Ask a recent convert to Marxism anything

Ask a recent convert to Marxism anything

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marxism is literally for fags
t. foucault

Why should I care


how haven't you starved yet?

Marxism is a joke, youre being lead down an awful path

When will your parents stop paying for your phone bill?

What are teens into today? Aside from Marxism of course.

What caused your traumatic brain injury?

Does the chirping of sparrows make you angry?

When did the brain injury occur?

What do you think of this? Is this fine Hegelian correct that Marx was wrong because he wasn't Hegelian enough?

Brain cavitation from sucking dick so hard


Why not get a group of like minded people together and try to exercise your government and it's idealness?

because it's the way of the future
That's Marxist-Leninism, im an orthodox Marxist
because I live a capitalist society
you need to read marx my friend. I recommend starting with "The German Ideology"
When we abolish currency
Im 24

Have you sought treatment for your concussion? Those are no laughing matter.

what is your favorite passage from the communist manifesto, comrade?

mine: the abolition of all rent and private property

i can't think of a bigger capitalist scam that perpetuates dynastic wealth other than rent because land is a finite resource that inheritance greatly props up the ruling class over the proles. how fucked up is it that only the 1% have the privilege of living in a preferred piece of land like the coast or dense, urban areas like san francisco?

You've gone too far, my friend.

make this car without labor

From what did you convert?
What drugs do you use?

How stupid are you?
Sort yourself out useful idiot/brainwashed college freshman

Are you 15?

I can sure make it more valuable without labor. I'll just wait until it's an antique and sell it for ten times the price I paid, after inflation.

What's your point?

Cars are mostly made by robots nowadays

What was the highest paying job you've ever had?

alt right. I figured out that (((jews))) are capitalists are the same thing, and the only way to get rid of judaism is to get rid of the system they use to exploit the goyim

What size is your buttplug, how often do you prep your gf's bull?

you realize marx was a jew right


Good damn nigger
Communists are just another set of kikes
NS is the only way to go
Read mein kamph Ford translation

And those robots were made by the working class.
That labor is the only thing that has actual value. It's the only thing that produces something real.
Im not talking about making it more valuable, im talking about making it in the first place.
homosexuality is bourgeois
you realize that marx hated jews right?

Yes but he was a Moorish one. Not so Yiddish like how you Nazi idiots try to make him out to be.

Imagine that the OP is a jew.

if you want to get of kikes you have to get rid of their means to jew people out of their resources.

What's it like to be 16 nowadays?

The greatest trick the commies try to pull is convincing the world that real communism has never been tried.

Making it in the first place wasn't my point. Try refuting the argument, Socrates.

Oh user, if you are still a leftist at 24, I am afraid your condition is terminal ie uncurable.


Are you hungry?

Should labor be rewarded? And if so, what with?

What's so great about Marxism? Were you indoctrinated by college professors?

I do appreciate your acknowledgment of marxism as a cult. Saves me the trouble.

My own question is how many people have you profited from today? If you say less than several million, you're a damn liar.

tfw he was right about virtually everything.

Let me answer that for you since Ops brain left orbit.

The only reward for labor in communism is death.

In a classless stateless there is no currency and therefore no inflation.

>Ask a recent convert to Marxism anything

You obviously haven't read Marx or you wouldn't have converted. Why didn't you read?

>no currency

How do you concile Marx warning about the jews and your love for them (whether they are atheist or zionist)?

What do you think of this map?

how do you know what you need then?

>can't even pay for the phone you are posting with

If you had a job and supported yourself do you think you would still be a Marxist?

Sexless, raceless, jobless, perpetual hunger and death. Equality. Lololololllolll.


When was your lobotomy?


who enforces that?

ok, challenge accepted.

Yes, with what you produce.

Here's an example for you comrade. You are a worker in a factory that produces chairs. The reason you have a job there is because you produce more than your boss has to pay you, and he pays you the bare minimum, because he's trying to maximize profits.

The question is why, does your boss get to keep the surplus value of the chairs you produce? Did he produce something? NO. So why does he get to keep the surplus value, while you only get what you need to live?

>muh capitalism has corruption
>something something there's no corruption in communism tho
the absolute state of marxist useful idiots and brainwash victims

and what if I make my own gold coins to use? what happens then?

Does free will exist in Marxism?

I researched it myself
It is cultish and most marxists are degenerate homosexuals and trannys, but that doesn't prove marx wrong.

its not your fault that father failed raising you.

The boss started the business and used his own money to invest in it. He/she also figured out the market and produced a product that people desired efficiently and for an affordable price (relative to the market he's targeting)

Not all CEOs / business owners are cigar-smoking, $5000-suit wearing, BMW-driving, evil-laugh-having guys who inherited their wealth from daddy.

