>In response to all of this, Anno said, "As for me, I'm good." He added, "It'd be more interesting if they changed directors. TOHO won't let me do it. There'd be a lot of difficulties."
>Anno also responded to a remark from an audience member saying that he/she would wait as long as it took for the fourth Rebuild of Evangelion film. He first thanked the audience, and then said, "I'll work hard on it. As a matter of fact, I'm already working hard on it."
Cooper Hill
Yes yes it is
Hunter Wood
How's that news? Work is in progress? That doesn't meant shit.
David Jones
its better than what he said a few years ago. Which went along the lines of > Im tired gona work on something new see you in 4 to 6 years
Samuel Bell
After 3:0 you can tell eva is just a cash grab that focus on the crappy convoluted nonsensical lore of the series.
Three movies and they still did nothing with Mari should tell you something about their approach to this shit show
Isaac Barnes
It could be three hours of asuka waiting for a bus and I would watch it.
Nolan Hernandez
this clearly shows that youve either watched the series a long time ago or didnt really pay attention to it when you watched it. 3.0 was hated as it moved away from the fan pandering which was 2.0 but it brought back the feel of evangelion, the uncomfortable feel that EoE brought
Kayden Hughes
>Evangelion Shin Gekijōban :||, or Evangelion: 3.0+1.0. The ":||" at the end of the Japanese title is meant to be the symbol used in music to denote repetition after reaching the end of a measure. >3.0+1.0 is literally 3.0 with half and hour of new footage >Anno shenanigans again.
Austin Adams
I'm amazed. It's taken 4 years for people to finally begin to see this.
Connor Thomas
The same poster yet again. GTFO if you dont actually
The ":||" is evidence that anno is going to return to what is familiar with evangelion. Instead of the avant garde shit that was 3.0
Jack Collins
yea but it doesnt mean that people prefer feeling uncomfortable. I just want my dinner party with rei
Aaron Flores
>Evangelion not avant garde Get out
Jaxon Jones
the lack of brains in this individual is astounding. What i meant was the move away from the the chartered territory of the original series settings and into NEW avant garde shit with 3.0. Not saying that the originals or the first 2 movies were not avant garde, you fuckwit
Juan Hughes
When Godzilla premiered he already apologised for doing other shit and making eva take a backseat but that he'd be working on it going forward.
Robert Rogers
Well, comfort was never the point of evangelion, you have tons of slice of life shows for your healing.
Cameron Hall
>New is bad >Make it what I want it to be
Luis Thomas
exactly thats what makes the cliche moments even more exciting and enjoyable. Its like finding a bottle of water in the middle of a desert compared to a bottle of water in a water park
Jose Young
Shinji Asuka sexual encounter when
Tyler Robinson
the clear lack of understanding and cognitive processing skills is seeping through you little fuckwit. No body said that they wanted Evangelion to be what they want instead the poster just gave his interpretation of the The ":||" in the title you fucking idiot
Chase Butler
>Pretentious writing. >Get called out on being a faggot. Leave user, make a garden, post results next year.
Joseph Adams
literally no reply of any substance. Better luck next time and brush up on yr english
Carson Stewart
Eli Hill
>Shinji snaps during sex >Breeding like bunnies
Lincoln Bennett
>every thrust brings a new Impact
Alexander Bennett
Not even same user but get off your phone Nokia-san. You're typing like a retard.
Josiah Sanchez
>the uncomfortable feel that EoE brought
Is this what you tell yourself to justify the shitty writing 3? How delusional can you be to think it was a good film or that it got any closer to the essence of EoE?
James Jenkins
Ha ha! This time Asuka masturbates over a comatose Shinji!
Jacob Robinson
>Evangelion >relevant in 2016
Pick one.
Colton Gray
Haha molestation
Luis Martinez
evajellyon was great because of the characters, EoE has the entire TV series leading up to it and the weird shit are just a bonus.
3.0 is just style over substance dogshit.
Adrian Jenkins
Haha maybe asuka could pounce on shinji and restrain his arms with the help of rei so they can hold him down for a gangbang where Misato teaches them how to please a man haha
Ryder Diaz
I feel nothing but pity for the ones who are actually waiting for this future turd.
Ian Hughes
P'shaw. You clearly also feel contempt for them. You don't have to lie to make friends.
Josiah Collins
How is that alternative universe going on, user?
Jaxson Howard
Eva peaked with EoE. Rebuild series has always been a waste because Anno either doesn't care or lost his ability.
