The perverted fag directors of Beyond Stranger Things, the show which has been discussed recently on Sup Forums for this scene where a ginger white girl kisses a jigaboo, admit here that they didn't tell her about the scene before hand. What's more, they both blame her and tell her that its HER fault the scene happened (she was obviously very uncomfortable and unhappy about filming it). He tells her that cause she was so freaked out when she found out that he just HAD to make her do it. They also brag quite proudly about how they "made you guys kiss a lot" (the scene was shot several times). These are sick fucks. Jews? Skip to 2 mins.
She was unwillfully coerced into kissing the nigger
Other urls found in this thread:
Just like your mom
bump, fuck off shills
Do this sexual act, or else. So she was basically raped. Nice, Hollywood.
> working actor in 2017
> no being a whore
>meanwhile Kevin Spacey is playing a literal gay pedo, grooming a young boy
>b-but it's just pretend rape, it's not really rape :^)
Not only is he a nigger, he's a very weird looking nigger.
Netflix is owned by the jews and they are using it to brainwash unaware people.
Marc Randolph was born in Chappaqua, New York, the oldest child of Stephen Bernays Randolph, an Austrian-born nuclear engineer, and Muriel Lipchik of Brooklyn, New York. Randolph’s paternal great-granduncle was psychoanalysis pioneer Sigmund Freud and his paternal great-uncle was Edward Bernays, an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda. Randolph spent his summers during high school and college working for the National Outdoor Leadership School, becoming one of its youngest instructors. He graduated from Hamilton College in New York with a geology degree.
Documentary about Sigmund Freud and Edward Bernays who pioneered mass manipulation and consumerism. Basically mass brainwashing.
Why was the Wolfenstein II crew in this show?
>huh it was that had for you
Yes Tyrone, you're one of the ugliest apes on the planet and that girl was forced to kiss you half a dozen times
Burn the kikes, they think its funny.
that is a scene you will never encounter in real life
I don't know... looks like Malmö.
Bump for clear-as-fucking-day, textbook example of hollykikes tricking and then coercing a child into a romantic scene fully against her will, dragging it out humiliating her and then laughing at her afterwards.
Plain as day, they admit it and think its funny.
The directors are jews.
That's one of the directors and his wife right? That would certainly indicate she's Jewish, doesn't reveal much about him specifically though, although it would obviously make sense for him to be one too.
it's just like that one drawing
and yet another netflix shill thread
I was just watching this last night bump
Her name please (please be porn)
Lel, almost to the T. The memes are real.
because she's a pretty girl, and this is always how the prettiest girls have always been treated
Imagine being forced by a bunch of Jews to make your first kiss be with a nigger
pure fuckin' evil
another nigger trying rape a white women
i laughed at the black being butthurt. lmao she didnt even acknowledge him when he grumbled.
fuck hollywood
Oh please, Hollywood does much worse with white-on-white scenes.
Sean Young was not told deliberately how rough Harrison Ford was gonna be ina fuck scene and Ridley Scott mentioned he wanted that reaction so didn't tell her.
That's before we even get to borderline-rape porn stuff in the US
she is fucking 14 spacey. fuck outta here faggot.
>don't look like jews
>don't have jew names
>don't have jew wedding
am i missing something sven?
Shes the rarest white pokemon also.
Honestly I'm mixed and even I find this disgusting. It's obvious that the Jews get off on race mixing at this point.
I kind of switch between wanting to mix with something that's a good fit or a close fit or trying to sire my own race.
But this is wrong. Just on a visceral level. The nigger kid isn't really that into it honestly and is just annoyed that they made him look disgusting. And rightly so. They both know this is disgusting.
And yes. Anti-Trump Kikes are fucking degenerates. Imagine my shock.
>she admitted she was uncomfortable forced to do the scene
>kike producers say they made her
>brag about making her do the scene a bunch of times
The visible reaction from the oven dodger on the left says it all. He knows this doesn't look good. Let's not forget the typical nigger actors reaction "oh I see, made you uncoftable" much Dick oooga boogo
produced by
>Shawn Levy
>Dan Cohen
I actually feel bad for the nigger in this one. What a cunt.
I didn't think it detracted from the show very much and I can't stand that shit. Show was still pretty good. The black kid is not a nig and red head girl not that cute. I almost always see Iew subversion in everything (I wish I didn't sometimes) but I don't think it's bad in this one. The white characters are not villains and fools to be saved and defeated by blacks and Jews. The villain was a literal monster and no gays. The racist bad guy was so fucking alpha it was hard not to like him. Good show. Will watch again.
