according to the Virginia election ads:


holy fucking shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


note that I didnt make this

it's a real ad.

wtf I'm a republican now.

And they have the audacity to call Ed Gillespie fear mongering. Jesus Christ democrats are fucking retarded.

funny how in real life it's the shitskins driving trucks into whites yet in liberal world it's the opposite.

>two different ideological flags
makes sense.

Someone shoop MoonMan as driving the truck

She actually fucking sleeps in her burqa. Give me one good reason I shouldn't run her over.


HAHA literally it was real in my head the video

thanks for the laugh


Will Liberturians soon realize that they are literally right wing death squads in the eyes of spics? Minorities are too dumb to understand your ''NAP'', so you don't have to apply the NAP on them. Physical removal!


if you vote for a Republican you are LITERALLY voting for a confederate truck driving WHITE MALE to kill your innocent, hijab wearing girls.



was gonna stay home but voting straight R next Tuesday now.

What the fuck is the "Latino Victory Project" anyway? Seems racist to me.

Wow, this is the new F-150 commercial?

Ford has really gone back to their roots.

Should have had "Muslim Mower" on front windshield.

>The libertarian license plate

The only good kneeger is a dead one

>sensibly chuckles

Fairfax county reporting in.

It's the kids fault for not going somewhere safe.
It's a massive car, just outmaneuver it.
They would've been able to find someplace safe if they where white.

>Comments and ratings disabled

Well this certainly isn't as much fun as i'd hoped.

No they’re literally too autistic to realize they’re very existence is threatening to invad— or I mean “people” in their own country. They’ll bitch about guns and weed until the axe is above their neck

everyone knows alt right dont do that they just drives their cars into protests

time to update the gadsden flag

You guys are laughing but this ad is quite persuasive. Don't be shocked if the Democrat wins the Virginia governor election

Why did they run against a Libertarian?
He would was violating the NAP,them running into a more secluded non-public place just made it easier to get away with it

I just find it amazing how the left continues to SOMEHOW look worse and worse

we're reaching identity politics levels once not thought possible


>things that never happened
>insert republican and don't tread on me memes
totally convinced, I'm now muslim and I hate white people, thx greatest ally

Trump's America. I wish.

Le dodge challenger of peace love and unity

Heil Hitler


>Comments are disabled

We are full on Poe's law, boys.

Jesus fucking christ. Doesn't this get flagged up as dangerous shit likely to prejudice millions of... oh no wait the villain is right wing. Sorry guys false alarm it's fine!

>The Latino Victory Fund is a progressive political action committee with the mission of growing Latino political power by increasing Latino representation at every level of government – from the school board to the Senate to the White House. Latino Victory identifies, recruits, and develops candidates for public office while building a permanent base of Latino donors to support them. Partnering with leading organizations, it shapes public discourse in a way that reflects the growing influence of the Latino community while also building cross-constituency alliances that can move the country forward.
Paid for by a 'Latino' power group. Fuck Mestizos.

utterly shameless... but i'd expect no less from a pro-latino campaign group

Muslims run people over all the time, only time a white guy did it was when he was trying to flee

How can leftists be so detached from reality?

wheres the link to the video this picture is from?

kid has funko pops, he deserves to die

> mfw “Latino victory fund”

So they put out a bull shit as to vilify white people? Don’t these stupid fucks realize we aren’t like them, we don’t target children we target the dumb fucks who make ads like these. Bring on the death squads

I am supremely famous!

>comments are disabled
The Jews are adapting

Someone in VA needs to recreate this truck and drive it around on election day.

Could do one about antifa just like that


A man can dream, cant he?


>It was all just a dream
Looks like they're capable of some introspection after all.

>multiculturalism is our strength
how do libs reconcile this?

I just moved to VA. Is it too late to register to vote just to spite these fear-mongering fucks?

Don't see the issue


Is this satire?

No, lol. That is a legitimate political ad in circa ~2020 USA.

Fucking speechless.. This makes me want to go to normie book and start posting the after math of religion of peace trucks under this video.
Why the fuck would they make this ad

This tbqh.


I am loving this timeline. And I love you burgers for allowing me to experience this shit

Pretty comfy fashwave tunes.

>Admiting that threat from the conservatives is only inside their heads

took the time to report the video.

For animal abuse.

I want to see the reverse of this video, non-muslim children having nightmares about a truck of peace.

This begs to be given an Initial D soundtrack, anyone on it yet?

I live in Virginia, where do I sign up?

The only logical conclusion that can be drawn from this advert. Its like they're poking a sleeping, benevolent lion in the eye just so they can be eaten while they cry racism.
...it a like a leas intelligent and less cryptic Jewish technique

Bro that is nothing.


Does anyone else kind of want to see the aftermath? Like would the kids get crushed against the fence or would it just break and they'd all go flying/get run over?

You and me both user.

>Right wing death trucks are after me
>Wakes up
>Wew, I imagined the whole thing
>Right wing confederate death squads are real, I'm super serious

>right wing
>gadsen flag (libertarian)
>rebel flag (democrat)

What symbols of right wings were there in this photo other than the Gillespie bumper sticker?

Report this shit then move on.

Someone post a webm. I don't wanna give the video a view.


Every time I watch this I'm impressed at how well done this is.

They should have made it a Dodge Challenger


I wish they were


>biggest latino victory is being chased by libertarians

What the actual fuck. I don't know what astounds me more, this video or that this freak has a ''husband''

Can someone reupload with this this song in the back ground?



Hole Horlter


Anonymous Super PACS were a mistake.

heil, heil



To be fair, that last republican election ad took things a little over the top as well.

>Go out to commit some good old fashioned hate crimes
>Fly a giant fucking confederate flag while you're on the prowl

Just how stupid do they think we are?

yeah sorry it was october something.

This. I wish there were right wing death squads.

Fire up the death squads, senpai.

they're latinos, how smart do you think they are?

God I wish

Damn I wish we had the founding fathers around today.

They'd be shooting already.