David James
I hope we get sequel to that new godzilla movie.
Evan Collins
Eva peaked with dance like you want to win
Dylan Wilson
>You clearly also feel contempt for them Nah, they don't make enough noise for that.
Christopher Peterson
Make it stop, when will Eva die?!
Grayson Torres
William Wright
Reminder EVA is garbage and Anno is an obnoxious hack.
Tyler Brooks
One does have to wonder about the intelligence of those who hate a certain thing, yet repeatedly expose themselves to it. You don't see superman eating kryptonite and bitching.
Camden King
All you little children evangelion peaked with 2.22
Robert Gomez
That literally doesn't make sense because it's not the same thing I think.
Ryder Long
Actually it peaked with the TV ending. EoE is already shit.
Jack Cooper
Not entirely, but half of it is just spoonfeedery to people who can't figure something out unless other people tell them.
Everything you needed was in the show from the get go.
James Brooks
i personally liked 2.22 mainly due to shinji saving rei and rei having development.
Gavin Young
>people actually defend 3.33 now
Alexander Harris
>Watched 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 a few months ago for the first time >Only have vague memories of it wew
Kevin Martinez
I've always defended it. You faggots just wanted more action and hot-blooded Shinji doing something like 2.22. Just go watch Gundam or some shit.
Nolan Jones
but hot blooded shinji is the shit yo
Mason Roberts
No, we wanted characterizations that weren't one-dimensional in order to appeal to moefags. I fucking hate Asuka but I at least acknowledged that, in the series, she was a really well written character with compelling motivations. In 3.33 she's all cunt, no substance. The same goes for Rei in the opposite direction. At least in EoE her burgeoning autonomy wound up being Gendo's ultimate downfall. In 3.33, even when compared to her soulless clone version in the series, she has absolutely no use to the plot outside of her interactions with Shinji and Gendo. Plus, Misato and Ritsuko are absolutely nothing, save for heaping on more unreasonable hatred on Shinji. The fact that they handwaved the Children to be stuck physically at 14 year olds is a clear indicator of who the movie was meant to appeal to and it suffers because of it.
Nathan Adams
Well, Shinji didn't age because he was in a moon coma, Rei is a clone so naturally she doesn't age, and Asuka is cursed. What doesn't make sense about that?
Bentley Reed
you know for all the shit that eva 3.33 and the rest of the rebuilds are is i really cant hate the entire rebuilds solely on the fact that rei has abundant character development and actually becomes an interest in the continuity
Bentley Ortiz
The series is a metaphore for Otaku stagnation. I hope Anno calls them out for being the degenerates they are.
Michael Ross
Asuka was always a cunt despite my love for her.
Christopher Gutierrez
3.0 wouldn't be so bad if they didn't waste so much time on Shinji and Kaworu.
Nathan Campbell
Asuka was a glorious wild mustang. To tell the truth though, Asuka and Rei had the same problems, but were just the inverse of each other. Where Asuka keeps people from getting close to her by lashing out with her claws and teeth like a wild kitty, Rei is more like the timid stray kitty that you slowly have to coax towards you with time.
Both are the inverse obviously, even down to their colour schemes.
Luke Bailey
this desu
Jackson Perry
no. EoE never really got bogged down in the retarded lore shite. really you could ignore it. it just used it as a platform for lunatic visual fuckery.
Joshua Reed
Shinji ikari raising project anime adaptation when
Joseph Lopez
Asuka was a cunt of the highest caliber and I will always consider the worst girl in anything but at least her bitchiness made sense in the series. What's her motivation in Rebuild outside of a superficial desire to be the best? We don't know because it was never fucking expanded. They chose to spend more time featuring her in action scenes and giving her a new outfit.
Camden Hernandez
Instead of pointing to the flaws of the show how about its strong points? REI
Bentley Smith
love this meme. you actually prefer milquetoast, poorly written "existential" dialogue with re-used no-budget visuals to something with crazy ambition like EoE
Parker Reed
Rebuild had good fight scenes and that was about it. What's one strong point weighed against a dozen weak ones?
Carson Parker
I can't wait. I hate Mari, I hate a lot of the decisions, I think the Rebuilds are clearly inferior, but I have not been bored while watching and have rewatched them multiple times. As long as 3+1 is high quality fucking with us I'll be glad.
