Any other former Trump voters here?
What do you mean former? Once a trump voter, always a trump voter. The rest of us want nothing to do with you and your pussygrabbing president.
Why did I vote for this fucking imbecile?
Once a Trump supporter, always a Trump supporter. Get back on the Trump train and watch your trumpaganda, fellow based magapede
I regret it. It keeps me awake at night. When I found out he grabs pussy, it was over. I'll never forgive myself
Not gonna like former SHLORMPLEPORF voter here. It's fucking hilarious watch BLAMITYBLAMPF crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get TWO SCOOPS DRANGLEPOOOMMMMPFRWAHO;VHURGUASGHOQRIJORJ;IOGRSJAJFADSKKLJ;DAS
Weak bait.
There are 4 shills responding to each other. And I guarantee we won't have even one of them respond by the same ID. Interesting.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
You can suck a cock DAVID BROCK!
>Former Voters
>voted bern in primaries
>bern cucks for hillary
>lurk Sup Forums
>Vote for Trump on election day
Never looking back.
>former Trump voters
are you voting everyday or something user? do you have a little box that you put in slips of paper with hilldog on them?
this. 13% of us burnie supporters voted for trump
Fucking love when i get to expand my reaction folder
trump 2020 and beyond
I smell FBI shills
Former Trump voter here.
I'm also a future Trump voter...but ya know, I am a former Trump voter
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
I know. Right !!?
This train left the station with the understanding that there are no brakes and no slowing down
>It's much too late to say no
Duplicates like this prove we have lib janitor and mod infiltrators. Too often are based posts not allowed to be made, whilst this shit keeps being allowed to grow.
Too bad for them it has the opposite effect to what they think. Dick heads. You know you're on the wrong side when you have to fight against arguments with half-baked censorship.
And when the opposition only have to fight back with humour, pointing out hypocrisy, if it requires all this energy for you to fight back, then that's a win for the right.
It costs the right nothing to point out hypocrisy with a joke. That's part of the power behind meme magic.
Sage the shills thread retards