Can we talk about how liberals have taken over television and the internet?

Can we talk about how liberals have taken over television and the internet?

Literally every late night comedian is just a liberal shit talking Trump every night, and every news network is either controlled opposition (fox), or controlled by (((them))). Twitter is a liberal cesspool run by that faggot Jack who takes orders right from the jews and feminists of all types, and the entire Reddit politics sub has been taken over by ShareBlue and CTR since November of last year.

Then they defame any other outlets of communication and news so if you get stuff from there you're "wrong" or "alt right". This and this alone is breeding a society of retards who think getting their news straight from talking heads is better than gathering information with the people.

I'm so fucking pissed because this shit can't be fixed. We gave away too much power.

it's not been since november lol.

it's been a long time. Want proof?

Marilyn Manson used to be the BIGGEST freak on earth, now his look and ideas are mainstream. (((media)))(((music)))

Liberals are just the fools - the Useful idiots.

The media was taken over by the Rothschilds around 1914. The purpose was to get the US into WW 1 on the side of the British. In return, the British gave the Rothschilds Palestein via the Balfour declaration.

>everyone everywhere disagrees with the things that I believe in
>it's like only me and a couple of retards on the internet actually hold these beliefs


Has it ever occurred to you that, just maybe, everyone thinks you're wrong because you are?

if that were the case than whats the point of correct the record/ shareblue? shilltard?

You understand that, just today, major political players were arrested because foreign government are spending money to support your narrative on the internet, right? And that they're doing it solely because it's wrong and stupid, and it takes money to convince anyone that things you believe are true?

Just kidding. Sup Forums is thoughtful and wise, and you've "taken the red pill." Your ideas are valuable and important and the fact that only retarded teenagers on the internet believe them is proof of it!

You're part of a secret club! It's so exclusive that all the world's intellectuals and accomplished persons aren't invited. Only lonely, desperate, teenage boys who wandered in while looking for porn can find their way here. You're so much smarter than everyone else.

I mean sure: there are all those liberal, intellectual, scientist hoaxers who get paid by the government to lie to you and pretend pollution is bad or something. But this one time, on the internet? You were looking for anime porn and ended up buying into conspiracy theories on the internet. You've joined a club of the truly elite. Thank goodness you now know the real secrets of the world.

you've been on the losing side since 2016.

track record doesnt lie, sweetie.

cmon leaf, I was obviously just talking about the reddit politics sub

there needs to be some "ON AIR" action.. that will give them pause.

Pretty sure that Trump lost the public vote in 2016. But hey: I'm just going by facts and things that happened. Lemme know what the internet says, instead.

The right does the same fucking thing, retard.

By your """Logic""" the fact that companies such as Cambridge Analytic exists dismantles your own point.


>an actual loser in the wild
You're retarded if you think news agencies don't have agendas.


>Muh 3 million illegal immigrant and dead people votes.

still running with it,even a year later.

but hey, at least youre making your 15 and hour right?

this isn't about left and right, fuck both of them. This is about the government's power over citizens. The government and the media has most of America by the balls, and they're not letting go anytime soon.

>I repeated talking points from conspiracy websites
>lol I win

The Left focused too much on winning over "influencers" and "thought leaders" like comedians and tech executives, while the Right focused too much on winning over the flyovers and rednecks. Now Democrats are totally BTFO from the US govt (at every level, local, state, and national) while Republicans are hamstrung by the conflicting interests of their "base" and their wealthy donors.

uh huh Cambridge Analytic is just all over this site and reddit, arent they?

there's just right wing social media sites popping up all over the interwebs huh?


At least they haven't taken over my special education classes. Fucking higher educated cucks!

do they even pay you anymore or are you doing this out of dedication j/w

we've won every time.

I'd bet on us.

It can always be fixed user

>i repeated talking points from da tv
>liberalism has a reality bias
>i need a gun in my mouth desperately

i can do that too

Well, gee, it isn't as though Republicans exist.

Very true.

>I repeated talking points from the media
>I win

Fuckhead. Russia barely spent any money on this, even by Clinton's aide's admission. Shareblue spends more money than them AND the left has repeatedly shown they inform news outlets on what to report on. Just go look at the fucking Podesta emails you ignorant twat. But no, 7,000 dollars spent on Facebook ads and a hacker showing how corrupt the left is are the real issues. Go neck yourself.

I'm no longer concerned desu. Its been too long off the box for me to care. Only show ill be watching is season 3 if index. I mean hell: the Broncos are on and I could care less. I know half of it will be fouls and advertisements for stupid watches and various future tech that I don't need nor care about.

(((Who))) own controls the networks that the late night talk shows are on?


Well the studio makes the shows then the cable companies and various channels discuss who gets to buy the show for their channel and only that channel and the original makers channel can play it if the studio is connected with a pay per view. Then adverts both local and national are played in between. The majority of these middle men are Jews but.. That's how it worx

My shill detector is going off!

Was posing the ? To the OP and come, so he could come up with his own conclusions. The powers that be are never going to prop up any one right of center

I'm confused

It would if the facts didn't keep proving us right