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Eat shit Gappy
was that baiting or did he really ask to suck his mom's tits?
I really dont know what to belive anymore
I want to have cute chats with Doppio over the phone
Translation of new chapter when?
I have to say, Morikawa's voice acting in this scene was excellent. He sounded like a completely different character and if you didn't know any better you might have been convinced that he was just some guy caught in the crossfire.
just imagine these three as friends in college.
fucking fabulous
I like imagining the two guys as her weirdly related uncles that are constantly competing for her affection.
Hes been doing a stellar job I like him more than Koyama right now desu
I want to BE Diego.
He is COOL
Hopefully their friends would be friends, too. Hermes, Mista and Okuyasu hanging out is the stuff that dreams are made of.
Gappy makes me happy
Then they fuck her yeah?
That entire game can be summed up to that sentence desu
>Fanfiction story mode
Giorno is her great-great uncle, and josuke is her great uncle as well.
Unless I'm retarded and don't know how that works.
>Giorno and Josuke trying to outdo each other to impress Jolyne
>Papa-bear Jotaro lurking in the background ready to knock some heads together if he has to
That is exactly how it works.
Hermes x Okuyasu needs to happen way more desu
Jolyne can take care of herself.
Also, those are her uncles, don't be gross.
Hey guys. The game in this thread is pretty fun:
So, we all agree Gyro overshadowed Johnny in Part 7, right?
I dunno
I'm not the incestfag, I'm talking about them doing stupid delinquent/mobster shit in a bid to outdo the other.
In hindsight though, wasn't it mentioned somewhere that Giorno hates little kids? He probably wouldn't like hanging around young Jolyne at all, particularly given that her dad killed his and he's probably a big bitch about it.
I guess Josuke wins the favorite uncle position by default.
What the fuck is the point of making autsimo oc stands if your not even gonna put in the effort of coming up with the powers and designs? Fuck that thread
For a Thursday night, /JoJo/ sure is dead
Is there a new chapter?
Honestly, I don't think he did. Johnny came to Gyro's rescue more often than not, on several occasions Gyro was actively the damsel in distress and Johnny needed to rescue him. Pork Pie Hat kid, Soundman, Sugar Mountain, Axl Ro, all of these are fights where Gyro was actively incapacitated and needed Johnny to bail him out.
Oh my
The spoilers for it are out
i want new op NOW
If he is fighting a stand user then it makes sense since Jonathan will indefintley lose
spoilers are out. we /ss/ now.
wait till RPS kid then
His dad was an evil coward, exactly the type of person he would have no qualms against beating to death in a seven page MUDA
Also, the reason Pucci never tried to use Giorno for DIO's plans was because DIO predicted that he would eventually gain GER using Hermit Purple and become too powerful to handle.
>White Pucci
Looks bad Todd
Where are the spoilers for nutritious delicious ss?
>We will see Shinobu today
He'd despise DIO if he ever learned about what kind of a man he really was, but I don't think he ever really did. So as-is, he carries DIO's photo with him, and according to Araki's notes the person he'd most like to meet is his father.
It's probably for the best Giorno looked to the future instead of the past, hearing about even a little of what DIO did and how he treated his men could fuck the kid up badly. Or worse, it could appeal to his more ruthless side.
Why does joshuu keep doing this shit? Wanting to suck his mom's tits and unscrewing her clothes? What is his problem? He reminds me of Chris chan, just some weirdo who keeps doing stupid shit and being oblivious to the fact that every hates him. It's making me angry
>Probably because he reminds me of myself
Johnny Joe...Joe...something. I forget.
It's Johnny Joe-something.
Okay so don't we have an explanation for how King Crimson works we can all agree on?
l'm tired of reading baseless speculations, don't we have an analysis of the facts? or at least a confirmation it really can't make sense?
Kin ime it's so simple you retard
It's a game where Jonathan beat Crazy Diamond in a stand barrage. There's no reason to make it Jotaro pandering at the end.
Kira is best boy
What the fuck? Why does Dio have the Joestar family birthmark??
He was just adopted by the Joestars, why would he have that?
>l won't explain shit but know how it works l swear!
It's not out, that was a preview dummy. The chapter comes out on the 19th and is translated within like 24 hours.
You must be b8ing but l'll bite.
That's Jonathan's body.
He's not white there though, he's tanned. He should look a little darker than that though, but he shouldn't look black either.
