Happy Reformation day, boys
500 years
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Enjoy an eternity of helfire heathen. Long live the pope.
Luther threw his own shit at demons he reported to have saw
Go kiss some nigger feet, kek
500 years...greetings 80km from Wittenberg
Made a Luther pumpkin and put on balkony for all you tourists
Cute. Blessed be all Christians, even those who hold hate in their hearts over our feuds.
Frenchie faggot. Quebec will burn in hellfire.
Papist scum.
the pope might've been great, but the churches were taking peoples money to absolve them of their sins. Martin Luther might have been an asshole, but he had some real criticisms of the church. Not a Christian, but please consider that he improved the quality of life for the people of the time considerably.
God bless you all brothers. I hope one day Christians will be reunited under the same roof. Catholics it is up to you to wash away the taint of corruption. Do that and there won't be any reason to Protest.
BTW all you faggot leftists. 500 years of protesting, beat that pussyhat faggots.
Thanks for giving us the worst war in our country over a kike on a stick and the most subversive crypto-Jew cunts on the planet.
Fucking faggot.
what was the point knowing atheism was going to take over and win in the end? literally no one believes in God today and churches are all full of old people
Based Luther BTFO the Satanic papacy. God bless Luther!
Where my Lutheran bros at?
Fuck off atheist scum. Atheists like you need to burned on a stick. If I see you I'm gonna sock you right in your teeth for being a heretical piece of shit.
God bless Saint Luther the Prophet!
How does it feel knowing you protcucks destroyed Christianity?
Haven't you got a migrants foot to wash? And talk about "Christian Unity" eh? You can't even get along with each other, unlike Pagans who are united and never went to war with each other over which sect of Christianity was better. Maybe Varg had a point.
Idk who this faggot is but he sure looks like a cocksucker
You're not Christian.
>unlike Pagans who are united and never went to war with each other over which sect of Christianity was better.
Pagans went to war with each other all the time over anything.
The Romans put an end to Gallic human sacrifice because even though they were pagans, they found the practice to be subhuman and appalling.
Sola Scriptura is based on a passages that advocates judaizing the faith
>he says that while living in a Protestant nation
>You can't even get along with each other
>the Catholic church can't get along
>the universal church which is united under a single Pope can't get along with each other
wew lad
Fuck off.
>murrican edjewculation
They never went to war over religious differences. Why? Because their Gods were the same, and they all acknowledged that. The Romans who put a stop to "human sacrifice" did it in the name of civilization and not in the name of religion.
>unlike Pagans who are united and never went to war with each other
Hahaha do you even history you dumb Pagan retard? Pagan homos warred with each other all the time.
Also Varg is a Muslim psy-op who grew up in Iraq, he is a murderer and burned Churches. Fuck Varg and any stupid cunt who loves him, you people are scum.
Fuck off faggot, Martin Luther is a true hero
A lot of people do not seem to understand that not only did Martin Luther cause the reformation, but the very idea of freedom was the result. Being under Catholic rule was more akin to serfdom and those who worshipped, did only so through blind faith without ever having read the bible themselves.
Profanity is a sin. Go to your nearest confessional booth and beg for forgiveness.
I know. Catholicism is a white thing you wouldn't understand.
Papist scum talk about Protestants destroying Christianity but Protestants are more conservative/right wing than Catholics. Fuck them and their nigger feet kissing Pope.
though seriously filioque is heretical, stop that
the biggest contribution of luther's reformation is that i have a free day at my university
>South Americans
>Varg is a Muslim psy-op who grew up in Iraq
citation needed
>A native of Bergen, Vikernes spent part of his childhood in Iraq.
Varg is a welfare leaching scumbag who wants to destroy Christian Europe just like the Jews and Muslims.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Enjoy burning in hell.
This. How's it feel to lead the little ones to destruction? You will soon rather have a wheel stone round your neck at the bottom of the sea, grrrrrrrrrr! Okay I'm sorry, I forgive you , said jesus.
>Potato Niggers
That is a fantasy view of ancient pagans not unlike the we wuz indios of the Americas that think their ancestors were peaceful.
Just a reminder; you're celebrating the life of a man that wanted to remove the book of James and Revelations from the Bible. He's a 500+ year old liberal poorfag that sent Christianity into a death spiral simply because he was too big of a neet to do anything charitable.
May the Lord be with you.
