Now that America is in its last days, which country will become the next world superpower?
Now that America is in its last days, which country will become the next world superpower?
The Midwestern Alliance.
we're in our Wiemar days, just wait
The country with the highest amount of untapped resources.
So America after it annexes Canada, I suppose.
one smart enough to not support an island of leeching monkeys
Whatever country is getting all those confederate statues for free.
>implying getting rid of loser statues means the end of the world
>implying anything that happens in the USA is really significant
China will really rise over this century, it won't surpass the USA, or if it does it will be very short-lived, like a decade or two.
US power and wealth will rise steadily, but since the US is going from 100mph to 110, while China will be going 90mph after dawdling at 25 for years, every media shitbrain will be screaming about it and nobody will read posts like this because they aren't sarcastic t-shirt slogans like reddit.
That's just a movie
Though you're probably right anyway
America 2 Electricboogaloo
The UK
India. The pagan is rising and will replace the christcucks, mohammedans, and jews.
Wow it's almost like other nations WANT to see us fall and purposely push destructive legislation through paid politicians so they can invade and steal our resources once the nation is completely divided
>US power and wealth will rise steadily
Lol no. America will be less than 30% white in a few years. We will not be able to even maintain what we have. Forget about growth.
Geographically Canada, but we will be 99% chink by then.
Unironicaly this on par with chinks. Cold war 2.0
Power and wealth have no relationship to racial stats. You do understand that the US has just got more and more power in the last 60 years and the fact that whites are less of your population isn't related, right?
I keep saying this on Sup Forums, no one is putting the pieces together
In 20 years all the white boomers (majority white demographic) will be dead. They are the ones who occupy vast majority of upper management, local, state, and federal government. When they are dead think about who will replace them. It will affect EVERY level of society, down to things we all take for granted - like the speed a new lane to the highway gets finished, the quality of a new building, the quality of a new product, the level of customer service you receive when you go shopping, ALL of it will be affected by this massive demographic shift. Quality of life will become shit for everyone.
At least Ill be dead before the 2070s.
>Power and wealth have no relationship to racial stats
Yes it does.
>US has just got more and more power in the last 60 years and the fact that whites are less of your population isn't related, right?
The USA has lost power relative to others.
the quality of life for people in this country has objectively gone down and only continues to degrade. even the streets and towns here look like 2nd world shit now, everything is run down and dirty.
but first we are going to go trough the first trascendance
We will be Brazil if lucky and South Africa at worst
>being this delusional
the chinese are orders of magnitude smarter than your average burger, they are tough, hungry and aggressive. The average burger is jaded, fat, lazy, but still has this unshakable sense of MURIKA STRONK because he saw some shitty 80s action movies. You have no chance.
>US power and wealth will rise steadily
You've never met a Mexican, obviously.
China has it in the bag, but we'll be old or dead by then
POO IN LOO sisterfucker.
The sun will shine on the glittering Chinese empire
Great Britain - after the king returns
Arent they in a bit of a male>female cucked situation right now tho?
No worries, we got this. LMFAO
>last days
Phoenix from the ashes of internal strife
>US has just got more and more power in the last 60 years
A lot of it has to do with USSR collapse.
I'll play along, only candidates would be White countries. shitskins are not capable of handling White tier. Seeing as how all the Whites countries are being filled with shitskins the answer would be no one.
That and winning ww2. Most of our diversity has come in the past 25 years, and our power has significantly declined since then.
Locating target....
That's because more of your country's wealth has been concentrated in the hands of a small number of old white men, nothing to do with anything else at all
The USSR was always painted rust, a useful bogey man. As soon as the wall fell it was off to Iraq to beat some other enemy, come on.
The US had immense resources when it entered WWII, late.
Face it, you can't blame much on anyone but the 1%, but if you do you're a hippy/socialist/faggot, whatever. Kinda like Anonymous was a joke on newfags by oldfags, the Occupy movement discredited real concerns in the US by being a bunch of kids that couldn't change a thing and weren't in a position to preach to anyone.
A tiny number of men own everything in the US and this board is full of empty headed plebs who will defend that.
>The USSR was always painted rust, a useful bogey man
>looks at flag
oh, ok.
So name those men. And then go kill one and scratch him off the list, pussy.
>orders of magnitude
India, because China has a population problem and in the future it will have its own bolshevik revolution, because they have hundreds of thousands of lumpenproletariat
>Kennedy calls emergency meeting about Russian base in Cuba
>"This would be as bad as if we had a base in Germany"
>awkward silence
>"We do, Mr President..."
Never change, amerilards.
spoken like a real nigger. That's how you get rich in shitholes, that's why those shitholes stay shitholes, with a few billionaire warlords and everyone else eating chalk dust.
When those billionaires get richer the average wealth goes up and gets reported as a national rise in wealth, no joke.
Clearly, being only 56% white is getting to you, do you have any other savage niggery to suggest?
>last days
Bitch we about to bloom like a new flower
i think india is still WAY off. the caste system is what really holds them back
I think China already has the title. They have a fuckhuge military, a massive economy that is roaring right along, a space program set to rival anything the world has seen, a scientific community on par or ahead of anyone else and a gigantic population of hard working patriots. Not to mention that they can control the weather and regularly send hurricanes any where they want to bring justice to their enemies.
We can play America and the USA off of each other in the decades to come and honestly I think our country will shake off the cuck chains within a decade and we'll enter a golden age of prosperity. Stay strong brother.
>America is in its last days
Go home Putin, you're drunk again!
In 100 years the most powerful countries will be.
1. China
2. India
3. Germany
4. Indonesia
5. United Korea
It's possible but things aren't so clear cut that that's the way things have to go. A whole lot of stuff can happen in 100 years. And more likely than anything in 100 years the world will look completely alien to anything we would have predicted. But alien in a good way.
We aren't going down without a fight and they won't weather any fight well.
>a fight
>too busy shootin up each other
>waving your arms wildly as you circle the drain
i hope you're right, jamal-kun
i hope you're right
calm down chang, I'm sure china will be powerful still.
The way to defeat Amerilards is put em in a situation where they have to co-operate to survive.