meanwhile elderly white people won't go to jail for growing their own medicine and you can smoke hash instead of injecting heroin,

>grow up
>beleiving the space meme

Space discovery is a massive waste of time and resources. Kill yourself fatty

>Universal healthcare being better than the current US system (though hardly ideal)
dumbass doesn't understand healthcare. US has the fastest and cheapest privatized healthcare in the world.

Anti-pollution and investing in clean renewable energies.

>let's force liberals to have children fellow conservatives!!

Privacy issues
Net neutrality

That's about it for me.

they are correct in that the "1%" is screwing the rest of the world. They are just wrong about ((who))) the 1& actually is, and they have been tricked into attacking the 51% of people who actually subsidize their life.

Oh, and criminal justice reform.
Getting rid of mandatory minimums, three strikes rules, drug war, etc.

pol being infested with russian shills
kys smirnoff

global warming,
gun control, and

Only dumb white trash and people without college degrees believe the opposite. Rural retards..

There is significant wage inequality in today’s society

Wrong. Nuclear power and fracking are literally the only good options.
Liberals want nothing to do with them because they don't understand physics.

1) Drug laws. All should be legal
2)Abortions. The people who have abortions are the type of people we WANT to have abortions
3) Asset forfeiture laws are bullshit.

Other than those 3, they are wrong about everything, and need to be exterminated.

what the fuck? the free market is natural and great, oh but we have to spend inordinate amounts on contracts to stay the strongest, also the military isn't the strongest because the american people somehow resist the NWO as unorganized rabble... you don't even have a grasp on reality

Net neutrality

That's about the only thing they are right about.

Net neutrality and privacy issues. I will give you that.

Agree on everything except ending drug war.
Get educated nigger.

Also this.

What the fuck is wrong with everything under her neck??

That isn't what the EPA does though. If you want to "protect the environment", then individuals or organizations should buy the land and fucking preserve it. The EPA exists to cock block economic development by people the ruling party doesn't like. And to increase property taxes by limiting development.
Less development. Higher property taxes. More funding for schools and profits for banks and land lords.
It is very similar to what the old monarchies did, declaring vast tracts of land to be "royal forests" as a way to remove power from land owners who lost the king's favor. Afforestation is marketed as doing shnit like "keep the noble animals safe" but really the environment nonsense is just a scam at the top levels, and morons b uy into it because mah gaia.

If you really loved certain lands so much then you'd either buy them or pay to visit them. But the fact is you value junk more, you buy stuff made from the resources on the land instead of paying for the land.

Nah, sorry. Can't agree on any of those. I am indeed rural, though I have degrees. Hey, at least we agree on some!

All wars are banker wars

Anal sex.

Or maybe it was because their "locally sourced organic ingredients" were giving customers e. coli

blaming DRUMPF

They're all actually gay.

Only extremely low IQ leftists share your views. You have to be a moron to trust the government with ANYTHING. Only IQs below room temperature don't see that the government is nothing but an enormous lying, stealing, and killing machine. Get the fuck out, and go to North Korea or Venezuela, you stupid nigger with Down's syndrome.

animal rights

Why am I not surprised to see your retarded ass flag with half of that retarded shit you're spewing? Fuck off you filthy fucking canuck. Go watch your wife get fucked.

Climate change

No shit.
What really happens is rich people invest in other business such as startups or grow corporations. Then they need to hire more people and create jobs. So in a way, it does work. Trickle down doesn't mean a rich guy makes money and spends it so it goes to the lower classes. It means they build a larger business or invest in already existing ones to create jobs or innovate products.. Something that a middle income person can't do.

dont dred on me sneks need to get the fuck out of my conservatism. You seriously don't belong on the right and you are a leftist. You want abortions, you dont care about God, you're pro drug and non-interventionist. Just come out and say it, you're a temporarily embarassed stinking hippy.

You're dumb. How has the internet changed since Net Neutrality stopped existing. Oh yea, it hasn't. Also Net Nuetrality prevented innovation and competition

drandle blurmph is all on these things! stay strong comrade. don't forget to take a selfie at the next antifa drum circle

>privacy issues
When the democratic party had the biggest soy operation on US citizens during the Obama administration.
Stop fooling yourself, the Dems are not honest about it. At least when Republicans talk about it they defend it saying we need it to catch terrorists and stuff. The Dems just deny it as if they know its corrupt.

They are fags and sluts

yeah and it's between asians and all other cultures. not any genders


(((Trump))) was not going to release all the JFK files.

SOME amount of Black-on-Black violence is caused by poverty and the inherent rules of gang economics.
It's hard to dis-aggregate it empirically.

>Rooting for your side is bad
Fucking brainlet

Conservationalism and animal rights.

There aren't many people on the right that deny this. Most of us across the specturm agree african americans have deep social issues in their community. The divide comes from whether the division and problems are deliberately used as a tool of oppression or not by whites.

you're retarded and no education will help your farm faggot

The patriot act was bad.

funny to call me a cuck. do you think capitalism has made the world more, or less, masculine?