Kevin Spacey is now gay
that is his defence
all will be forgotten, the Gay Mafia will save him
Kevin Spacey is now gay
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Gays have attacked him actually and this accusation has made me go full on hate mode for Rose Mcgowan. Seriously she's a fucking attention seeking cunt and I hope karma ravages her anally.
>tucking in the waifu
>tv running in background
>spacey's face shows up
>did you hear
>waifu: they said he came out of the closet
He's not gay. He's a pedophile. and he is the gay mafiag
Milo said he loved being raped by his preacher so who cares
Spacey "made an attempt" on a fag
you don't think he managed to fuck other kids?
It's not so much that the Gays are helping him
It's that they are afraid he'll drop names
if his career is ruined by this
No it won't. Most people who live on planet earth understand that gay men are more likely to be pedophiles than anyone else. Aside from him going to Epsteins island, this is the biggest evidence we have that he's a massive pedophile.
Why would Spacey admit this? Accuser from an incident when he was 14 years old needs to prove the action as well as intent.
Spacey has a shitty lawyer. Should of just kept his fingers inside the 14 year old's ass he was with and stayed off Twitter yesterday.
No. It's no longer considered "brave" to come out as gay anymore. The novelty has worn off for the public
Because Spacey never actually had sex with him. He's not "guilty" in any criminal sense. He was just a horny drunk faggot in this situation.
I knew Kevin Spacey was a fag the moment I saw him in The Usual Suspects. He hid it pretty well in House of Cards though.
>òoterally kisses a man in house of cards
>hid it well
nigger, you're retarded
Thanks for spoiling it for me fag. I'm not even through the first season yet.
You don't say shit, not even "I am a raging homosexual and only attracted to guys over 35".
You stay silent, if questioned say it's bullshit, and keep your career going through the ambiguity.
It's brave if it works to a political advantage for leftists.
The only saving grace might be the beginnings of a repentance which is why he might have started this "process".
>the Gay Mafia will save him
I don't care about him. I want the Pedo Mafia
he fucked like 3 dudes in House of Cards
kek (((who))) is rubbing their hands?
lol even George "Ass Trek" Takei says his coming out is a blatant deflection
Fuck I hate when an actor I likebends up being a faggot.
Spacey said he doesn't remember it, but if he did he's very sorry :(
How can I be a pedo? I'm gay!
gay card played
kisses with a man?
How bout when he gets doubleteamed by his wife and Meechum
There's a lesson here, newfag.
Mcgowan is a fucking hasbeen whore who is cashing on her 15 minutes of fame, Hollywood is rotten to he core but that bitch is part of the problem, it's like she didn't sucked miles of dick when she was "famous" to star in charmed
Honestly, I'm not sure he did it.
Basically a nobody, working on a third-rate virtue-signalling Trek reboot that's going to crash and burn, is trying to raise his profile by taking a shot at an A-list actor, and it's working. His face and name are all over the internet now, and whether the show he's in is good is immaterial. People are going to choose sides, and those who choose his side are going to give him work, to signal that they're some of the good Hollywood scumbags, who are against sexual predation in show business.
Maybe it's based in reality, maybe it's not, but the motive is there to fabricate it, and there's no evidence or corroboration of what happened at a party three decades ago.
That's stupid and based on Nazi rigged sources. If there is ever a Nazi takeover, I'm going to frame you for being gay and get you murdered by your Nazi brethren
Why did not weinstein thing of that?!? sloppy.
Anthony Rapp is total faggot, either he was a fag as a child and wanted to be fucked (like milo) or he was turned into a faggot ny being assaulted
kids want to get fucked because our society tells them to use their sexuality
Oh well. Guess we'll just have to let this democrat institution eat itself.
All I saw today showed that the gay mafia is perfectly content to fry him. Faggots on twatter are real butthurt about the homo=pedo implications and his claim of 'choosing' to live as a gay man.
Based on what he said, he didn't even know Spacey was trying to fuck him until he was literally laying on top of him. So I'm going to guess he wasn't gay at 14.
He got warped by pedo perverts, same as 90% of gay men.
He played the obnoxious/horny friend in Adventures in Babysitting.
>I'm going to frame you for being gay
Yeah, some liberal poo pusher like you is going to be taken seriously after a nationalist takeover... Sure.
He;s gone, allegedly there are stories getting ready to drop in the media much like Weinstein.
It's similarly known throughout Hollywood that Spacey liked little boys. Check out the Family Guy reference in 2005:
The gay mafia can't jump in for fear of acknowledging that being gay means an attraction to teenage boys.
I just can't get past of the hypocrisy of an industry that decried Trump having all of these known degenerates in their midst.
I mean, it happened in Nazi Germany, straight men being framed, so good fucking luck haha
Maybe, but it wasn't a hippy fruit with a cock up his ass doing the framing.
Just wait until one if your enemies decides to throw you under the bus. By the way, I'm a woman, and lesbians were never sent to the camps. Fuck off, bitch boy
Never happened faggot.
Now that Kevin Gaycey came out, I wonder who's next?
I bet it's Jaden.
Gays weren't killed and sent to camps? Hahaha you're an idiot
>I'm a woman
Feet or GTFO
2 years after kevin fucked him, and just an act, haven't heard of Rapp until, I wonder if parents, etc noticed a rapid change in his behavior
So because Milo was raped, and perhaps after years of living with it has come to twist the story in his head to where he believes he wasn't a victim means that Kevin Spacey, a dirty leftist cunt is in the clear? It doesn't work like that.
clearly hes not gay he is a pedo
>I wonder if parents, etc noticed a rapid change in his behavior
He probably had a serious case of cock breath.
Pederasty is the main recruitment tool for sodomites, always has been always will be. Die in a fire, faggot.
Milo - raised by single mother, which would mean he probably was a fag before, but was hypersexualized by being sexually abused
>dat hair splitting
Molesting boys is how fags maker more fags. The fags know this and "actively recruit". Homosexuality is a mental illness. Deal with it, you fucking degenerate.
>you raped a 14 year old boy
>oops im gay lol. bye
It isnt. Nice smear campaign. I never have had my gay friends talk about gay molestation because it never happened to them, and they're all into hairy older men.
I bet 90% of them have a kid chained up in their basements as we speak, Sally-Ann.
Where are those feet pics btw?
Babe, my brother is gay and i would have known if someone raped him as a kid. Go kill yourself
This whole thing has gotten so far out of hand that they're not protecting him at all. House Of Cards was immediately cancelled and they deployed special teams of people to "make sure the cast and crew felt safe and supported". Because 31 years ago Kevin Spacey picked up some twink who was somewhere he shouldn't have been.
my dad was gay nazi heh sorry for bein a pedo rapist
What was a 14 year old boy doing at a party with a drunk Kevin Spacey close enough to a bedroom for this to even happen? Fag Rapp was there for a reason.
If anything that just makes it worse. Not only is he a pedo but he's also a faggot.
hes a fag
Man they all have that souless look to them like Neil Patrick Harris
thats trippy, our some might say spacey.
>citing milo
actually you are wrong,
>I mean, as a typical Sup Forumstard like always
anyway, gays are dragging him, eg:
Keven "It's not rape if I'm gay, see?" Spacey
>that flag
show me how by doing it first
In all fairness, looks like Kevin's gaydar was on the money with that one.