Connor Young
asuka replacing toji in the possession scene was good piano stuff in 3.33 was really good and you can tell that's the stuff anno was really passionate about 2.22 in general is a really good dumb action movie desu
Austin Scott
I was pointing out the strong points. Asuka is a glorious mustang. That's a good thing.
Aiden Wilson
It was able to use the budget limitations to make it better. It was actually pretty amazing to see.
I'm sorry you can only obtain amusement from shiny robot battles, but as long as you are content.
Easton Lee
3.0 was just pandering trash, you doorknob.
Why do you need to invent some sort of fake narrative to excuse how shit it was?
"oh boo hoo it was hated because it wasn't pandering"
You fucking retard. Mainstream critics and non-otaku trashed the movie for being unintelligble gibberish, and we both know why: It relied entirely on making references, obscure and unobscure to otaku works and sensibilities.
Get fucking real:
You can't put kaworuxshinji on the cover, drop all character development and give us half a movie or more embedding kawoshin elements into the story and then claim "this is not pandering".
Lucas Rivera
I liked that too because no one really gave a damn about toji.
Jaxson Lopez
>shiny robot battles >EoE
there was one at the beginning and that was it. that wasn't even the best part and its still way better than anything in the cheesy feelgood TV ending
Isaiah Morales
>What's her motivation in Rebuild outside of a superficial desire to be the best? We don't know because it was never fucking expanded. They chose to spend more time featuring her in action scenes and giving her a new outfit.
That's because Rebuild from 3.0 forward went full steam into being an Asuka-pandering otaku work. Being an Asuka fan really is a lot about that superficial desire to be the best.
That is what 3.0 delivers to them.
Before any Asuka fan flares up in defense mode: It's fucking true and you know it. It's about time we started being clear. You're not alone, a lot of other fandoms are this, they only want their "fave" to "win".
Reifags are like this, Misatofags are like this, and Kaworufags are like this. It's one of the most normal things I've observed over 20 years.
Jaxson Jones
Lmao. One robot fight. It's like you never even watched the movie that you claim to love so much.
Ayden Sanchez
there's asuka v the mass produced evas
what else?
Jaxson Ortiz
asuka was barely in it m8
Parker Lewis
And because it makes more sense than that angel taking out both Asuka and Rei so easily.
Luke Baker
The one where you shut the fuck up and leave me alone.
Carson Reed
best scene in the tv show was the bit with asuka playing sega silently and her mate looking on worriedly. sums up nerd life really. bravo anno
Jayden Watson
you could have at least said Asuka vs military, it'd be reaching real hard, but you could keep the appearance of not being completely wrong.
Aiden Harris
Doesn't need to be there for long to pander.
Gabriel Clark
All the best scenes involve asuka. Rei's only scene that comes close is old hag.
>Asuka yelling at shinji in the kitchen >bathtub >various strangles >her whole childhood >look at me kaji
She just steals the show.
Isaac Perry
Objectively? No, Rei stole the show by being 10x as popular.
Carter Gomez
>not shinji encountering rei naked in her apartment >not rei sacrificing herself to defeat armisael
Gavin Phillips
Uh, those are rei moments and thusly not the best, even if they are decent. Asuka's sacrifices are even better.
Eli Hill
Anime fans are immensely fucking stupid compared to what they were even a few years ago. Crunchyroll and a bunch of shitty hype trainwreck shows brought in a terrible generation of fans that don't give a shit about anything other than their hype and cute girls. It's like every terrible stereotype that has ever been attributed to anime fans and otaku is what the current fanbase desperately seeks to embody for real now.
Dylan Lee
My favorite scene is Asuka rambling like crazy about Shinji and Rei just leaving the room. It makes me laugh every time
Kevin Thompson
That whole episode where she breaks down is my second favourite.
Samuel Mitchell
Funny how in the end all Asuka wanted was never to be saved by Shinji or get help from anyone. Well, she got her wish in the end.
Charles Jenkins
Isn't that what all the characters wanted? Even his own fucking dad
Joshua Jones
It's just really good at showing how fucked up the situation is
Ayden Martin
Kaworu begged to be saved by Shinji
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Oh misread it, overlooked the "never". To me it looked like everyone put everything on Shinji, everyone used Shinji as an outlet for their own problems, let alone forcing a mentally stunted kid to pilot a biological godlike entity.
Asher Rodriguez
Remember when this was supposed to end in 2012?
Aaron Morris
>he thinks the kaworu show was anything comparable to EoE