We could have gone to the stars, Sup Forums. Instead you elected this richboi narcissist who now has the biggest ego on Earth. Why did you do it?
We could have gone to the stars, Sup Forums...
carl sage n
oh you mean the guy who ordered the first manned mission to the moon in 40 years? the one that launches next year? yeah i guess i voted for him because i hate space exploration. retard.
> launches next year
top kek if you actually believe this. The SLS is a long ways off being human rated, and the Orion capsule is even further away.
We could have gone to the stars if we allied with Nazi Germany and wiped out the communist filth.
Morning y’all, MegaAnon here.
The MSM and public will only be given a few hours of notice on the day of each series of Presudential addresses and will NOT be given details or talking points, in advance. POTUS will choose a VERY select group of WH media correspondents to attend live, which BTW, is standard protocol for presidential addresses.
They will not be afforded the opportunity to tee up presser/subject related questions, which is done on purpose. Gives media no chance to build the public narrative or messaging in advance with a lot of unfounded pre-address “speculation” and hypothesizing for hours, based on a few pre-released talking point bones POTUS will usually throw in advance. When these series of addresses have concluded, NO ONE will be confused. He will be extremely clear and concise. He will leave no room for false narratives. There will be no gray areas left to fill.
To Make America Great Again
Because Sup Forums is a neocon board that got triggered hard at Obama's first steps to divorce US foreign policy from Israeli control.
>Iran deal
>abstaning on a UN sec counc vote condemning Israel, instead of vetoing it like a good goy
This drove Sup Forums up the wall. They voted for Drumpf to 'right' Obama and Kerry's 'wrongs' and restore the status quo.
OP is a faggot.
You bunch of liberal anti-American assholes are screeching about President Trump getting kicked out or arrested for shit JUST because you don't like that your candidate lost their ass due to their shitty identity politics that you proudly support.
Meanwhile in the real world your fucking wastes of life POC minority groups are getting free money and education and throw it away on what? Going to school to be taught by a marxist nigger or female how to hate white men. The hypocrisy would be funny if it wasn't so damned sad and embrassaing.
Hillary Clampet and Co. have let you down and abused their power for personal gain their entire God damned careers and you waddle behind them, blue haired and overweight wearing free clothes or trust fund uniforms of the alt left just BEGGING to sniff her dirty rotten asshole and praise her on what a great person she is for her views that she didn't even have 2 or 3 election cycles ago.
You should be fucking ashamed of your lack of self awareness, but that's the problem. You don't even see what kind of pathetic, worthless, hateful, bigoted, hypersensitive, brainwashed little shits you are. I pray that you take a personal inventory with a shred of honesty and get some self respect where it is obviously lacking. You're all just little followers who care little for hard work and the family unit that made our country strong in favor of free shit and socialism that has destroyed everything it's ever touched.
Try to be better human beings than to force everyone else to accept a lower common denominator. Seriously. You're wrong and everyone else knows it. Even your own "team".
Lol what makes you such an expert?
>You should be fucking ashamed of your lack of self awareness, but that's the problem. You don't even see what kind of pathetic, worthless, hateful, bigoted, hypersensitive, brainwashed little shits you are.
hello pot, meet kettle
I keep track of this stuff because space exploration is important to me.
>Hires morons who literally keep records of collusion with Russia
I love how butthurt the Iran deal has made you shitbag Iranian diaspora fucks
I love mad liberals.
All you go today was tax fraud not associated with trump. Manafort was your only shot at actual collusion. If he didn't collude nobody did.
tax fraud is collusion?
sorry vlad, russia isn't going to win the space race
If by stars you mean a borderless, double digit IQ average, mystery meat, futureless shit hole that is controlled almost exclusively by our financial sector and literal communists in academia, then yes. We would have gone to the stars if it hadn't been for Trump.
Libs be saging.