How long do you think we have until this piece of shit country collapses?
How long do you think we have until this piece of shit country collapses?
I don't think a civil war is possible, but I also didn't think Trump getting elected was a possibility so my guess is 2022.
A lot of balkanized US maps get posted, but this is possibly the worst. Idaho with Cali? Tennessee with the Northeast? GET FUCKED. SAGE
Its not my map you fucking retard. Also it has nothing to do with my post. Please fucking kill yourself.
Also, the Midwest Reich or whatever in Yellow, being "under Canadian Influence" LOL, you realize that Canada's population would be less than the high-lighted yellow zone? Much less, as in any continental break, down, they'd lose Quebec, and BC would join Cascadia. SAGE
Just saying, there are a million post-collapse US maps. Pick a better one.
Why would all these new countries get immediately swallowed up by other countries? >NE US joins the EU
It's a troll image, right?
The only way I can currently see the country collapsing is if an article V convention is held and amendments are eventually ratified that are completely unacceptable to some portion of the country. That's highly unlikely, but a lot more likely than a decade ago.
>east coast of america in the EU
kek, does the UK at least get to leave already in this timeline?
Reminder that this is the ONLY map of balkanized US worth looking at. All others are SHILLS
I think it will balkanize a few years after whites become a minority which is projected to be 26 years from now so around then probably a few years after that.
>Why would all these new countries get immediately swallowed up by other countries?
thats pretty realistic, any power vacuum gets filled, usually its shitholes this happens to so the vacuum is filled by criminal or terrorist organizations because no one else cares but when proper countries fail they're absorbed into their neighbors, just hasnt happened in a while
Alt-Hype himself needs to get jacked and sociable. He could be a great leader.
I would move to colorado if that happens. Hope they accep thist blue eyed white spaniard who also speaks english.
>thats pretty realistic
It isn't the nineteenth century anymore user. It tends not to work like that anymore. Never mind all the specific ways in which these claims are particularly retarded. Shit, the Mexican government can't even control all of their own territory, and they're supposed to swallow up a massive portion of the US? Please.
>this fucking map
As fucked up as America is, we still manage to succeed at anything we put our efforts towards. Also America cannot really divide up like that. Our regions are too dependent one another. For example Texas handles about 1/3 (maybe more?) of gasoline production in the States. Without Texas the "Atlantic America" would run out of gas in about a month.
A decade max
This IS best map, but a few quibbles. Maine would probably join some sort of Atlantic Canadian Nation. The Arrowhead of MN (pink "to Canada" zone) is a place I've lived, and it is indeed weird. I'm trying to justify it staying in the ironically blue Conservative zone, but it's hard to do. Duluth and Ely do vote democrat, and there are the Ojibwe. Lots of conservative voters in the Iron Range though...
Lol...fucking idiots, US isn't going anywhere
Imagine being this delusional
Also the two Native American Nations (Lakota and Hopi/Navajo) should be colored differently than the liberal zones.
>will be part of Canada or under Canadian influence
Lol that's a complete joke, that whole area hates liberal faggots.
Damn they really want Alaska back.
4-8 years
Reminder that the red area controls > 1/2 the American economy.
And practically all of the food and weapons.
All empires have collapsed.
It's still not going anywhere, it's just not white anymore. There's still a decent amount of whites to make the county run, though. They should get out, though. Why slave away to make the Jewish elite rich, and to pay for all the welfare of the shitskins?
>Texas and Arkansas getting along let alone be under Texas rule
Wtf I don't want to be in the red strip in Michigan :(
I would be there too senpai, I don't want to be grouped with all those niggers
>b-bu its not my map!!!!
Doesn't matter, you posted it. Fucking dindu nuffin gtfo
>has nothing to do with my post
You posted it faggot
shitty bait thread
fucking shills
Balkanization is the wet dream of seditious brainlets who want to avoid problems instead of face them. Furthermore, it gives into the whims of leftist ancharists.
All of the US is rightful American clay. Fuck anyone getting a single square inch, the only answer is righteous cleasing
You're obviously retarded
lol like the republic of texas would ever be under the influence of Mexico, especially with all of those other states attached.