How did a guy like Bill Gates become one of the richest fuckers in the world? He came up with a product that people want

Marx only described the symptoms, he was dead wrong on the cure. As in this guy is sick, lets apply leeches to cure him.

Leddit style AMA should result in a permaban.
They have fuck all to do with politics and are just generally a shitty waste of a thread.

how do you know what you need?
That's not marxism, that's 1960s faggotry infused with marx's theory.
No one. There would be no police.
So what happens when technology reaches a point where 90% of jobs are automated?
They'd be worthless. What value does gold have? What purpose does it serve?
depends who you ask

Say hello to your replacement user.

>Communism becomes a reality
>becomes rope salesman
>make a killing

>why, does your boss get to keep the surplus value of the chairs you produce?
Because he sought out investors and took on loans in his name, bought or leased the land the factory sits on, he researched and bought the machines necessary to make chairs, he organized all the necessary departments required for a company to function, just so your lazy ass can pull a fucking lever and complain about muh labor value.

Here's an idea for you, citizen. You've never worked a day in your life, at a factory or otherwise, and clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

You aren't paid the bare minimum or even what you need to live. You are paid what you negotiate to be paid.

Do you have desirable training or skills? Are you in a union? You'll likely get paid more. Are you an unskilled shoe gazing hobo? Are you incapable of carrying on a simple conversation? Is your local labor market flooded with illegal workers? You'll get paid very little.

Your boss gets to keep whatever he can negotiate with you to keep. if you find the deal unfair you seek employment elsewhere.

all this is true, but could bill gates have become a billionaire without his workers?

Did you get a lobotomy on purpose or was it accidental brain damage?

Then why doesn't he just start making and selling his own chairs? If he can produce so many of them so profitably surely he can get an investment.

>Marxist in 2017
Do you call yourself a Marxist because it sounds cooler than communist?

What will you tell the judge now that I have evidence that contradicts a insanity plea?

no "recent convert to Marxism" stumbles onto Sup Forums
kys faggot
>in all fields

Are you a self-taught intellectual?

lol, I'm a robotic engineer, I'm hoping there are no jobs left so all you whiny poor fags die from starvation.

>there would be no police

Liberals live in a fantasy world. We might as well discuss aragorns tax policy

>Because he sought out investors and took on loans in his name, bought or leased the land the factory sits on, he researched and bought the machines necessary to make chairs, he organized all the necessary departments required for a company to function, just so your lazy ass can pull a fucking lever and complain about muh labor value.

Of course he did I don't disagree with anything you said, but what happens when the boss no longer needs you to pull the lever?
>You aren't paid the bare minimum or even what you need to live. You are paid what you negotiate to be paid.
>You aren't paid the bare minimum or even what you need to live. You are paid what you negotiate to be paid.

Who has almost all of the negotiating power.

>hint: it's the worker.

>if you find the deal unfair you seek employment elsewhere.

difficult when all the capitalists are colluding to keep costs (including labor costs) as low as possible

Give me your money you capitalist pig

You are aware that it does not work why did you join?

Great, another rhetorical genius for the ranks of Marxists. The bourgeoisie won't know what hit them.

>the worker has all the negotiating power

Then what the hell do you need Marxism for? You should have no difficulty negotiating a fair wage.

>difficult when all the capitalists are colluding

So do you have all the power or not? Make up your mind.

Because he doesn't own the means of production.
>lol, I'm a robotic engineer, I'm hoping there are no jobs left so all you whiny poor fags die from starvation.

And that's when the revolution will happen.

Why would there be police when people's material needs are met? Who will commit crime when he has all that he needs?

Nothing because there's no legend you fucking retard.

>Then what the hell do you need Marxism for? You should have no difficulty negotiating a fair wage.

I meant to say the capitalist has all the power.


Oh god it's a religion now

I understand you are a Marxist and therefore a kid but you are not this ignorant of humans and human societies right?

why haven't you killed yourself yet faggot?


There will be none, just as there was nothing of the sort Marx predicted in Germany.

The plebs have their EBT and their cheap phones, and really what more do they want? Endless bread and infinite circuses all provided by the state. Everyone has something to lose.

It's always been a religion

>Who will commit crime when he has all that he needs?
Hahaha, the absolute delusion.

The capitalist only has most of the power when all you have to offer is unskilled labor ,and then only in the sense that you're not really offering anything valuable except your ass in a chair. Anyone who has even a few skills has leverage based on the scarcity and value of their skillset.

Sure you did, kid.

Form a union, seek training in desirable skills, move to a better labor market, etc etc

This is a land of opportunity.

>ideologies that failed in the past
>the future
literally retarded

What caused your brain damage