Nut allergies are one of the most deadliest allergies people can have sending sufferers into cardiac arrest and can cause severe brain damage and sometime even death. Sufferers symptoms can be triggered by not just eating them but by being exposed to them at all, breathing in air near peanuts can trigger the body into a nervous breakdown and it's completely out of these people's control.
It's time we move forward as a society and ban nuts in public spaces, if it saves just 1 life then it's worth it.
Is it time to ban nuts?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, deez nuts
Allergies are all in the mind. Sage
Next thing you know testicles are going to be part of this "ban nuts" legislation and it will be illegal to be male in public.
People with peanut allergies belong in space suits if they wish to live on a planet that has them. That one guy who died in a restaurant should not be eating out ever and only preparing his own food if it's that severe.
No ban deez nuts. These pussy-ass genes that can't even recognize harmless foods all need wiping out.
>left claims to like evolution
>wants to ban nuts even though they help evolution
Really activates my pecans
fuck that, if I'm going to a baseball game I better have my damn peanuts. This isn't the 5th grade peanut allergy table anymore.
No, we should cook a munch of exotic tree nuts in oil and strain it and then spread that oil far and wide. Laundromat are a great place.
I would be ok with this because I don't follow laws I don't like.
deez nutz?
Yes we should ban it. The shit I've seen happen to my three year old nephew is fucking depressing.
Get him a space suit. I don't want your nephew to die, but he's a freak of nature, sorry.
Yeah start with nut allergies and see where that leads you, soon enough animals, latex, soy, milk and whatever else people with allergies can't be near will be contraband.
I remember when I was maybe 11 years old we weren't allowed to have balloons in school because 1 little shit had a latex allergy.
The weak need to be culled and should not be allowed to pass on the weak genes.
That’s just nuts.
So which minority is it that we execute by throwing nuts at them?
>being allergic to nuts
Fucking mutants.
Why u go here when we were having such a nice discussion in this other thread that is exactly the same?
You embarrassed we called you out for being racist against black people?
>being allergic to legumes
? They should be legal in private spaces but not public.
Monsanto agrochemical is creating genetically modified strains of organics that are more resilient to harsh weather and bacteeia and disease. In turn, these seedlings of satan have also become increasingly resiliant to the human immune system.
What would have been considered a minor, possibly innoticed allergy to these nuts, ripped from the scroctum of lucifer, has not brcome deadly.
In the us, nut allergies have incrrased from 400k to 4.5mil from 1997 to 2015.
It is the food that is changing. Clue the fuck in and stop Monsanto.
Some people are allergic to Penicillin
We should ban all antibiotics to protect those tiny few
Ate food containing nuts, the restaurant owner told her that it was safe to eat.
Nuts are destroying lifes.
>being so allergic that you can't even be in the vicinity of the allergen
>opposite of all other food allergies that requires that you ingest or come into contact with the allergen
what makes nuts so different?
"STFU and let me work."
- CD
Clearly there is a group of evil people out there who throw nuts into your mouth in public when you walk past
Who? Who gives a shit about some wet hole with shitty genes.
Why don't people with peanut allergies just not leave the house?
not that there's anything britcucks don't want to ban, but you can microdose peanuts and build a tolerance
>if it saves just 1 life then it's worth it.
if banning marxism saves 1 life than it's worth it.
Im not retyping what I wrote the other day.
the answer is if it makes dust then yes, but wed have to get rid of therapy animals too.
tired of seeing dogs in the grocery department and riding in carts.
Life in a rut? BIN THOSE NUTS!
What the hell has happened to people? Am oldfag and people didn't used to be allergic to every damn thing back in the day. What's wiping out our immune systems?
it's also wrong, there's an opportunity cost to everything and a program costing more than ~100k per life can be better spent and save more lives