Today is Trump's worst day
drump is literally finished
dummy nigger
Is that Rachel Maddow?
Another low T soyboy
i like how he says "papadopoulos" as if anyone in america heard of that faggot before this morning
It's her little sister.
>A bunch of people he no longer cares about
>His approval rating will always be abyssal regardless of what he does/doesn't so that doesn't matter either
>Halted, not stopped
Yeah. I'm sure he is devastated.. LOL
Every time
I regret not voting for Hillary this is unacceptable
David Pakman is a gamergater so opinion discarded
waka waka waka
>Halted, not stopped
Except it is stopped
Enjoy Washington dc court, the liberal most powerful court in the nation that Obama filled
Also Kennedy is still on SCOTUS
Eat shit you lost.
These people just can't let go of the idea that his approval rating must just eat at them. Hey, maybe we should start a website that keeps approval ratings on all liberal pundits. They'd spend all their time watching it, and we wouldn't have to hear their spewing.
I love that he actually included
>new low approval
How fucking retarded can people be?
David, no one here gives a fuck about your shit opinion and your twits.
OP is a faggot.
>campaign manager and his minion's shit from years ago
>a literally who "pls respond" hang around lied to the FBI, nothing else
>a (((court))) decision that will eventually be reversed just like the rest of them
Yeah, real bad day. Is this really the apex of what a year-long investigation can produce? This is pathetic.
He's been misunderstood.
Lol as if every other bullshit lower court decision against Trump hasnt been overturned. Thankfully SCOTUS still has some morals. It will happen again. Even if Trump didn't have the authority, which he does, it's not hard to prove trained are mentally ill and therefore unfit to serve
I can't stand that faggot. He's also full of shit. It's the beginning of the end for the Clinton Cartel.
never post that little nu-male commie faggot here again
What Mueller produced today was a statement to the higher up drumps and any other significant member of his cabinet etc. Papadapolous has been spewing information for months now, with a guilty plea agreement. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
Fuck off android
If his worst day is the day that Mueller admits he has nothing, and the Podesta group is about to be investigated, I can hardly wait to see the good days. The big question, will Obama and Hillary face a firing squad, or be hung?
So wait....2/3rds of the Podesta group get indicted for things they did in 2014 and we're supposed to believe it's related to Trump?
Since Tony Podesta quit the Podesta Group today I'm guessing it's them and the Clintons along with Holder and Lynch who should be worried
>Worst day for trump
>manafort and Gates indicted on money laundering scam from years ago with Ukraine
>nothing to do with Russia
suck my huge dick Sup Forums and enjoy it. what's the approval at now? -9000?
hows that affect trump retard?
And the same people telling you this are the same people who said Hillary had a 98% chance of winning.
None of this shit is even going to show up on trumps radar. Why are people so fucking stupid
um don't you see trump knows a baddy therefore he is a baddy. it's all part of their witch hunt.
(((They))) choose his rating.
just shut the fuck up for once in your lives you fucking jew shills. nobody likes him. nor the electoral college. and if you STILL think none of this affects him you've already been stumped and come across as a lame wad. not anybody's problems but your own frogs and pedophilia
>manafort and gates
all crimes from obama years when he was working with the podestas, also why tony podesta stepped down from his lobbying company
some dnc retard trying to get meetings with russian officials and trump campaign staff
he lied saying their were meetings when their never was and upper staff said they didnt want meetings and communications with russian officials, there is no plea deal
>new low approval
>trans ban halted
for now, fags
>>nothing to do with Russia
Exactly. It's funny how this whole "Russia hacking" thing had nothing to do with Russia hacking the election itself, but with Podesta clicking a phishing email and the DNC having shitty security, yet that's promoted as "Russian hacking of the election".
>Manafort & Gates Indicted
>Tax Evasion Charges pre-dating election
>Somehow bad for Trump
Shove it up your ass, leftyfag. The real story is the money laundering by Tony Podesta's group. Democrats should be very worried.
ok bush
That mean we won, you realize that right?
>implying the military will ignore direct orders from their boss because some dyke judge says so
kek you libtards are so delusional it's hilarious
remember when you guys said the electoral college would
>vote their conscience
exactly what I'd expect a g*mergater to say
>Even if Trump didn't have the authority, which he does, it's not hard to prove trained are mentally ill and therefore unfit to serve
Except it was ruled that they are and he does not in fact have that authority.
>no one likes the electoral college
yes we do
most pathetic showing on board ever and best day for intelligent anti jewmpf people
>the Podesta group is about to be investigated,
>about to be investigated
You mean like how the Clinton Foundation was investigated?
You mean like how Hillary was investigated for her emails?
You mean like how Benghazi was investigated?
You mean like how Lois Lerner and the IRS were investigated?
These things were all investigated. Nothing ever happens to leftist assets. Nothing. Ever.
>The big question, will Obama and Hillary face a firing squad, or be hung?
Nothing will ever happen to them.
Why do you guys still expect the government to do its job fairly? Why? How old are you? If you're older than 16 and still expect honesty and integrity, I don't know what to tell you.
>Trump's worst day
Liberals are retarded enough to believe this, which is why it'll just be so much better when the dominos start falling on their side over the next few weeks.
Only leftists can be retarded enough to be distracted by shiny bright lights to where they miss the actual event going on. But, that's fine, it'll just delay their suffering a bit longer before they come to grips with being crushed under Trump.
