Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Reminder to please try and avoid replying to obvious shitposts and shitposters, it only encourages them
Der neue Faden erscheint
Und somit auch mein steifer Schwanz
I'm picking a new VN to read. Vote now on your phones:
Here is RTK 3. Someone should probably put it in the CoR.
And everyone voted so hard that the thread caught on fire and burnt down
6) Ley Line
Did you know?
The steam of all i-adjectives ends with an "i-", "a-", "o-" or "u-"step syllable but never with an "e-"step syllable like "ke", "te" and "se".
大きい (き = い)
ふかい (か = あ)
重い (も = お)
軽い (る = う)
NEVER : け て せ
So which method is the best for learning kanji thoroughly? Like how do nips learn it? I was thinking for learning the radicals but I'm not sure which wont give me bad habits.
DJT book club when?
Is that difference to this?
Anyway, good to have alternative links. Good stuff user.
>Like how do nips learn it?
Doesn't matter to you, they learn it as kids. If you just pick a method it will stick eventually. RTK is better if you want to write by hand. Vocab if you don't
It's a na-adjective you fucking fuck.
your list fucken blows wheres the big names i cant even stand to look @ this filth
>I was thinking for learning the radicals but I'm not sure which wont give me bad habits.
There is only one thing that can give you bad habits: not exposing yourself to the target language.
Learning the radicals is just radical. You won't regret it.
radical freedom
>Wanting to learn Japanese
>not wanting to learn japanese
Not gonna blow my kamige load just yet. One of these days I'll come by with 5 big hitters and you'll be happy, but sadly that day is not today.
oh ok well i guess gun to my head id pick aokana
im not clicking your gay straw poll tho so youll have to just add my vote yourself
Between VNs and LNs, "what's the best"?
VNs have sound true but I feel like LNs might be better in the long run as they force you to really pay attention to what you're reading. You need to put the effort to immerse yourself in what you're reading and that might make you remember what you're reading better. Kind of like "the hard way is tougher but the reward at the end of the road is greater".
There is no "best", just do what you want and don't think about dumb things like this.
thanks for your input ;)
Some people like ice cream, some people like cake.
Think less, read more.
theres a major deficiency in how people learn written japanese here so you need texthookers to fill in the gaps until youve stared at japanese you dont understand long enough to remember what it looks like so only then can you transition to books and shit
yet you're listing daitoshokan which you're just gonna ruin with your awful jap
Hey guys, what's the best, movies or books?
They're both important, I'd say you need a mix of them both
VNs are good because you get reading and listening practice at the same time, they also tend to be easier to get immersed into and read for long periods of time
But LNs are more important for reading comprehension, they tend to be more challenging and help you get used to large quantities of dense text
Still if you were forced to answer what would the answer be?
Let's say implying someone did RTK+core2k6k+TK+anime and read a couple manga while doing so.
Yeah, I can get behind these points.
My answer would be to stop shitposting and go read, retard.
those 4 things would just put you at the general djt level and you see what i do to those guys on a daily basis
But aside from this, if you really had to give an answer user, what would it be? Come on say it.
>you see what i do to those guys on a daily basis
You really have a shit ego, Jamal. That's why no one likes you and no one will ever look up to you.
you should know im not actually serious about it tho i usually never make posts like that i just had a more active than usual day so im just rolling with it
im not worried about e cred or w/e
>Learning the radicals is just radical.
I will live and die by these words. Thanks, user.
if you like LNs then read LNs
if you like VNs then read VNs
if you don't know which you like then go read a few of each and decide
you have all the time in the world and yet you use it to shitpost bad questions
I never understood what this radical freedom meme was about.
it's radical like kanji radicals, get it
Just like learn japanese
not giving up
gambatte minnabody
I don't know what happened but I got a lot of shit wrong today in Anki, like way more than usual
It's just random chance
I could find here in an instant. 乙
You managed to find this place instantly.
The problem is you should not be recognizable. Sup Forums is an anonymous website and the same way tripfagging is frown upon typing and acting in a particular way on purpose to get attention from others is frown upon.
And please don't give me your "this is just how I am", let's be honest you know very well what you're doing and have said it plenty of times already. This past week alone I've noticed more and more people fed up with your attitude. I don't actually believe you're a bad person but I do believe your attitude has definitely a negative impact on this place.
maybe deep down you just dont wana fuckin do flashcards anymore and your hearts no longer in it
No I love Anki. If I was between the decision of Anki and my mother I would probably push her off some stairs.
Kind of hard to play the ignore game when every 3-4 posts or so is one of his.
At this point we'd need to set up a chat to get multiple people to report him simultaneously whenever he says shit to finally get him banned.
Will learning kanji also help me learn hanzi?
>theres a major deficiency in how people learn written japanese here
Who do people learn written Japanese here?
>Still if you were forced to answer what would the answer be?
Cottage cheese.
