The End Of The Trump Regime

Papadopoulos informing on Trump collusion.

>Russia has been eager to meet Mr. Trump for quite sometime and have been reaching out to me to discuss

>It should be someone low level in the campaign so as not to send any signal

Manafort and Gates charged with money laundering AND lying about the collusion. Charged with both.

Other urls found in this thread:

So because some peon did a thing on his own, wait TRIED to do a thing on his own its trumps fault?

it's called "evidence" you dumb fucking trumpanzee nigger

Trump's team, Trump's fault. When you staff your campaign with traitors and Russian agents, you are a traitorous Russian agent. And you don't know he did it on his own.

Anything else you need mansplained to you little incel?

Give it a rest already.
Everyone here knows it doesn't amount to shit.
Nothing of consequence actually happened. Fired shortly after.

try again


On national t.v. trump asks russia for emails, but the scandal is when a low level staffer does it?

Didn't ask, was offered.

give it a rest already

Its her turn rite? Boring

But they were acting for the podesta group as well. What does that mean?

A specific trip to Russia did not happen. That does not mean there were no trips, that trips were required to collude or that collusion did not happen.

Mansplaining to you teenage incels is so fun.

Ivan, that means your signaling isn't working anymore. Need to get rubles somewhere else.

How great would it be if Roger Stone offers to mentor poopaloo?

Toppest kek

>rhetorical statements in full view of the public are exactly the same as back room dealing out of the public view


>being guilty of something that didnt happen
Is this some new level of shilling?

>Papadopoulos informing on Trump collusion

There's not a "collusion" law, faggot. You shills are grasping at straws.



there are tapes

It means that if Podesta's guilty as well then arrest him too. So fucking what?

Oleg, you don't know how English works. Sometimes we use shorthand words to describe more complicated topics because it is efficient.

When people talk about Trump and his collusion with Russia they are talking about how it is illegal to conspire with foreign nationals to interfere with an election.

Section 30121 of Title 52 is on such actual law broken by Trump. But it is in complicated English so you won't understand it.

I colluded with Russia?

if Sup Forums incels are so meaningless, why bother trying to convince them of something? they won't be able to have any real effect on the world because after all they're "incels". What's the point?

I warned you about Russians bro
I told you dog

>And you don't know he did it on his own.

neither do you, brainlet

Watching you turds squirm and try so hard to larp is fucking hilarious.

I thought someone drew him in assless chaps from the thumbnail.

Oh, btw, Bobby Three Sticks managed to convince a Grand Jury that Manafort couldn't have client-attorney privilege. That's legal but exceptionally rare to happen. That then means this is some really, really serious shit and people are going away for a very long time.

Fuck off shill, jesus christ.

they're saying manafort was involved in the ukraine shit a couple years ago.
don't forget biden's son got all the lucrative oil deals in ukraine after the coup

They are over a dozen charges. They are not all about 1 deal. Nice try Ivan, you get your rubles at the end of the week.

Sup Forums is quite literally on suicide watch today.

This has been the worst day so far of Trump’s presidency and Sup Forums is trying to spin it into “hurr Podesta is about to be indicted too!”.

Not gonna happen.

>hurr everyone who doesnt agree with me is a russian
this is how low IQ brainlets communicate

> Papadopoulos was part of Trump's campaign

Which part? How much was he paid?

> Volunteer.
> Attended one meeting.
> Was told to go away

Looks like you got a smoking gun you

Manafort was helping the pro-Russia side in Ukraine, imbecile. The side that lost the revolution.

>Manafort and Gates are charged with crimes that happened in 2006
>somehow this is relevant to 2016
Tony Podesta stepped down today because he's about to be charged as well.

Take away my shoe laces

Podesta gets rid of Russia spies. Spies go to Trump, Trump places spies high in his campaign.

Podesta's fault?

Charge sheet reads "2006 - 2017" Try again, Try harder.

>Watching you turds squirm and try so hard to larp is fucking hilarious.

