>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
PREV APPEARANCES/LINKS (poos have apologized, friendship renewed)
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis presser in SoKo 10/28/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address (special announcement) #39 10/27/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #14 (Lara) 10/27/17
>Pres Trump Trick or Treat w/kids 10/27/17
>VP Pence @Mars Insight Facility 10/27/17
>VP Pence @Minot AFB in ND 10/27/17
>VP Pence visiting Minot AFB in ND 10/27/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis in SoKo 10/27/17
>AG Sessions speech@JFK Airport to Port Authority 10/27/17
>This Week @State 10/27/17
>StateDep Reception for 2023 Worlds Fair bid 10/27/17
>WH Halloween Press Brief (Sarah) 10/27/17
>Pentagon Press Brief (Spox Dana, GenDunford) 10/27/17
>WH Video: FLotUS Melania in MI 10/27/17
>DoD Video: C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @DMZ 10/27/17
>DoI video: Happy Birthday Teddy! 10/26/17
>Trump Triumphant
OP pastebin:
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Thanks for baking
Does someone have a Trump stencil I can use to carve a pumpkin?
Syria strike was his worst day, this is nothing
I guess I can get it since OP died, wasn't intent on it. How have threads been for the past while? Still catching up.
Sessions just announced he’s going after marijuana even in states that legalized it. Try keeping up, anons
Fuck splanpf and fuck the American people.
someone else was baking too i think
does the article say how Uranium One is fake? I mean, the facts of the case as laid out? (I don't mean the allegations of intent, that can be judged in Court of Law)
What is this little girl supposed to be?
posting from mobile, captcha on my co puter is fucked
thanks for taking over
With regards to the Papadapolos case, pastebin below, tl;dr
> Papadopoulos got catfished
> tried and failed to arrange a meeting with Putin intermediated by a female Russian national that claimed to be his relative
> got told to fuck off by Trump campaign
> lied to the FBI about it and got caught
Here is the pastebin with the Papadopoulos indictment [1], OCR'd from the original at [2]
> The Professor brought with him a female Russian national (the "Female Russian National"), introduced to defendant PAPADOPOULOS as a relative of Russian President Vladimir Putin with connections to senior Russian government officials.
> Defendant PAPADOPOULOS later learned that the Female Russian National was not in fact a relative of President Putin.
> In addition, while defendant PAPADOPOULOS expected that the Professor and the Female Russian National would introduce him to the Russian Ambassador in London, they never did. advisors for the Campaign.
> When defendant PAPADOPOULOS introduced himself to the group, he stated, in sum and substance, that he had connections that could help arrange a meeting between then-candidate Trump and President Putin.
Top kek, he thought he would score Putin daughter, will end in a federal slammer. Made a pic as well, pic related, along with yours
No problem, wasn't really intent on it.
Who here is beginning to reconsider their support for Trump?
>there are people who are happy about Manafort and monday despite no Trump-Russia collusion
syria strike made all the people who liked trump for being an outsider hold their breath to find out whether he was another koch shill. luckily he stopped listening to faggot jared
It would blow my mind if this leads into a full-on investigation of Trump's taxes, and it turns out he never did anything but by the book. Two birds, one stone.
Eva's last post.
A nice user carved this in the last thread. Pay him a compliment.
Notice how no one is talking about Uranium One?
Mueller made sure of that. Have fun, republinazis.
Since Foxposting hours are coming up soon I could take it for a few hours if you'd like.
No. Mueller did signal where the investigation is going. It's a bunch of RICO bullshit tied to the Podesta group. Company "A" and "B" are already leaked.
So this whole MUH RUSSIA investigation is backfiring on the libs lol.
Manafort pleading not guilty on Federal charges that have a 90%+ conviction rate is fucking crazy. The fucking balls on that guy.
Oh thank god, I thought he might do something useful.
You can take over, seems 4chanx pooped out on me or something. Hope it will be fixed by to orrow
Who is no one, you kike bitch?
Not surprised in the least desu
Real talk: why does /ptg/ always have the dankest memes?
I believe Mueller going after Podesta Group the day Podesta Group gets indicted.
happy halloween eve and ivanka birthday day!
Looks good!
>Eva's last post.
We wish
The biggest nothingburger of our time.
Why should an innocent rug salesman fear the Fed?
image test
>blocks your NAP violation
>Trump isn't getting spooked by spookers
as everyone here knew it would months ago. good times ahead.
>My legion of skelegates stands at the ready to decimate Mueller, Dahnald. You need only give the word.
>convicted one guy out of 6
The general stats don't matter because of the profile and atypical nature of this case. I think he's pressing them to make their case. It's quite a rare charge, and grand juries can be pretty unpredictable.
Is it supposed to be that spooky?
It was also much more intensely shilled than today. We were getting organized raids from places like TRS, MarchAgainstTrump, and other discord kiddies backed by sorosbux. Infiltrating and doxing their little hive was deeply satisfying.
