Who is your absolute first red pill, Sup Forums?
( And yes I know and yes I am ashamed)
Post your first red pill
He was ok at the time but he never really evolved and just projected more anger (like Keith olbermann)
I would wish him best of luck but I saw he put out some pictures of himself covered in pancakes syrup or something? How the hell dis that happen?
Do you mean what?
My first one was that nobody's born equal. Some are ugly, some are good looking. Some are smart, some are dumb.
Building WTC 07
Just collapsed...my brain couldnt handle that...so...i start reading
The sickening faggot is a bluepill.
Douglas Murray. About Islam. But beyond that, his debate where he debated the pro-religion position. That was my true turning point where I realized how evil the left is.
My Dad, then my college roommate, then Bill Whittle
I used to watch rebel media and other channels like that. (((They))) cover Islam accurately but these right wing media outlets are nothing but controlled opposition. Not one word from the Jews. Good first red pill but it is a red pill that is gulped down with liquid shit.
daily reminder that there is no such thing as a redpilled atheist
My first redpill was the niggers themselves.
all the niggers in my high school redpilled me pretty quick
well at the time it was
That every Trump general thread is entirely Russian shills.
Not one word about the Jews I mean. Never cover the banking systems and all that but Bretty gud sand nigger red pill
Why did people ever take this deranged fuckwit seriously again?
I started with the biggest
The holocaust isn't real
I don't. I used to
My first redpill was when I realized that the Emancipation Proclamation was just a political stunt. Made me very angry back in highschool.
But senpai, the 6 million
People woi give a shit about race are brainlets
I've swallowed so many red pills I don't remember the first. It was before the internet for sure.
Says the spic
As an edgy teen TJ was a good babby's redpill. Grew out of him tho. Unfortunately he never evolved.
Nietzsche actually. The first philosopher I read, around 15.
My first redpill was innocent as hell. I was in kindergarten and through my own observations realized the black kids were "different". I didn't think ill of them, I just noticed they were louder and misbehaved way more than the white kids. My best friend was black though, she was a girl too, amazing person, exceptional to say the least.
I stumbled on Alex Jones show around 2010 when i was like 14 or 15.
cheated on his gf with some online whore who asked for vids of him sexually humiliating himself, then she proceeded to spread them around
play stupid games, win stupid prizes
He's also an underachieving tub of depressive lard
Oh but you're redpilled with your sandnigger religion right?
He hates feminism but he's a pretentious moron about religion. He's a disgusting twat for the most part, but a broke clock is right twice a day.
Sargon of akkad, although you could say TJ was my first since his videos were the first slightly political i watched (leading me to thunderfoot) i am pretty ashamed about the TJ and Thunderfoot part since i think they are pretty mediocre (TJ) and thunderfoot is a thundercuck atm.
The bible. Reading how to buy/treat slaves. Exodus 21 and so on.
my parents. dad always scolded me when I was unruly as a child.
>don't act like a nigger
>sit like a white man, not a fucking turk
>don't eat with your hands you zipperhead animal
>you smell like an indian
to be fair, he travels a lot
mom told me she'd never speak to me if I brought a mud at home.
same story here user
U R a fagit
And then don't forget after the banana thing, he got catfished by a troll from Something Awful, which led to the infamous oil video.
shilling this hard, in a red pill thread, unironically
Honestly a videogame called Victoria 2
You could push little buttons and have political elections and communist rebels and assimilation and shit.
being a mulatto and having whites call me a nigger and niggers call me a spic
I gradually grew aware of how disgustingly condescending progressive culture is and became an admirer of my country's run of the mill generic conservatives because of contrarianism. That was my first deviation from the mainstream.
Then I found this book and it blew my mind away forever.
The libertarian leaning would come way later, when I found about Mises and the Mises Institute and all followed from there. In the end I followed just what made sense the most to its ultimate consequences.
Is that the fat guy who covered himself in chocolate and stuffed things in his asshole while shilling for Bernie?
If so, you called him "redpilled"? What the fuck are you on, son?
On his death bed, my dad who was a leader in the Hitler Youth said he didn't believe the Holocaust happened. I confirmed this later with his older brother.
Other aspects were /r/theredpill and all of the science that has come out recently regarding genetics and neanderthal / denisovan interbreeding. Humans are paractically different species!
Undoubtably when I saw those skyscrapers magically turn to dust.
I was like 9 years old and on a youth soccer team. It was like 5 white kids and 3 niggers. The niggers were always aggressive, cursing and mean fucks and the white were chill and cool to hang around with.
So since then I basically have the "fuck niggers" mindset.
I guess I did a lot of it myself, although if I'm honest my old man probably planted the seeds.
I entered politics at University and was one of those who sat at the back quietly watching. I caught onto how JSoc (Jewish Society) were able to manipulate all the other groups to get what they wanted.
I worked in finance and so watched how they helped each other out and kept an eye on each other. I noticed how jewish guys would pressure jewish girls to not get involved with non-jewish men.
I noticed how some jew I was studying with would instantly know about some jew I was working with if I mentioned him by name, they all knew each other.
same hear followed by AJ are we oldfags?
attentat in monpellier in 2012 something like that were a muslim killed children and teatcher.
The first red pill suppository I took was here.
Ihad seen many Sup Forums posts on r/Sup Forums and found them funny. While I have posted on multiple boards on Sup Forums since the mid 2000s I never visited here.