Back from the booth so soon? Also, in case you can't read what you yourself have put, it says he spent "part" of his childhood in Iraq, which he also did a video on. And as for destorying Europe, he simply wants the European religion of Paganism to make a comeback and become the religion of all Europe like it once was centuries ago.
The fuck is this? Are you TRYING to make your newly arrived countrymen feel uncomfortable and unwelcome??
reported for Islamophobia and hate speech
Fpbp god dam heretics hating on the first church.
The evidence that protestantism is destroying christianity is all around you. Protestant nations give rise to secularism and ultimately the thousands of different protestant sects when ol marty established you can just run off and do your own thing when ever you feel like it is what gives atheists/other cultures a bad impression of christianity.
Nobody would be claiming christians dont agree on anything if not for protestants having countless subdivisions which often contradict each others dogmas entirely.
A unified church is a stong one.
He set a horrible precedent and if he didnt like how roman catholics didnt let priests get married he could have just converted to orthodoxy.
In his defense it seems he didnt actually intend his letter to become a big deal outside of the church. There were obviously (((forces))) at work to cause destabilization within the church, and look today, who are the zionist (((christians)))? Not roman catholic, orthodox catholic, coptic catholic, or any of those. No, various protestants.
>he says that while catholic priests touch little boys
God bless Martin Luther and all protestant bros out there
Let this sink in.
t. Not even white
I suppose you can provide proof that ancient Pagans warred with one another over supposed "religious differences". Oh, and those people in your image are from the Jeremy Kyle show which displays the underclass of Britain. You ought to check your flag once in a while, lowbreed, you aren't from such a grand country. I'd also like you to provide sources for those quotes of yours, because I find it doubtful that those leaders said such things in reference to Native Britons, whom I and most other Englishmen have only partial relation to due to our Germanic Anglo-Saxon heritage.
God bless, North Sea Empire reformed soon.
The Pope is an anti-christ.
>Catholicism is a white thing you wouldn't understand
It actually pains me when people attac Luther. He was a good boy who wanted to save the souls of Northern Europeans
The reformation decimated the west and brought Modernism.
Literal heretics.
I dont care about religion but if Luther hated kikes I guess I'll support him
Fuck off, jewslave.
Does it take more money than the Rothschilds have to destroy believers of all religions, anyway?
Martin "the Nun liberator" Luther who changed Church teaching so the relationship he had with his Wife wasn't condemned was a good boy who dindu nuffin
>Not a Christian
What are you instead? A faggot?
idk man. The Antichrist is supposed to be charismatic. The current pope is about as charismatic as a raisin.
Here shitskin I'm white
Just as I suspected. If you're going to argue, back up your points with facts and reliable sources. Make sure you stay in your third world shithole, Taco El Mongrel.
Sola Scriptura? More like sola script-bora.
begins at 0:35
>that manlet hand
Go to bed kiddo
(((((Jesuits))))) aren't Catholics
What does this say? It transliterates to kusanemu, but I can't figure out if that's supposed to mean anything.
Yo también.
Not The Anti-Christ, just an anti-christ. One who leads believers astray while using the guise of Christianity.
Posting this three times for the Holy Trinity.
>long live the niggerloving christ-denying atheist-accepting probably-a-pedo pope
Kek, catholics have sucked dick ever since they broke off from orthodoxy, you should never allow a man to put himself at the same level as christ as the pope is able to do.
Happy Hersey Day to you, I guess. Don't forget to bring sunscreen with you for Hell.
>wahhhh he said a word I don't like
God doesn't give a shit if someone says a "no-no" word, you fucking papist, get over yourself you giant fag.
Posting this three times for the Holy Spirit.
In nomine Patris et Filii Spiritus Sancti.
Israel and kikes are the anti-Christ.
>searches biggest catholic countries
>1. Brazil
>2. Mexico
>3. The Philippines
German Lutheran Church Insider here. The whole 500 years Reformation "Celebration" was a huge Fail. Everybody knows this. Best example is Eisleben (Where Luther was baptized). Church Membership at 7% (Because Communist GDR etc.). And not even one percent growth in 20 years.
But the Uproar of many Pastors and Conservative Lutherans is growing. The next Reformation will start soon.
I'm claiming my saintfu!
Holy Trinity*
Posting this three times for the Holy Trinity.
In nomine Patris et Filii Spiritus Sancti.
>The Pope isn't catholic
>The Literal Head of the catholic church isn't catholic
>But Catholicism ISN'T terrible