>luckily he stopped listening to faggot jared
you clearly fell for the blackpilling and D&A from that day, further proving how bad a day it was. The strike had nothing to do with jared, it was just a strategic action that worked out really well in terms of his foreign policy, but it really disappointed his base and worried a lot of people (including myself at the time)
>Sessions just announced he’s going after marijuana even in states that legalized it. Try keeping up, anons
Bullshit. Here is the bullshit source [1] that misrepresented what he said. TL;dr: "federal law applies in all states, no selective enforcement", that's it, no "will go after".
> Sessions made the comments on conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt’s show Thursday morning, after Hewitt asked whether the Department of Justice would be prosecuting marijuana growers for being criminal enterprises.
> “A lot of states are just simply breaking the law and a lot of money is being made and banked,” Hewitt said to Sessions of marijuana growers and sellers. “One [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations] prosecution of one producer and the banks that service them would shut this all down. Is such a prosecution going to happen?”
Meaning, the radio host led the question with his opinion. Sessions answered
> Sessions told Hewitt that he didn’t think “one [RICO] prosecution would be quite as effective as that,” but said he doesn’t think states that legalized the drug had the right to ignore current federal laws that ban the sale of marijuana. Again
> he doesn’t think states that legalized the drug had the right to ignore current federal laws that ban the sale of marijuana.
> he doesn't think
He concludes
> I do not believe there’s any argument that because a state legalizes marijuana, that the federal law against marijuana is no longer in existence,” Sessions said. “I do believe that the federal laws clearly are in effect in all 50 states and we will do our best to enforce the laws as we’re required to do so.
In no place in this exchange he says "DOJ will crack down on marijuana growers", just that federal law exists and that RICO is not the way to prosecute this.
very spooky and cute
Fucking 10/10
Here's some really spooky stuff.
I hope you now see the error of your ways, Sup Forums. Jeb!'s campaign manager would never be arrested.
There's no chance he hasn't seen them already.
I can handover before 8pm if you want then be back later, sound good?
Trump doesn't get spooked. Remember that time he stared down a guy that people thought was trying to assassinate him?
>"Concrete shoes Manafort"
Because subversive shit is funny and this place gives the least amount of fucks about SJW fee fees
kek brit nailed it
Because we have the best anons
sessions is a bumbling coot who will be locked up for treason thanks to his russia collusion soon
im pretty impressed, desu
because, historically, you've got a 10% chance of beating the case. like i said, ballsy move.
So Latino Victory is pro Gillespie, right?
Second test, looks like restarting the browser does the trick, if captcha stops working for anybody else
Trick or treat?
Betsy DeVos dressed as Ms. Frizzle.
I recognize that bulge.
It was a shit move predicated on disinfo, Im a firm believer that the only gas used was by rebels
Sure. I'll bake through Lauras show but then I'll need to get to bed after that. I just know you don't like baking during Tucker.
Not even using the actual car? Fucking weak, beaners
He has no other choice. The indictment of Manafort is directly related to Tony Podesta and his dealings. It's no mistake Hillary Clinton met with him this past weekend. She told him what's coming and what to do to stay afloat. It's no coincidence he left his group today just after the indictment on Manafort was dropped. If Mueller is going to be impartial he simply has no other choice. If his next round of indictments are small fish (((associated))) with Trump I'll concede he's gunning for him and is a DNC shill. Until that happens, I'm not going to.
Why can't you two get along more often
Barron makes them.
LADS, what will FLOTUS dress up as tomorrow?? MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT.
a DC jury is not likely to be sympathetic to a former Trump campaign manager.
checked and keked
This. Uranium One is a nothingburger. Manafort's arrest is going to lead to more indictments.
Trump IS going down, /ptg/. Start posting your suicidal Pepes.
It's too dark, I can't see anything
Because we have diversity of opinion and mind.
>Ok /ptg/ lots of opinions so let's throw it out there:
What year, specifically did your country going to shit? And can it be saved?
David Shulkin dressed as someone that has dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Post halloween awoo and Trump
My favorite part about that day was that he was eating chocolate fucking cake while he authorized the strike
>Trump comes out as Andrew Jackson.
Imagine the shock of the leftist livestock
>he's not even spooked by skellingtons
>Manafort pleading not guilty on Federal charges that have a 90%+ conviction rate is fucking crazy. The fucking balls on that guy.
You guys are silly and doesn't seem to have a clue of how the Federal Court haggling works
> Federal government throws the book at the defendant with every single charge possible, even jaywalk to rack up years in the "So and so is facing 90 years if goes to trial"
> Defendant pleas "NOT GUILTY" and enter the haggling market
> Government and defendant settles for the smaller charge that still counts as a conviction
> Government collects their scalp
> Defendant avoids rollng the dice on the max charge
Manafort at worst will have a small stint at Martha Stewart vacations camp or, like Scooter Libby, will have his sentence commuted down the line.
Gib candy awoo
Close your eyes and say "AH"
>>Ok /ptg/ lots of opinions so let's throw it out there:
Why did you greentext that part? Who are you quoting?