It's pointless to argue politics on Sup Forums because:
>half of everyone is from another country
>half of those left are too young to vote
>the remainder never leave the house

But, it sure is a hell of a lot of fun seeing you loser worms try to cover for your bullshit beliefs.
And then when you're backed in a corner, claim "it was all just trolling!"

lol at Sup Forums

Tony Podesta just resigned from his lobbying firm which in all likelihood means an indictment is heading his way too.


Literally the same level of outing as the shills on Sup Forums that refused to say xbone. Its too easy to point you out because your boss told you that you have to use that term.

can it be called a regime when he was voted in by the American people?

let the guy do his job holy shit, he's no worse than dubya, crap if it was dubya we'd be in a war and media would be clapping it on

How do crimes that happened in 2006 have anything to do with the election of 2016? Nothing, that's what. Again, this is the left sprerging out over nothing.

If he's guilty, arrest him too. Now what?

This guy gets it.

What part of "Manafort's charge sheet listed crimes between 2006 and 2017" didn't you get the first time around, comrade?

manafort worked for podesta for two years
he worked for trump for three months

>Section 30121 of Title 52 is on such actual law broken by Trump.

is that one of those laws we never really act on unless some new money guy nobody likes gets in by accident?

I call you incels because it explains everything. Young undesirable morons who blame everyone but themselves for how shitty they are.

That is the basis for everything on r/pol

I know right XD lets all post screen caps to resetera.

What part of this is outside the scope of the investingation into russian collusion in the 2016 election do you not understand?

it's not like he is somebody who was actively advising both the white house and the kremlin at the same time like Allen Dulles, and what happened to that guy? nothing

>blame everyone but themselves for how shitty they are.

Exactly fucking right.
Sup Forums is the poster child for "my life sucks, who can I blame it on?"

says the brainlet who blames russia for everything wrong in the united states


Is that what today's memo told you to say?

>charged with lying about collusion

>collusion hasn't been proven

>Again, this is the left sprerging out over nothing.

>"The criminal justice interest being vindicated here is there's a large-scale ongoing investigation of which this case is a small part," Aaron Zelinsky of the special counsel's office said during Papadopoulos' October 5 plea agreement hearing, records of which were unsealed Monday.

> "Although the government is moving expeditiously to interview individuals of immediate interest to the investigation, news that the defendant has been charged with and pleaded guilty to lying to federal agents may make those individuals reluctant to speak with investigators," the special counsel's office wrote on October 3.
>"Revealing the defendant's plea would likely chill individuals to be interviewed in the coming weeks," the filing added.

there are more indictments coming. this is just the tip of the iceberg. hold onto your butts shitstains.

This is exactly how the defended Hillary though.

Do you have evidence of any trips at all taking place?

>outside the scope of Russian collusion


Why can't you Trumpanzees get over Hillary. She lost. No one cares about here anymore except signaling shills.

>Be a shill.
>Call others shills.

meganon my favorite larp in a while.

There will be indictments on both sides of the aisle. Rowdy Gowdy asked for a special counsil in the Uranium One case.
This is from 6 days ago. Coincidental that the indictment came out today, no?


>THE COURT: The other issue I wanted to bring up is I'm sensitive to the fact that there are First Amendment considerations with respect to this proceeding. As indicated in my order, I was persuaded that there was compelling reason to proceed today under seal, to have these proceedings under seal and to have them remain under seal so as not to interfere with an ongoing investigation. Going forward though, I want to make sure that that process doesn't take any longer than necessary and that the public does have access to these proceedings as soon as it can consistent with not undermining an ongoing investigation. So Mr. Goldstein, I don't know if you want to speak to that. I think my order, as was proposed by your office, provides for I think a status check-in, just filing in 30 days to let me know what the status is. If I can just ask you to maybe indicate for me what you anticipate by when this may be made public and what the process would be for doing that.
>MR. GOLDSTEIN: We put 30 days in the proposed order, your Honor, because we too are sensitive and understand the First Amendment concerns that are at issue. There are, as we put in the motion, certain aspects of the ongoing investigation that we believe and we submitted to the Court at this time give reason for sealing. When those reasons don't exist anymore -- and we believe that it will be in the near term, that we will immediately alert the Court and ask for the proceedings to be unsealed. If it is before 30 days, then we will alert the Court at that time. If it goes beyond 30 days on the time period as set forth in the order, we will come back and explain to the Court why continued sealing is necessary.


