Hahahahahhaha. The LGBT community is furious at Kevin Spacey for proving once again that homosexuals are pedophiles.
Hahahahahhaha. The LGBT community is furious at Kevin Spacey for proving once again that homosexuals are pedophiles
It is a problem, though. It's the Jew being subversive time and time again.
Gays are pedophiles if they weren't, why are they chimping out on Twitter? I think they know that they are predators and worthy of death for hurting children.
Can't we just take a moment and enjoy the absolute implosion of the left?
It is absolutely fucking amazing watching the SJWs eat each other alive
Another soy boy
It's not a lie at all.
It's a fact that's being 'corrected' by modern SJW 'scientists'.
Gay men are more than 5x more likely than any other group to molest/rape children.
>how dare are "(((journalism)))" brought to you by Owen Jones
Why the homophobia?
It happened 32 years ago, this is like asking "how dare you Hitler?!" when it's such an ancient offense.
how dare you*
It´s not a lie tho. Most of pedos are gay behaviour. It´s even mentioned at psychology in the university here.
Owen Jones on his fucking soap box again.
Opportunist little creep.
>how dare you explain exactly what happened! If you were a journalist like me, you'd know far better than to do something so irresponsible! If someone catches wrongthink from this, the gay blood will be on your hands!
Anyone got the passage from his book where he talks about his lassie getting bred by a bull and that's OK?
For straight guys would be the same. Shit, I have a gf and never fucked a guy but sometimes I see 13-14 yo boys who look like fucking angels
>a vicious lie
>a vicious lie
>a vicious lie
>a vicious lie
lololol I used to work with a bunch of faggots and they all pretty much agreed the most common first sexual experience was as a pre- or early teen with a much older man.
BASED Spacey
Stay classy wop
wtf you sick fuck
he is crashing the gay plane with no survivors
post yfw a drunk kevin bacon never tried to molest you when you were 14
There's a pizza oven just for you somewhere over there.
Don't you mean Kevin 'boy pong is where I wen't wrong' Spacey?
Faggots have to recruit somehow
This does not account for the obvious facial signs of feminization in homosexual men and the obvious facial signs of masculinization in homosexual women.
Homosexuality is caused by hormones, whether it's a female or male homosexual.
The men have too much estrogen signaling and the female have too much androgen signaling.
Psychology does not impact bone development or muscle tone.
Ahah totally, fellow italian.
Mind telling me where you live, so we can meet and share ideas about this mutual interest?
This is the first. Now that Netflix has cancelled his show, there is blood in the water and Spacey has been proven vulnerable, many more will start coming out, including more recent ones.
I'm from Croatia. I'm on vacation
So fucking true
Hugh Hefner was killed for this.
Dude, I started fucking at 13 with a 17yp girl from Zagreb, and I was no child. And btw even at the time, most of people I knew from that age who used to look good/average now are uggos/bland looking