>part of Mexico or under Mexican influence
Good job op. This post pleases Putin.
5 Rubles have been deposited into your account
>Idaho and Utah with California
>the Carolinas, Kentucky, and Tennessee siding with dirty Yankees
>Canada having any influence over the Midwestern Reich
The one that has California being occupied by the Molemen is more realistic.
this map is completely retarded. Divisions are not along state lines. It's along ethnic and rural-vs-urban lines. A couple yuppie urbanites in NY, LA, and Austin have more in common with each other than they do with the people in their respective states outside the city just a few miles away
>Tennessee going to the European union
We're the most liberal of the old confederates but there's no fucking way in hell this state would go to those cunts.
>when gibs outweigh the taxing
>when blight starts to exponentially increase because of soil erosion due to unsustainable industrial factory farming
>when antibiotic resistant viruses/bacteria are in plague/idiopathic pandemic mode
>when the elites unleash weaponized nanotech towards humanity for sacrificial & culling purposes
>joining with california
like hell. guarantee you that the second the US collapses the LDS church declares Utah (at least the north/central area) to be a sovereign state and renames it Deseret.
Thought you meant red as in conservative. *braap*
who else here in comfy heart land
>Russian professor
Are you sure this wasn't created by a Mexican Warlock?
>Wisconsin under Canadian rule or influence
Honestly, take away south florida, the northeast megalopolis, and the entire southwest and west coast, this country isn't half bad ^_^
>hurr the thread file about balkanization of the US isnt related to balkanization of the US
really makes me think
>The South is under Mexican influence
"Come and take them."
Bahahaha never n a million fucking years would Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and the rest of the central states be under Canadian influence! just those states mentioned above have an est. combined GDP $2.4 trillion (2015), Canada has a GDP of $1.55 trillion (2015). The combined block of those states dwarfs Canada.
>New Europe
it's shit and your videos are shit and you should feel bad
This. He's my favorite alt-right figure at this point, and I don't even know what he looks like.
They're orange, while the Commie areas are Red.
I don't want to be part of California, guys. Could Texas take AZ in with a civil war?
Northern Canada is literally a desert and completely uninhabited. There's maybe 50k people living in the entire north.
Literally no one living in the green... You can have it.
>alaska will go to russia
You'd like that wouldn't you, ya fucking cunt.
Wew my home county made it to the >96% white stage. I truly didn't realize until I left for college how bad things were.
top fucking kek
>implying anything below Pennsylvanian would side with new york
It already is hombre.
This thinking is why it's going to collapse
Don't know. I just think we should build a southern wall and make the neighbours pay for it.
I give it 10 years
>cajun influence
Fucking (((Russian))) scientists man...they come up with the dumbest shit...
honestly is better not knowing how he looks like
This map is retarded.
>Arizona, Utah and Idaho (?!?!) as part of California
>Where's Canada?
>Texas including Floriduh
>Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont joining the EU instead of a Maritime Republic
This is just a wankfest by someone who thinks the US isn't going to expand again.
>All empires have collapsed.
USA is not an empire. We are a federated republic. There is no limit to how long this system can be stable... because it's inherently chaotic.
Why would you give that away instead of settling (((refugees))) there? If Allah truly loves them he'll keep them from freezing to death or getting eaten by wolves.
>will be part of canada or under canadian influence
Error: Duplicate file exists. here.
Honestly, being part of a Northern Plains country stretching into Canada would be pretty nice, so long as our rural and suburban retardbase can uncuck the canuck.
Yeah Russia isn't getting Alaska. Mexico will not take over Texas. The yellow shade will probably be a new, conservative country.
>implying they wouldn't just separate into self sustaining states
>implying the states would submit to imperial rule considering our history
We like you Arizona, there's just a dusty dirty, hot af in the summer, cold af in the winter, desert that we don't want in between us.
Can't find the John Titor map, but it is most accurate balkanization by far.
>Alaska: Will go to Russia
BAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Hahahaha.... oh boy... wew...