>THE COURT: Okay. Anything from the defense on that issue?

>MR. BREEN: No, your Honor. We have not objected to this at all. There is a benefit I feel to our client. And I certainly understand the Special Prosecutor's position on this matter considering the very expansive investigation that's going forward.

>THE COURT: Okay, so we'll leave it that way. I'll expect a report in 30 days. If there's a need to revisit the issue at that point, we can do so then. Anything further from the Government today?

>MR. GOLDSTEIN: No, your Honor. Thank you.

there is much, much more to all of this.

"losing" doesn't pardon you from criminal activity, brainlet. everything you say is so fucking low IQ it blows my mind.

There's nothing wrong with communicating with mother Russia, USA leaders should have a healthy and mutualistic relationship with Russian leaders.

The fucking shilling in here today is on an unprecedented scale. Proof that today's news was a big nothingburger and they're trying their hardest to make it into something it's not.

>"Revealing the defendant's plea would likely chill individuals to be interviewed in the coming weeks," the filing added.
>Tony Podesta steps down to "fight this on his own"
Can't wait
nobody even tried to pretend hillary wasn't directly culpable for her violation of 18 usc 793.

>That does not mean trips that I made up in my head didn't happen

Piss off alt left cry some more


No it's not, unless he was directed. Then you would need written or verbal evidence you fucking retard. And to get that they would have needed a warranty. As of now his statement is what is called heresay, not evidence. Furthermore his like to the FBI is more likely sourced from the fact that he was actually working for the DNC and trying to set Trump up to build evidence for a FISA case so Obama could spy on the GOP. You libs sure are going to be gobsmacked when this whole thing wraps up.

Fuck off leaf. The day of the rake will be upon you soon enough.

Trump is the American president and he deserves respect

Incorrect cunt. If someone acts out of order or without direction it is on their ass.

Shills BTFO again. And again. And again. Ahahahahahaha

Abandon threaaad

when one person testifies against another, it isn't hearsay. we are going to climb up the ladder, one by one, until they all fall.

Just everyday libtard logic

Fake news

>Manafort and Gates charged with money laundering AND lying about the collusion. Charged with both.

If you read the indictments it has nothing to do with Russia or Trump or collusion at all. It's all about past dealings with Ukraine.

Shill harder shareblue.

>That does not mean there were no trips
I mean it basically does, this was the only evidence of a trip you had and it turned out to be nothing

We did Brock start letting you guys say nigger? Does it make you feel dirty?

Just go ahead and kill yourself. You already know where this is heading and I'm guessing you've already been planning it since you're a spineless fuck who would never admit he backed the worst candidate to ever run.

>posted 11 times

All Newfags above this post



see the investigation is not over. there will be more indictments. this is not "it". we're just getting started.

And the fbi already has them dumbfuck. Still nothing. Tomorrow nothing. Next week nothing. Next 7 fucking years nothing. Say it with me... President Trump! Yes he's your president too faggot


Communists who betrayed Marx by licking jewsih asses talks about how Trump is the worst possible choice.
OP calling others incel and using unironically the term "mansplaining".
I got news for you: Even if you keep samefagging this thread, you'll never be president.

He was a DNC plant and they were using him to try to build their FISA case. Remember, the first case was turned down so Obama/DNC had to come up with evidence to prove Trump was working with Russia. What better way than to plant someome to do it for them.

My bet on this is that the lie to the FBI was that he lied to them about working for or being on the DNC/Hillary payroll. This is the connection between Obama and Hillary and the spying on Trump. Donald telegraphed that he knows all of this, goes back to the wiretap statement. Someone in the Intel community was keeping him updated with these investigations.

see these are court transcripts.

>And I certainly understand the Special Prosecutor's position on this matter considering the very expansive investigation that's going forward.
>And I certainly understand the Special Prosecutor's position on this matter considering the very expansive investigation that's going forward.

it's. not. over.

nailed it. this is why i post here.

>it was real to me