I decided to change that on Jan (5th maybe) 2016, the first day all the Cologne sex attack stories were being buried.
I never looked back.
return of kings dot com was the site that redpilled the shit out of me
Funny thing, I initially vent there because some feminist website I was reading criticized them
If feminists would not have been so hateful of opposite views, I would have never found it =)
Fucking zeitgeist when it came out
When I realized Santa wasn't real and there's nothing magical in the world.
ayy I read RoK when my oneitis cucked me after 3 years in order to yass
Back in the late 90s
Alex Jones bohemian grove. There was another guy back then who made tons of Illuminati, symbolism youtube vids. Can't remember his name, he is old school as fuck tho.
Black Pigeon Speaks back in mid 2016.
Hmm nvm I was 16.
You anti Semite
There were 60 gorrillian
It was six gorillion, pavillion, Brazillian you dirty antisemite.
RoK was a great site for men's interests until a couple years ago when everything went to shit with politics. Now most articles are the same rehashed picking on SJW's, bitching about feminism and shilling for nationalism, conservatism and christianity.
As an entry level redpill repository is okay.
How is that autismo neckbeard atheist "redpilled".
My first redpill was when I was younger and believed in the Illuminati meme and took it serious. Watched all kinds of documentaries and became a bit paranoid.
It was when I really started researching I became more realistic in my view of the world.
>My first one was that nobody's born equal
must have been this. when I was 15 I asked a female teacher who was talking about human rights "how are we equal when I could fuck you up?".
I was promptly told to go the principal's chancellery but I just went home to play xbox and she never addressed it, lol. I got a 9 from that class
That the Seinfeld intro song was made on a electric piano and not a bass guitar. Still mad about that. But actually stuff, I think on here with maybe 9/11 like October 4th. Which was the first time I have ever used this site, was afraid to. I denied what people said because no one gave me evidence other than steel beam. But here people give you sources and evidence and I come here everyday for more. The only book I have ever read in my life was The Hobbit and barley can read articles. But here? I can read all day long and all the sources you give.
Thank you Keks for all the generous red pills!
Is this the right post the say this on?
Born into a red pilled family
>dad worked with the Jews in NYC and with niggers in Sierra-Leone
>an absolute racist and anti-Semite as a result
>elementary school teacher gifted me pic related
This book was my very first real redpill, it had detailed data on Bilderberg group Jews
Your dad sounds like a good man user.
Probably my dad
Hearing him randomly go on racist rants and drop the n-bomb because some black guy took a parking spot really got my noggin joggin
I have surpassed him. but I will always owe him.
We all have our fetishes, he may be a degenerate, but he makes some good points.
Living in SF in 2007 as a veteran, people hiring literal purple haired trannies with visible track marks before me. Apply to volunteer job at SF clinic to build resume for medical school, head physician tells me veterans are essentially white trash that had no better options, gives all 4 positions to females of color. 2007 is the year I stopped being liberal.
We all have our fetishes. He may be a degenerate, but he makes some good points.
Animal Farm.
i remember when zeitgeist went to netflix. i use to cringe at the newfags who tried to explain it to me like im an misinformed person lol
holy shit he was movie star level handsome
no homo
President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize.
faggot needs to hang some drywall breathing in fiberglass isn't good for you.
ONLY atheists are truly redpilled
I've always Pulp and tabletop gaming. There were so many redpills strewn about I absorbed them through osmosis.
The Amazing Faggot doesn't even accept race realism.
How can you be so stupid? Read the bible. If it seems to hard to do just read it bit by bit, now and then. And eat the fucking pill.
a drop out moron who highest achivement is puting a fruit up his ass and not believe in god
the absolute state of Sup Forums
Can you translate it from Sputnik to English?
Indeed. I'll also admit to buying his products. supplements work for me, and muh water is pure as the Aryan race.
Thunderf00t, oddly enough. I was following him in 2007-8 to start, and it moved me down a rabbit hole of skepticism, and later awakened bigger things.
His revulsion to Atheism+ led me to the skeptic community and social pariah status in college, which led me to stuff like MRA discussions, which led to traditionalist ideas, which led here, on to alt-right and nat-soc stuff.
Now I think he's a bit of a fruit, but without him, I would've likely just been edgy atheist tier.
Our modern fantasy fiction comes from redpilled origins.
I moved from A. Atheist to Thunderf00t to Sargon of Akkad to Trump to... You know where this is going
Fuck this lead-pill selling, civic nationalist.
>drop out
That's right goy, (((school))) isn't just an indoctrination camp and doesn't train you to be an obedient slave.
((THEY)) have to show us our intended fate. dats duh rulez
The X-Files, 1993.
Good times. Nigga.
is that the american excuse for not being educated?
Probably Sam Hyde or Weev
Free audiobook version here:
Karen dismantled so much of my world view so thoroughly it's frightening.
>what is the Prussian model school system
i forgot about this guy lol
The race and IQ thing. Accidentally found it on google images in the later half of highschool
Honestly it was Alex Jones. I came across his videos during the 9/11 truth boom and it had a strong impact on my young mind. Knowing that there's strong evidence that the government was involved with 9/11 kind of drastically changed my world view and after that point I've never been the same. I was never a strong liberal to begin with tho. No more than your average young person in the early 2000s anyway
This right here.