I just told you how it works, King Crimson can sto is predictions, just read the manga
He is black though.
Are you sure?
l hate how we get both Doppio and Diavolo but only get one Dio.
l understand we don't need both Diegos or Kosaku Kira but if you gonna have two bodies for Diavolo/Doppio we could at least get Phantom Blood Dio.
I have no idea how a black guy convince the KKK to kill a guy whiter than him.
>It's a discuss someone's skin colour even when there are no canon colours episode
This is perla pucci
His sister
By blood
i feel like i missed something in jojolion :
>norisuke explain how all the mothers in the higashikata family die taking the "curse" of their child to allow the child to live.
>norisuke wife is still alive and well
They probably couldn't do anything to him since he was a priest, and Wesr was just a random waiter
Araki needed to put more effort into designing Valentine's wardrobe.
Pucci wasn't denying his ethnicity and was a priest. Weather, however, was "hiding" the fact that he had black blood.
Wouldn't you accept information about a traitor even if it came from an enemy?
Are you calling Pucci a house nigger?
>Pucci being anything but black
He makes up to 10 seconds of time not happen. The results are kept, so if you were to walk 10 metres and get stabbed you'd seemingly teleport 10 metres and have a stab wound all in an instant. This doesn't apply to Diavolo, who can change his own results as long as they don't change anyone else's. He uses this to avoid getting killed and to disorient people to kill them easier. Also Epitaph shows him 10 seconds into the future so he knows what's going to happen to himself before it does so he can better judge when to erase time. That's literally it.
How was he able to survive that and not Weather Report's little Oxygen trick?
l'm calling Pucci a public nigger
Wes didn't have black blood though, none of them did. That's the whole fucking point.
Okay, as long as we're clear on that.
There was a pastebin an user made some months ago detailing each individual use of King Crimson in part 5, that shit was filled with contradictory uses.
Because he's not black. He's dark skinned Italian.
What are the most arbitrarily specific stands?
He still misunderstood the basic mechanics and got most of it wrong. The only contradictory use was with Doppio during King Crimson vs. Metallica.
Pucci could have beat Diavolo, no question.
Stand power
Where does the "Diavolo can give Epitaph to other people and gave it to Bruno that one time" come from? ls it just the most accepted theory?
Because he come to DETECTIVE who was KKK member, and dont directly go to KKK club you speed reader
Fun Fun Fun
California King Bed
Baby Face
Yeah. It's implied in the original Jap text but never explicitly stated.
Wait, what? lt's been a while since l read SO. Wasn't this the whole reason behind the KKK thing? Why did they go after Weather and Perla?
Because he once gave Epitaph to Doppio, and he was able to see himself in future, just like Bruno in his fight with Diavolo
New chapter of jojolion when?
He wasn't denying his ethnicity because there was nothing to deny. His parents were both Italian. As were Weather's because they're exactly the same. No one in the scene was black and the whole thing was a misunderstanding. Did you even fucking read it?
thank you a lot senpai
Because the woman who kidnapped Wes for her dead baby had a black husband and as far as the KKK thought they were his birth parents making Wes half cast and Pearla a nigger lover. They were all white except Pucci who's skin is a few shades darker than the others despite having the same parents.
Who is the woman in the dirty hospital room in the spoilers?
I'm pretty sure that Araki could've said 'Hey, could you make Pucci a little paler' and the colorists would have at any point. The Pucci we see in the colored scans and in the games has visibly black skin, and not the kind you get from a tan, either. More drastic things than Pucci's skin-colour have been retconned, like Annasui's gender and Sea Kira having fetish-porn in his house. Pucci is considently black-passing in pretty much all official content of him.
Araki himself colours Pucci relatively pale, but he also does the same with Avdol, and there was never any question of his race. Pucci probably had a black grandparent and ended up getting the lions share of the black genes, that's possible.
>Because he once gave Epitaph to Doppio
Yeah but Doppio is still part of his own mind kinda sorta. They're still the same person, so it could have been more about Doppio getting permisson to use King Crimson's powers than the power to give it to others.
The Bruno thing l really can't explain tho.
Well if I'm a speed reader, then you're definitely a speed writer.
It looked like a Resident Evil lab
Why do so many people think Pucci is black when it's explicitly stated he's not? Do they not know how to read and just completely misunderstand the Heavy Weather flashback?