
We are all one race
We are all earthlings

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so if your religion is love then your religion is not islam right?

youre just a pussy that posts "love" on the internet but you have no balls to go to mecca and tell imams that they should abandon islam for love

Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate.

Niggers are a subspecies and we should never cross breed with them or subsidize their reproduction.

Earth is not a place.
Human is an animal, not a race.
Freedom isn't a political principle.
Religion isn't a neurochemical reaction.
Philosophy isn't banal quotes you find on social media.

Birthplace: anime
Race: anime
Politics: anime
Religion: anime
Philosophy: anime


genocide the inferior 3D races

Good luck with keeping that attitude around niggers and goatfuckers!

We have saying in german:
"Even the most pious cannot live in peace if the wicked neighbour does not like it."

wtf it's so simple
Kumbayaaa motherfuckers

We sure don't behave the same


Believers in Darwinism be like:
>This bird is not like that bird you see this bird has one extra green feather.
>Don't mind the pigment, facial, intelligence or health features were all the same.

This only works with a homogenous white society you little jewish shill


lol i need a translation for this joint.

Underrated :^)

Somewhere in the universe

>race: Human
Depends on the RGB code of your skin

>politics: freedom (but no guns, right?)
>most likely wants a huge welfare state with high taxes to keep the poor oppressed "humans" fed

Most people don't even understand what freedom means. In reality, they want security, not freedom. Freedom would give them the most responsibility possible, and the modern "human" can't handle that because they are all limb wristed faggots.

>Religion: love
This usually just means blindness to logic in most cases. Hurr just do what feels right.


Hey jewboi, you're coming at the perfect time, can you tell me who's the oppositor in this thread? He hasn't appeared yet imo

this is the gayest thing I've seen all day well done

>but also let's single out whites and blame them for all of our shortcomings we are blind to

you have to pick one or the other leftist scum, choosing both only highlights what contrarian liar dirt-bags you really are on the inside

My planet is the universe racist earthling, I am a martian.

>Do no harm, but take no shit.

Islam is the religion of peas desu

I am a cow.

Moo moo.moo moo one race mammal race

Human is a species not a race.

You are either retarded and you actually believe that muslims are peaceful

or you are in Canada and you know truth and you want to speak truth but you can not speak truth about islam because if you do your own government would trow you in prison because truth hurt muh feewings. In that case I wish you luck as you are surrounded by fat ugly feminists and muslim rapefugees

>One Race

Then why the fuck are you posting under a confederate flag dumbass

thanks user, hard to take seriously with ur meme flag but love and peace to you and all anons, even the vast majority who yet harbor hatred in their hearts.


My mom
Brotherhood of Nod
Brotherhood of Nod
Brotherhood of Nod

Lol what a waste
Kill yourself faggot

I love you too user :3

but yes what a waste holy shit I was basically just trolling and get quints wtf did kek mean by this

That doesn't mean that we should all open our borders.

You live on earth, and youre human. You believe in freedom, to love who you want and to do no harm, but take no shit, from the human that tries to free love your girlfriend because he has the freedom to do so. And i doing so breedsa hundred little bastards that dont give a fuck about your ideologies. And will literally punch yoy in thr nuts.

Perfect world eyy

Africans: We're fucking retarded let's have 10 kids
Jap: WTF! If you can't afford to have 10 kids why did you haven them!
Africans: gibs me dat

All religions are blind to logic

Pretty sure I am Martian


Wrong, we are all one species.
Race is a completely different thing and can determine genetic differences and specializations that evolution granted us, much like other species of birds within the same species specialized in different acts to survive, same goes for us, but lefties like to disagree... still complain about science denying right-wingers.

Logic is dependent on religion for existence.

We are not all one species homo sapiens sapiens is a lie. Homo sapiens itself is far too broad being based almost entirely on ability to produce fertile offspring, which is not a consistent determining factor in what constitutes species.


there's more variance within race than between race
running ANOVA, you find out that the characteristics in question are all drawn from the same distribution

>college dropout
>autist flag
>stupid opinion
checks out


show your flag, leaf

Fuck off kike