Jesus that's crazy
Imagine being on set and literally dozens of people are standing there watching you. What are you going to do? Send everyone home because you didn't want to do a kissing scene? Sure most people on Sup Forums would but most normies would not, even if they didn't want to kiss the nigger. Could you imagine saying in public you don't want to kiss a black guy because he's black, open and publicly in front of your supposed "colleagues"? Sup Forums might not understand it, but put yourself in her shoes as a young naive normie
Pretty fucked up
Where were her agents? Where was her parent? Those adult men are disgusting. What hateful, vindictive, freaks. Doing that to a child and thinking it is funny.
She said her mom was watching. Didn't mention her dad, which is unsurprising. her mother is probably a degenerate gold digger willing to pimp her little girl out to slimy hollywood jews.
Kiss someone you don't want to or get fired. Don't complain when they mock you for suffering through their shit or get fired. Don't lawyer up or you'll be blacklisted.
Hollywood 101.
This will effect her the rest of her life. She will no longer trust herself (since the adult men blamed her) and she will no longer trust adults, especially men, and she will lose faith in her mother. Sad and sickening story all around for this young girl.
Don't worry, she'll be blacklisted by her not-so-veiled racism, look back on her glorious childhood and realize what a bitch she was to her co-star because of slight change in the script. As she's contemplating this while taking a huge black dick down her throat in her 20s to maintain some semblance of stardom in a new dogfart production, she'll look fondly back to remember a time when she made something so innocent into a big deal.
jews have high rates of psychopathy
I can't stand how child actors mimic adults when they get interviewed. It's fucking weird.
Or she will believe that it was all her fault, like that (most likely gay) man said
Gore Vidal was such a piece of shit. Buckley should have beaten him to death.
There's two ways to proceed
Either form our own grass roots movements and attempt to take over power of the whole world since everyone basically hates national socialism (good luck revealing yourself as a sociopolitical and economic disaster to the powers that be) and (good luck finding the talent required to change history for the better) and (good luck taking power when we have nukes that ensure the status quo of the powers that be)
Or let humanity fall into a second dark age, improve your likely hood of survival whilst being smug.
I understand that we should be doing more to prevent the destruction of all civillisation, but Sup Forums is simply too small imo. We need a true genius to further our movement in an impossible political land scape.
The issue is that power is too powerful yet decentalized. Rather than facing an authoritarian regime with a few key personel and incompetent, we're facing highly competent oligarchs, corporations and democratic thugs. The only way to take power in a democratic society is 1) military coup
Or 2) convince the masses
This reddit post is already proof that the masses are lost to the concepts and ideology this board promotes (racial purity etc)
So the only option is 2) good luck organising a military organisation facing the US military and being called a terrorist organisation (and worse, being called a nazi terrorist org) this will mean you psychologically lose any battle.
The establishment is superbly well entrenched. The only way to win is the third option, and that is time, time for society to fall into the 2nd dark ages, and for the lost generations of youth, aka the confused post modernist generation to spawn a new Napoleon. Maybe in the future nuclear weapons will not garrantee a rulers safety?
a vile liberal/kike/both in one appears
did typing that get you going?
Of course she was, everyone I know was hyped for this show when I seen them at the weekend
I won't even be watching now because of this.
Reminder that the Single Biggest Thing Waking Up Whites is how forced the interracial meme is becoming across all media platforms & porn sites.
Turns Out that spreading images of Your Women being violated by foreign animals REALLY Pisses Off The Males, who Could have predicted this?
How have kikes not learned from pushing degeneracy too hard & fast from weimar?
>Chappaqua, New York
dont the clintons own a home there too. something in the water there....or a community with a common secret
its just another role for them. t hats why child stars are so messed up and cover themselves in tattoos and other crazy things because their body was made into a product that they try to reclaim by destroying it in various manners
that "girl" had a mustache the entire time
Jesus Christ
>Netflix greenlit a drunk teenage deflowering sleepover party in a pervy drunk jews basement where he discussed it with them
Finn (the boy in the discussion) is Jewish. Look how excited he was when talking about the white girl's discomfort about kissing the young black male.
Was he taught to be this way? Do Jews have a genetic predilection for debasing white people?
the forced "racism" subplot ruined this season for me
it was painfully obvious they had an agenda to fulfill and it distracted from the scifi story
>Watching, much less paying for Netflix
someone hunt them down and kill them
Why do lefty shits and jews seem to continually push the cuck fetish on everyone. They do this with the bat bro and his girlfriend in the show and the black kid cucks the toothless kid. I saw some post the other day of them making fun of some guy with a "jews with not replace us" shirt and all their minds immediately went to his underage daughter being fucked by a black boi. That fetish needs to be shamed off like furry shit. Make it look super cringy and suggest mental illness.
What do you think they teach in hebrew school?
It's practically "fuck Whitey" & "praise our father satan"
Everytime I drove by one when I was working landscaping in the US I'd hang my middle finger by the side of the truck.