Lol literally this is all non stories for trump
The three indictments have nothing to do with trump they are all dc insiders and crimes from long before trump was in politics
The trans ban is another activist judge
The president can dictate how the military lets people in or not this will be overturned in days, the court doesn’t even have the right to do this.
not even jewmpf liked it. nobody cares. you have a jew excuse for everything
>muh personal responsibility
youre shit. you have no purpose. and neither does your party. which is also always garbage. congrats
nah, the loser is used to it by now
Drumpff is literably finishted
I mean frankly it's like choosing one of two disabled people to drive a car for you.
Lol look at this hysterical liberal thinking something of substance actually happened today. The popadopolous thing happened almost a month ago now, but the lugen presse decided to be hush hush about it to bundle it with the mueller "findings" which were also conveniently leaked to the press. The only bad thing for Trump or Sup Forums that happened today was that it wasn't skippy or his brother.
To the newfags, this is what a shill looks like:
Says random shit blaming Jews. Personal attacks. Incoherent raving.
you spout off about degeneracy and lugen presse and buzzwords when meanwhile all the nazis ever did. and jewnald. was blow israel and create it
too bad. why'd you kill Christ
>Trump's "worst day"
>it's fucking nothing
Looks like it's nothing but good days from here on out then.
I'm not "listening" to any news/media. That's by reading the DOJ docs released by the foreign affairs committee led by Mueller. No, it doesn't have any direct ties to Trump at the moment, but it does show possible collusion. Pro-Ukraine deals does in fact = pro Russia given their prior meddling. He's going for people that DID have ties with the Trump's, Flynn & Kushner to put pressure on them to release info.
If no trump collusion or meddling, cool so be it. At least they broke down illegal laundering via foreign interests.
I'm only hopefully that more information is released to the actual cause, Russian Probe.
>Approval rating
If the election is to be held tomorrow, trump will still win. Why cant they understand this?
He will weather this storm just like he has all the others it'll be her turn soon very soon
generic nothing statement
>Literally nothing
Wtf? I hate Trump now! Who here #StillMentallyHill?
>we're supposed to believe it's related to Trump?
shills gonna shill ...
youre a bottom bitch. you want men to lead you around like peterson the tranny because big mouth and small penis. nothing any of you ever say makes any sense. these are your hens coming home to roost
>literally who shmuck that got conned into giving up manafort is now the key to the whole collusion narritive
Popadopolus is a mid level advisor/analyst on foreign policy, what the fuck does he know about anything?
He tried to set up meetings with Russians that got swatted down and then lied/misspoke about them in testimony.
That’s it, it’s not like he is the weak link in trumps impervious armor, nobody even knew he existed until 8 hours ago.
He’s just a dupe that got used by the fbi
Didn't we all?
no. just your kids that you blamed it on
>muh ad homs
why do you think im so angry? all you guys ever did was ad hom my flag
>the indictments are not even linked to Russia in any way
David Pakman is a tiny, tiny man. I've never seen him wear a suit that wasn't 3 sizes bigger than his body.
charges are from obama years when manafort worked for podesta group
he laundered uranium one money through a Ukrainian bank through the podesta group
By a single judge that isn’t even able to stop an order like this.
It will be reveressed
just like nothing would happen today. this place is a scummy swampy echo chamber of the earth. nothing else. whatever you say. the vast majority think the opposite. kikes took over this place because it's faceless
Hmm, so the status quo for centuries was that they were ineligible to serve, and this was legally permissible the entire time, to the point that no tranny ever won a lawsuit to be allowed to serve.
One president gets to unilaterally allow them in and you're saying the next has no authority to unilaterally undo that change and return to the status quo that was constitutionally A-OK for centuries?
>Why cant they understand this?
They still trust the (((media))). They've learned nothing.
>this retarded
But Jesus died for our sins and we all sin.
>Except it's stopped
>Implying it's not going to end up the exact same as the travel ban blocked by Hawaiian courts
When he said he was going to drain the swamp, I didn't think he would. This is going to be great.
I don't even care who goes to jail, just as long as it's a lot of people. This is what taking your country back looks like!
Lefties are retards
so i'm supposed to thank you? God is in control. not you. but you think you can save yourselves anyways so what does it matter
And that's fine, not the direct cause of what Mueller is supposed to be looking into, but if more information can be found via plea deals, so be it. If not, bad guy down.
Podesta stepping down is interesting, wonder where it will go
Not unless the republicans rightfully tell mueller to fuck off becaue how Russian collusion investigation has turned into a petty tax evasion scam
A special prosecutor is not needed for this case as obvious by today
>Obama gets to choose who serves in the military
>Trump doesn't get to choose who serves in the military
choose only one
Who is going to enforce it?
Way to dodge you fruity little faggot. It's fucking nothing, just like everything else that this year-long "investigation" has produced.
*sees Drumpf peddling fake news about Uranium One*
*calls up my boy Mueller and tells him to activate it*
*Mueller activates it*
*Drumpfy is hot water now and no one cares about Uranium One anymore*
You lose again, racist hillbillies.
They did vote their conscience. Eight of them chose not to vote for Hillary.
dodge what? fuck israel. today isnt even over yet! none of this is! pretend today is yesterday. whom was right? ME! AND I'LL CONTINUE TO BE! THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR SHITTING ON MALES!
Very true. There must be more to it than what has been released today if there was actual collusion with Russia. Time shall tell. Just hope this doesn't turn into some horsehit dog and pony show that the media will fall into hysteria about yet nothing will actually happen
It lights the dark of this prison cell,
It thunders forth its might,
It is ‘the undauntable thought’, my friend,
That thought that says ‘I’m right!’
>t. ronald the con man