TRS is down?

Looks like the site it down. Checked isitdownrightnow and its coming back negative as well. Anyone know anything about this?

Other urls found in this thread:"Intersectional Alt-Right"&sort=-publicdate Free Northwest?max-results=3

white people do not have constitutional rights

I know is not working

Bumping for curiosity. Just went there to get the new TDS and got the same message.

I listened to FTN at work today and now this. I'm hoping its maintenance related or something. I'm going to be pissed if they got jewed.

When it comes out upload it somewhere so we can get it without the shekel wall

>tfw listening to paranormies

Monday is free. Friday is the only shecklewall tds.

Oh. I've only listened to a handful but I've enjoyed it so far. Do they make any other good ones?

Fash the Nation is always free and worthwhile

Fash the nation

God forbid they actually charge for their product, right?

Wednesday is free too. The show can be hit or miss. Depends what the news is, who the guest is, is Mike ready to rant, will McNabb shut up, etc.

Third Rail is generally worth listening to too

I got no problem with them charging for it, I'm just not going to pay it.

mike's twitter just got suspended too. WTF happen?

oy vey

TRSodomy is over.


Fash the Nation is great
Intersectional Alt right is really good
Mike and the Mad wop is good but there are only a few episodes and it's probably going behind the paywall.
Facism NOW is decent, more of an interview/history show.
The War Room is good sometimes but it seems to devolve into a bunch of drunk vets shouting over each other more often than not.
Fatherland is decent but seems to be for middle aged dads.
Paranormies is decent.

The Alc-Right Rises and The War Room.

I miss the Northwest Imperative. What happened to that?

the POZ button is comfy AF.

No idea but it was good too

Intersectional Alt-Right
They went on hiatus after the TRS guys got doxed but they're back now. Very good show."Intersectional Alt-Right"&sort=-publicdate

also this

Works for me

Yeah that one's alright too. Just refreshed my page and it seems to be back up now.

It's back now, so relax goy.

I miss the Rebel Yell, for a southern nationalist podcast, they get some really good guest and go into great detail about things I've never thought of before

Works for me. Any goy got that new paywall episode.

is that the covington thing? it's stopped?

>that jim intro

yeah, I got that

It is still on radio aryan

Fake news

Agreed. He did great interviews. The show with Cantwell is definitely worth a listen. And it looks like it went back down. Fuck.

search the 4pleb archive and stop being a fag

>covington thing
Thats here. Free Northwest?max-results=3
Can you upload that?

Stop using this literal honeypot website you stupid retards.

>Third Rail is generally worth listening to too
quit spreading lies you dirty nigger

still down for me, panic when???


Link that archive I just listed where Covington is casting at.

>listening to audio of drunk people making jokes and shitposting on one of the goofiest forums out there
>totally CIA u guise
yeh k

it's down again.

>The War Room

literally a bunch of vets muh dicking about Asian girls

>Tales From The Trough
has some fantastic moments, "Donovan The Barbarian" had me bent over (laughing).

mirrored here:

i know, i bookmarked his old twitter account. my mistake.

I like Beyond the wall, they have funny Mexican accents and the shows are most of the time interesting. Last week's show was about the Philippines for instance.

This it?

>rubbing hands detected

this one I think, 213?

TDS can be quite good but Fash the Nation is better.

Mike and the Mad WOP is free the latest episode is free on the RSS but on their site it is the newest ep is behind the paywall.

>literally anything that isn't shitposting in the darkest corners of the internet is an FBI psyop, if you've ever left your house you're a shill


3rd Rail is good. Spectre is one to watch

listening to right-wing propgander? thats 5 years in the gulag comrade bongoloid

OK it's back as of right now.

Yeah that's what makes me think any future shows will be behind the paywall. I like Sven well enough and he's pretty good on Jazz & Jessie but he's to disruptive during tds. You can feel Mikes frustration oozing out of the speakers when he's on a roll and gets shut down for some spergy shit. Seems like the site is back up again.

yep, just noticed. case closed

Watch out for the end of the latest episode. Audio gets very wonky

Carelius does need to keep his fucking mouth shut

Johnny needs to keep his fucking mouth shut on This Week In White Genocide. or get hit with a brick.