I cant understand it. Netflix is owned by the same family of jews that pioneered mass manipulation. Sigmund Freud and Edward Bernays. Edward Bernays tricked all women to start smoking cigarettes because it used to be men who smoke and then he told women that they need to smoke cigarettes because cigarettes are their torches of freedom. Feminism in a nutshell. Thanks jews.
feminism is dying down in sweden right? not as bad as it used to be?
feminism is mandated state policy. the only thing that has happened recently is that the former leader of the socialist party who is now the ambassador to iceland said that sweden will turn into a technocratic dictatorship and that he doesnt even want to visit sweden anymore because he is so disgusted by it.
Check'd and kek'd
They are getting "whites" to behave like them. When someone else it doing it, it doesn't implicate them in any wrongdoing, even though (((they))) are financing and pulling the strings.
Learn their tricks. Just follow the money.
you know what you need to do
for real, it's not even the fact that he's black really
in her mind, even if she's uncomfortable with it she'd have to do it because it's her job basically. she'd be risking her job by refusing. the nigger factor doesn't even really com into play with her reason for having to do it, even if it was the real reason she didn't want to
REMINDER: it's been scientifically established that DNA can be transferred through kissing so those black genes are a part of her FOREVER now sleeping in her body until it is born as a beautifully ugly mulatto child to two proud white parents.
Her first kiss was having a black boy forced on her against her will by cackling Jews. And they speak openly on tv about. They've gotten way too big for their boots.
at some point we gotta reflect on how to responsibly use our magic powers Sup Forums
Those 3 males are sure pedo. Look at their faces.
What is fucking wrong with interracial couples in a television show? You guys eat propaganda like its doritos
>put yourself in her shoes
That is it. She was obviously very shy, naive, and probably had never kissed and felt uncomfortable about it. It was not in the script, she found out about it the day they were shooting the scene. No one prepared her. No one talked to her about it. No one set her up with an acting coach to help her through her uncomfortableness. Instead, she was laughed at by everyone, including her peers, and made to feel like a jerk about it, and then forced to do the scene in front of a ton of people, peers and adults, and then do it numerous times cuz the director thought it was funny.
They are sick people. Rather than treat this young actress like a human being and with respect, by coaching her and helping her and preparing her in advance of a kissing scene, they sprung it on her and laughed at her. Hollywood is full of evilness.
Thats for documentary I was getting bored reading BF skiener books.
Should've been a qt Asian
You mean "forced interacial couple" in a television show.
She didn't not want to do it but they made her do it.
Kike: "You have to kiss the nigger"
Her: "That is not in the script, it's not happening"
Kike: "You reacted so were so freaked out...I was well, I have to make you do it now...that's why I'm saying it's your fault"
Her: That's why it's my fault?"
Kike: "Yes that's why it's your fault"
made her reshoot the scene 10 times.
Kys. This (((show))) is filled to the brim with (((suggestions))).
Scene where the little fags are explaining “the bad men” to some other fag
>like the NAZIS?!?
>yeah, the Germans
>...want to exterminate...take over the world
Another scene where the androgynous (((main))) character meets the (((activists))) in OPs pic. They kill “the bad men” assassination style and want to recruit it
>they want to kill us, we’re just defending ourselves so it’s okay!
Now where have I heard that before? Tricking and forcing a CHILD to be sexual with another child just to satiate the Kike’s lust for the destruction/abuse/humiliation/degradation of the white (especially females) race?
Absolutely fucking disgusting and if there are actual non-shills sharing this sentiment, gas yourselves.
>did typing that get you going
only a degenerate would speculate on such things especially by asking questions. wouldn't you want to know.
it did, didn't it?
fucking freak
>Reddit (Maybe a lefty subreddit) represents the masses
If that's true Bernie would've ran laps around Hillary, but he didn't. There are plenty of people that can be convinced. Doesn't even need to be 51%. It could be 22% with our electoral system or 11% if they could ally with some other movements. Most people are apathetic so committed groups tend to win over in political struggle. Don't get demoralized. It's amazing how far we've come and how impossible it seemed just 2 years ago. Anything can happen and remember: "If you will it, it is not a dream."
Those elderly people in power will retire and die of age. Who's gonna replace them? The few based Gen X, substantial number of based Millenials, and the huge number of based Gen Z. We are the future.
Also I'm not NatSoc ftr.
I don’t remember OP asking “why” Kike. I’m any case,’s because oven dodgers like you are depraved, sadistic, satanic fucks with a fetish for torturing white (especially young, i.e., innocent) women, or as you call them, SHIKSAS. You’re all going to burn soon.
What would be better.. a historic Kike place of “worship” (not talking about a bank Schlo), some sort of annual kike conference, some “respected” kike’s son’s bahmitzva, a high level media kike, or a high level financial kike?