>not wanting to improve your overall caligraphy
No, ignoring really is the best option
It's not that hard to just glance a post, see that it's an obvious shitpost, and just move on
Replying just makes it all worse, and there are plenty of legitimate posts you can focus on instead
i think i have more homies than haters honestly its just the haters scream the loudest and filthy frankly thats how it should be
things are getting better though and no its not because of me its because of you (all)
im sure ill help someone later only to get swarmed on by this fuck though whos already breaking rules go figure
>ESLs taking DJT seriously
the thread
You literally need to stop.
This is not your place.
So written as in writing?
Trying to see the relation in regards the question of light novels and visual novels, but I'm drawing blanks, something I know a whole lot about.
I'm confused by what you mean by this.
You are completely missing the point and are still acting in a disgusting egocentric and narcissistic way.
>i think i have more homies than haters
>things are getting better though and no its not because of me its because of you (all)
Things shouldn't even work in one way or the other, in any way, around yourself. How hard is it to understand? Are you that new to Sup Forums? Or is it because you are still at "that age"?
If despite this you still wish to be recognized and still wish to go on with your DJT e-fame then put on a trip. This is the only fair solution here as it would let people the possibility to filter you and thus avoid conflicts.
Had the argument been reversed you'd have taken an opposite stance for the sake of swarming like the larvaes that you are. Fuck off.
Remember when you get the autistic urge to start an inane argument with someone in the DJT, do the prudent thing instead and take a nap or jump in the nearby river
So much autism today
and youre saying im a problem and making things worse in one post and then trying to say i shouldnt have any effect one way or the other
which one is it are you going to accept reality or cling to your foolish ideology
dont answer its rhetorical id rather post 私はゲイ than this shit get back to work 生徒
>Had the argument been reversed you'd have taken an opposite stance for the sake of swarming like the larvaes that you are. Fuck off.
you are delusional
I would never take a stance against giving a self-important fucker like you a good shove
the people who start shit are way more of a strain on my eyes than jokester jamal
wew lad
This might make it a little less confusing. Here is the quote in question:
>theres a major deficiency in how people learn written japanese here so you need texthookers to fill in the gaps
I'm not entirely sure how writing helps one read either light novels or visual novels, as they are both published using computer fonts; one digital and one print.
Has Nintendo finally released a decent handheld?
I want it
What the hell is that reply. If you can't understand such a basic concept you're beyond helping, man.
Read again, then look at the thread. Look at everyone posting here - can you recognize them or not? Can you tell yourself "oh yeah I've had a conversation with that guy before"? No you can't. It should be exactly the same to us when it comes to you. Why can't you understand this and why are you acting like this is not something you can help with?
I know it's tempting but don't go on saying I'm some autist that is often around here because I've actually not taken part in much drama or even anything here recently.
>If despite this you still wish to be recognized and still wish to go on with your DJT e-fame then put on a trip. This is the only fair solution here as it would let people the possibility to filter you and thus avoid conflicts.
Fuck off.
"written Japanese" as in Japanese that has been written down, i.e. not spoken Japanese
ESL party tonight isn't it
I just finished and 72/71% on anki/true retention :(
Time to end it
Tfw even the people getting baited by shitposters are shitposters
Why can't we just have nice threads where everyone discusses learning Japanese
Hint: if you just ignore and report shitposts they do get deleted eventually.
what even is there to discuss about learning japanese
these threads were a mistake
>"written Japanese" as in Japanese that has been written down, i.e. not spoken Japanese
Hence the question about calligraphy, user.
You know there is narration and dialogue in both light novels and visual novels?
>ESL party tonight isn't it
I was merely asking for clarity, user, as a good 90% of silly arguments online are based off people getting riled up over assumptions and following up by talking past each other. It is a little sad that when someone sensibly tries to get someone to clarify what they said, instead of being pointlessly antagonistic, the personal insults start raining out.
English is the only language I can claim to know. Furthermore, English natives are the vast majority of the userbase here, so it is kind of odd to immediately jump to such a petty insinuation.
Questions about japanese? It's an entire language. It's a massive topic. Besides, the thread doesn't have to be active all the time.
i mean what can i do besides say thanks for the complement like honestly
i dunno dude i remember discussing japanese and just translated something by using all curse words and some kid flipped out begging people to report and shit
lifes hard
English as Second Language.
It's an insult used here which is the same as when someone reverts to calling someone else a faggot, when they have nothing to add.
Don't agree with someone, call them a faggot.
Aren't able to keep up with a conversation, call someone a faggot.
Don't like the way an user posts, call them a faggot.
ESL works in the same manner.
Literal narcissistic delusion the post
>English natives are the vast majority of the userbase here
I'm actually curious about that.
im not clicking your straw poll but if theres a 私はゲイ option put me down for that please
The phrasing of that question is poor, though. People whose native language is English could still know more than just English and Japanese.
How is that an insult? Genuinely curious, not being facetious. How did it develop into an insult?
I only just recently finished learning my kana. You guys weren't kidding when you said it only takes like 2 days.
>I'm the only EOP here
Feels good man