Why did he sit next to a war criminal?

Why did he sit next to a war criminal?

All three were war criminals.

Because that monster had a big army that he was willing to add to the cause.

true that

FDR was just as guilty of war crimes as Stalin.

Yeah, why is FDR sitting next to Churchill?

Churchill or Truman?

Churchill 100% knew about pearl harbour attacks. The British had broken the japanese purple code

enemy of enemy is a BFF

FDR is a fucking piece of shit.

Who is he?
Stalin or Churchill?

and sage

cripple faggot should've died of polio

Photo taken in Tehran, Iran
They were diving up the Oil Rights, and Establishing the Petro-dollar... Think NWO Beta

its a nice reminder to use critical thinking skills when trying to form absolutes when speaking about politics. pay attention children.

Birds of a feather flock together

Churchill was just a bloodlusty warmonger, he ordered Gallipoli for God's sake, knowing that it would be a total disaster.
He wanted to kill the krauts
He even wanted to kill the ruskis, but(((Truman))) and (((Eisenhower))) didn't let him
He then wanted to kill some arabs.
He wasnt bad, just an Anglo hungry for blood

Jewish pets all sitting together waiting for a bone.

Which one?
Never mind. They're all sitting next to a war criminal.

FDR knew too. Look it up.


Churchill was not a pet.
He like Patton needed to be removed to appease the communists
Patton (((died))) in a car crash
Churchill lost reelection (surprisingly since in the eyes of the Brits he was a hero who defended his home.)
Labor then destroyed the empire(the sole thing that Churchill fought everyone for)

check fpbp.
All three were war criminals.

Think of how many millions of lives would've been saved if the US and Brits did invade Russia right after the war and destroy the Soviets.

Roosevelt and Stalin were Masons. Not sure about Churchill, but Churchill was a Zionist.

One thing i loke about church that he was anti communist from all hes essence

They were all war criminals, user.

The americans knew too, they sanctioned Japan to force them to attack or run out of oil and get the support of the public to enter the war.

>japanese code
it was preordained
the bombing was planned
cracking the code was irrelevant- hence why it was ignored!

you know too much colonal

eternal dominions amirite?


damn labour really made sure you'd never be a world power again

in that photo at this point i think Churchill and Truman don't seem to be very happy with the decision they have made, but can't back out of it now. I like to think that they died feeling great regret when they saw what followed the end of the war. I hope so.

Yup, the invasion wouldn't have been costly at l too, Soviet army was in a poor shape.
It has a weak economy, it was not ready for an another war.
More so, Patton could have easily taken Berlin+Yugoslavia but (((Eisenhower))) told him to stop.

Lolwut? That would have ended with millions dead. Also Soviets would have overran you in germany and no dont start muh Patton he was delusional. You did not have cabability nuke spam in 45. Also France would not have supported you in 45 in supprise attack on soviets. Your supply lines would be cut and Russkies would have overan you same way they rapes Kwantung army in Manchuria.

It's Delano, you fucking brainlet!

Truman isn't in that picture, that's FDR who died before the war ended.

Daily Reminder Churchill starved 2.1 MILLION Pajeets

-not Truman

america is the only super power

britain is the only global power

everyone else is regional they lack the global projection of the british

we ARE a global power m8,its why we dare even leave the eu and risk going it alone.


Hitler was our only good choice

oh shit i my bad. kek

Stalin was a gentleman and wouldn’t want to embarace his commie allies in the West, so he ignored FDR’s and Churchill’s war crime record.

at least he died horribly depressed...or so I read

man we could've been such great allies if you guys didn't like the greeks more than us

They had no guns left.
And in such a plan nazi soldiers/complacent generals would help.

we also nuked the abos while testing our nukes in the australian outback


Well, he did say that if Britain lost India, it would end the British Empire and lo and behold he lost India. Being the patriotic war hound that Churchill was, that was most likely one of his biggest regrets.

because stalin didnt give a fuck who he sat next to

we got our fill of their gold and diamonds lad it wasnt all bad

besides keeping law and order would cost a fortune in india today..theres like a billion of the bastards

you could have a famine every 10 years and it wouldnt dent the population.


Ffs read a book and pull your head from your ass. Soviet industrial production was peaking in 45 spamming war material like never before. With new shit like Is-3 starting to come out. Their battle rediness was at top. Yes they were exhausted like anyone else but were still in good condition. Look how fast they organizes Manchurian invasion which is fucking text book example of great military planning and execution. With deep operations. Neutralizing million japs in few weeks.

But Churchill still lost out on his Golden Goose. For better or for worse, it was the British Raj that truly propelled (and financed) the Empire to a global superpower.

Because he was told to

>All three were war criminals.


Its not like he could stand next to him

the empire was not about perma control,but to raise savages out of barbarism and guide them to the path of civilization and then let them take the wheel

we take gold and resources as payment for that

in return they get their caveman ass thrown forward 100s of years and have a westminister system installed,shown democracy and tech such as railroads and medicine etc

india is now a nuclear power,without us they would be burning children as witches and running around naked covered in bodypaint and shit.

same with south africa its not perfect but its holding together

They would have fought in Europe and maybe Alaska for a little while till usa got nukes and glassed a Russian city and it would be over.

The thing is, kikes already controlled all three of these men. It wouldnt make sense for kike puppet to fight each other which is why they didn't. The US was owed a lot of money by USSR for all the help they gave them to fight Hitler.




it was a long ride from moscow and it was the only open chair.

Nuked them right forward into the Stone Age?

>tfw no Masonic penknife

I mean that's what it was theory but it practice is was just a mass looting of the nation and a conplete depletion of its resources. I get you're sympathetic to the Empire but whitewashing history won't work with just a polarizing topic. Ironically enough, they are a nuclear country but only because Britain and the US sent nuclear submarines to the Bengal Gulf in 1971.


1200 of the bastards was badly iradiated and died many died young some went blind

the govt said the abos was ignorant and stupid and dismissed the concerns of the lefty cucks

we got away with it,no one ever mentions it here not even once lol

Churchills fucking repulsive. You can tell the ugly toad feels inferior to the other two because he completely made us their slaves just so the Jews would write nice things about him in the history books.